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Airbus A320-200 Interjet Mexico
Airbus A320-200 Interjet Mexico
Airbus A320-200 Interjet Mexico (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
41.48Mb (6080 downloads)
Airbus A320-200 package with the default A321 VC. Interjet Mexico textures on the Project Airbus A-320 v2. Textures by Ivan Contreras.
Posted Feb 9, 2012 01:43 by Ivan Contreras
FSX Piper Cub Textures
FSX Piper Cub Textures (Category: FSX > Props)
0.78Mb (985 downloads)
Textures for the default FSX Piper Cub. Made by Ricardo Batalha for the February repaint contest in the simviation forums.
Posted Feb 8, 2012 10:50 by Ricardo Batalha
FSX Boeing 737-800 Pegasus Airlines Textures
FSX Boeing 737-800 Pegasus Airlines Textures
FSX Boeing 737-800 Pegasus Airlines Textures (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
8.58Mb (2822 downloads)
Texture for the default B737-800 FSX. Pegasus Airlines is a low-cost airline headquartered in the Halkal area of Kucukcekmece, Istanbul, Turkey
Posted Feb 8, 2012 09:46 by Jim Fly
 Airbus A340-500 Arik Air
 Airbus A340-500 Arik Air
Airbus A340-500 Arik Air (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
21.14Mb (14741 downloads)
FSX Airbus A340-500 Model with diffuse, bump spec and nightmap in AirArik liverie. Arik Air is a Nigerian airline operating a domestic, regional and international flight network. It is also the national carrier of Sierra Leone. Comes with working virtual cockpit and repainted FSX default 4-engine gauges. Works with SP1 and SP2. Not testet with DX10. By Thomas Ruth
Posted Feb 8, 2012 08:56 by mohd
Austrian Airbus A380-800
Austrian Airbus A380-800
Austrian Airbus A380-800 (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
77.15Mb (5367 downloads)
Here is repaint of the Project Airbus Airbus A380 in Austrian Airlines livery. There are no A380's in Austrian fleet right now. Uses Thomas Ruth's A340 Cockpit and sound. By Amar.
Posted Feb 8, 2012 08:51 by Amar
Boeing 737-800w Transavia
Boeing 737-800w Transavia
Boeing 737-800w Transavia (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
14.72Mb (3223 downloads)
Project Opensky Boeing 737-800w Transavia for Microsoft Flight Simulator X Edited for FSX by Chris Evans a with the default FSX 737 VC and panel. Thank you to Mathieu Vos one of the best repainters and to Skyspirit for their wonderful models.
Posted Feb 8, 2012 05:40 by Chris Evans
FSX Boeing 737-800 Lufthansa Texture
FSX Boeing 737-800 Lufthansa Texture
FSX Boeing 737-800 Lufthansa Texture (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
8.40Mb (2214 downloads)
Knowing that Lufthansa has no B737-800's. (They do have 737-300's and 500's) But the paint looks great so I made this texture for the default FSX Boeing 737-800
Posted Feb 7, 2012 20:16 by Jim Fly
PTO Rising Sun Installation Guide
PTO Rising Sun Installation Guide (Category: CFS3 > Misc)
1.59Mb (696 downloads)
A guide to installing the PTO Rising Sun 1.0 beta expansion for Combat Flight Simulator 3 which covers Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7 installation, both 32-bit and 64-bit. Screenshots from the entire process are included for illustration. This Guide reworks the original installation method documented by rbp71854 and Grizzly50 and includes essential contributions by mrjmaint and Italflyer. Installation to a different folder or disk drive is also covered. The PTO Rising Sun beta (freeware) is available from AussieX downloads:-
Posted Feb 7, 2012 17:40 by hairyspin
FSX Static Consolidated Catalina Static Scenery Object
FSX Static Consolidated Catalina Static Scenery Object
FSX Static Consolidated Catalina Static Scenery Object (Category: FS Design > Scenery Design Objects)
2.47Mb (784 downloads)
This is the FSX Static Consolidated Catalina to be used in any scenery by any object placement tool. The Plane comes in 2 models in US markings: ground and water models. The Catalina was made in GMax by Guy Diotte and the texture also by Guy Diotte.
Posted Feb 7, 2012 15:00 by Guy Diotte
Boeing 777-200ER Alaska Airlines Package
Boeing 777-200ER Alaska Airlines Package
Boeing 777-200ER Alaska Airlines Package (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
62.90Mb (5310 downloads)
Boeing 777-200ER Alaska Airlines. Alaska Airlines is based in Seattle and is the main carrier for air teransport between Alaska and the rest of the USA. Alaska currently does not operate any Boeing 777's. Updated for FSX by Chris Evans using the Danny Garnier /Alrot panel updates for the Project Opensky VC and model. Cargo doors open with Ctrl E + 2 (main doors) & 4 (rear cargo door). Cargo loading scenery when cargo doors open. Custom 777 sounds. Alaska textures by Steve McBee. Package modified and assembled by Chris Evans.
Posted Feb 7, 2012 08:53 by Chris Evans