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FS9 / FSX Standby Gauges for Libardo Guzman Concorde (Complete Panel Update)
FS9 / FSX Standby Gauges for Libardo Guzman Concorde (Complete Panel Update)
6.24Mb (3628 downloads)
This package contains the three Standby gauges for the Concorde which are missing in other freeware Concorde's. The backup airspeed, altitude and attitude gauges are included. The standby airspeed gauge displays both the indicated airspeed (knots) and the speed in mach's. The Own ship of the Attitude gauge is adjustable. I also included new Icons which only appear when you move over them with the mouse indicator. The subpanels are somewhat adjusted. I added an extra subpanel for the Concorde fuel gauges. They can all be accessed through the new icons function. All the gauges are in XML language. This package contains the complete 2D panel and is compatible with the VC from Libardo Guzman's Beautiful Concorde. This panel replaces the default panel folder from Libardo Guzman's Concorde. Enjoy!
Required files:
required file
Posted Jan 31, 2012 06:39 by Hans Zuidervaart
BAC 167 Strikemaster
BAC 167 Strikemaster
BAC 167 Strikemaster (Category: FSX > Military)
2.60Mb (3193 downloads)
This attack aircraft is an armed version of the Jet Provost. First flight in 1967, a total of 146 were built and some of them are still in service or used as aerobatics. Credits: Original model by Alphasim. 2D panel (no VC) for standard and wide screen by Philippe Wallaert. See readme.txt file for installation and instructions. Nice flights!
Posted Jan 31, 2012 06:27 by Philippe Wallaert
FS2004 Fieseler Fi-156C AERO-Storch
FS2004 Fieseler Fi-156C AERO-Storch
FS2004 Fieseler Fi-156C AERO-Storch (Category: FS2004 > Vintage)
19.35Mb (3249 downloads)
FS2004 Fieseler Fi-156C Storch. This Fi-156C AERO-Storch comes in a private German registry. Special thanks for the original model by Tim Piglet Conrad, panel by Karl Bauer and Detlev Rohmer, sound by Gary Jones. Handdrawn repaint by Ingo Schwan for Kornelia-Wiegert-Dudda, Duderstadt/Eichsfeld.
Posted Jan 31, 2012 05:32 by Ingo Schwan
Lockheed L-10A Electra Wisconsin Central Airlines Textures
5.85Mb (1183 downloads)
Lockheed L-10A Electra repaint for FS2004/FSX. Featured is a reworked repaint of the "Wisconsin Central Airlines" Feb. 1948. It bears the NC16084 C.A.B. Registration number. I have reworked and added to the repaint ( Orig. repaint of David Reed) to make this repainted aircraft more towards being historically correct in markings. Needed will be the original aircraft found here at simviation by doing a search for " Lockheed L-10A Electra " by Arik Hohmeyer (FS-Design Berlin). If your from Wisconsin or a North Central Airlines fan, then this repaint is worth your time to download and install. By FoMoCo63 19.9MB size opened.
Required files:
required file
Posted Jan 30, 2012 23:36 by FoMoCo63
FSX/FS2004 An-26B Solar Cargo YV1402 Texture
0.97Mb (877 downloads)
FS2004/FSX An-26B YV1402 Solar Cargo textures only for the AN26 by Vladymir Zhyhulskiy. Textures by Jose Armando Yanez and Alejandro Irausquin - YV-Repaint's!
Required files:
required file
Posted Jan 30, 2012 13:14 by Jose Armando Yanez
FSX Boeing 747-400 Lufthansa Classic Textures
FSX Boeing 747-400 Lufthansa Classic Textures
FSX Boeing 747-400 Lufthansa Classic Textures (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
6.40Mb (2708 downloads)
Texture for the default B747-400 FSX "Lufthansa classic style"
Posted Jan 30, 2012 12:09 by Jim Fly
FSX Boeing 747-400 TWA  Textures
FSX Boeing 747-400 TWA  Textures
FSX Boeing 747-400 TWA Textures (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
6.48Mb (1805 downloads)
TWA textures for the default FSX Boeing 747-400
Posted Jan 30, 2012 12:03 by Jim FLY
FSX Boeing 737-800 German Sky Airline Textures
FSX Boeing 737-800 German Sky Airline Textures
FSX Boeing 737-800 German Sky Airline Textures (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
8.54Mb (923 downloads)
German Sky Airline textures for the default FSX B737-800
Posted Jan 30, 2012 11:51 by Jim Fly
FSX Boeing 737-800 TWA Textures
FSX Boeing 737-800 TWA Textures
FSX Boeing 737-800 TWA Textures (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
17.02Mb (1288 downloads)
TWA texture package for the default FSX B737-800
Posted Jan 30, 2012 11:41 by Jim Fly
FSX Boeing 737-800 Pan Am Textures
FSX Boeing 737-800 Pan Am Textures
FSX Boeing 737-800 Pan Am Textures (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
17.06Mb (2166 downloads)
PanAm textures package for the default FSX B737-800
Posted Jan 30, 2012 10:57 by Jim Fly