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DM BAC 1-11 400 Updated Package
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
24.72Mb (8660 downloads)
This is Dave Maltby's wonderful BAC One Eleven (1-11)with some edits to be OK in FSX. This aircraft is created like a dream from a talented designer!
Aircraft by DM Flight Sim.
Happy flying!
Posted Jan 15, 2012 05:34 by ricardo_tv

Antonov An-10 "Cat"
(Category: FSX > Props)
23.90Mb (3885 downloads)
I updated Cal-Classics' AI An-10 to be pilot-able in FSX by adding the sound, 2d panel and applicable camera views from V.Zhyhulskiys' An-12. No VC.
Posted Jan 14, 2012 22:07 by Michael E. Roberts

Tassie Adventure1
(Category: FSX > Missions)
16.07Mb (1845 downloads)
You are commercial pilot in Tasmania to assist the Green rebels who have taken over the island from Government troops. You have been sent to Hidden Bay near Strahan. The regular pilot, Captain Ron, has a broken arm and so can only be co-pilot. It is early morning, the weather is getting worse – and it's a tricky flight down the valley .. The Government still have isolated pockets of resistance so you will need to keep below 1,500 feet to avoid their radar. They still have anti-aircraft missiles.
This mission is designed to be flown without the mission compass but you will need to keep one eye out for rebel towers guiding you and one eye on the tree tops. There is a flight plan if you wish to load it in PlanG on a separate screen. There are no mission pointers or gps. The mission takes about 40 minutes.
Posted Jan 14, 2012 21:07 by David Blake

Kiwi Gold
(Category: FSX > Missions)
11.40Mb (3182 downloads)
Your buddy Captain Ron has discovered the secret location of a missing plane that was carrying a crate of gold, but he has a broken arm and needs your pilot skills. You will fly from Neslon in New Zealand and take a heading of 85 degrees magnetic for about 12 nautical miles. The following co-ordinates were found on a scrap of paper.
High ridge then a river - turn North at S41 60.62 E 173 27.53 Deep water S41 14.50 E 173 48.05
Captain Ron has a submarine (The brilliant FSX Uboat by Bruce Fitzgerald waiting to sneek us into the treasure location with divers to refloat the plane. It is an early morning start with mist still in the valleys so keep your eyes open. There is no flight plan but you can enable the mission compass for help in a couple of places.
Posted Jan 14, 2012 20:42 by David Blake

'RS CBI 1' 7 Mission Set
(Category: CFS3 > Missions & Campaigns)
0.03Mb (444 downloads)
This is a mission pack of 7 historical missions for Rising Sun.
Player aircraft: Mohawk, Zero, Hurricane, I-16.
Note that CBI theater is under construction, these missions are only Beta, nothing have been added other than a couple of necessary facilities.
This pack will be reworked to fit to the theater when it will be finished in the future.
Posted Jan 14, 2012 16:34 by Led Zeppelin

Skara Scenery Pantelleria, Italy, 2012
(Category: FSX > Scenery)
38.00Mb (2550 downloads)
Pantelleria Airport (ICAO code: LICG) is an Italian airport opened to commercial air traffic national and international. Is situated in the northwest part of Pantelleria isle. The structure has two bituminous conglomerate runways, the longest of which is 1 800 meters long. At the same time, is the site of Pantelleria Airport Detachment, subordinate to the 37 degrees. Stormo Italian Air Force, which uses a historic hangar carved into the rock by Pier Luigi Nervi and survived the Second World War. The airport is used during the summer months to facilitate tourist traffic and provides daily links to the island during winter. Everything, from the terminal to the military apron is new, reworked, placed with photos and satellite coords.
Posted Jan 14, 2012 13:32 by Skara Scenery

FSX/FS2004 Virgin Atlantic A350-900 Textures
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
1.65Mb (954 downloads)
My First Attempt at a repaint in the Virgin Atlantic textures only for the CamSim A350-900
this version has winglets. Requires any full version of the Camsim A350-900 for either FSX or FS2004.
Required files:
required file
Posted Jan 14, 2012 08:28 by Roy Thomason

Alaska Airlines Boeing 737-800 Multi-Textures Pack
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
12.76Mb (2227 downloads)
Four Alaskan Airlines textures for the default Boeing 737-800: Alaska,, Alaska Starliner 75, Alaska Spirit of Seattle, and Alaska Lei.
Posted Jan 13, 2012 20:52 by Phil Peterson

Mitsubishi J4M1 Senden (Luke)
(Category: FSX > Vintage)
14.87Mb (1471 downloads)
Mitsubishi J4M1 Senden (Luke), another great CFS2 warbird now flyable for FSX Acceleration. All credits go to the original authors . All I did was making it FSX-flyable, making all gauges work in 2D and in the VC-panel and add some gun-effects for fun. Enjoy!
Posted Jan 13, 2012 17:15 by erik hertzberger <>

Emirates Air Cargo Boeing 747-8F
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
23.42Mb (3976 downloads)
FSX Emirates Air Cargo Boeing 747-8F, complete package for FSX of the Project OpenSky B747-8F version 4 in fictional Emirates Sky Cargo livery. Rrpaint by Mohammed Al-Khalifa. Updated for FSX with default B7474 VC, by Chris Evans. Thank you to Skyspirit for their wonderful models.
Posted Jan 13, 2012 09:03 by Chris Evans