All Files > Page 1768

Duncan Aviation Search 'n Rescue
(Category: FSX > Scenery)
0.05Mb (403 downloads)
Scenery for Search 'n Rescue multiplayer session. This scenery features experience enhancing scenery at PHNL, and PHTO. It adds scenery near the erupting volcano id: LZ1 and places additional ships off the coast near the volcano. Be sure to look for the session in fsx multiplayer for the full experience!
Be warned, the smoke coming off of the explosions will cause your aircraft to register a crash.
By Duncan Aviation
Search-N-Rescue Hilo '83
Posted Nov 27, 2011 16:24 by AJSKYMAN

ETO_Atlantic Wall_V2.0
(Category: CFS3 > Missions & Campaigns)
0.55Mb (1018 downloads)
This is the full original pack (46 missions) + 13 new missions including some for the He177 + missing facility issue for one mission corrected.
Posted Nov 27, 2011 15:58 by Led Zeppelin

ME 321 White Bird Textures
(Category: FS2004 > Vintage)
0.35Mb (203 downloads)
This fictitious texture is for Kazunori Ito's Me 321 "Gigant" cargo glider. Repaint by Roy "Boikat" Altholz
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required file
Posted Nov 27, 2011 15:22 by Rloy "Boikat" Altholz

FSX AS350 BA B2 Final Edition Version A Re-Assembled
(Category: FSX > Helicopters)
129.20Mb (13065 downloads)
AS350 Re-assembled for easy install. (If you installed previous version OK then no need to download this) This is for those who could not install the last version! Aircraft original by FSpainter/Florian LAROYE and most updates and expansions are done by me Jeremy Ng . This is the true final version , I won't do any updates for a long time . This package is base on the base pack FSX Eurocopter AS 350 BA Complete Package , after its avalible I do many upgrades for this chopper . All the update and repaint pack are included and most of them are installed . For more details please read introduction manual . Many people have confusion on the installation . Put the WHOLE TWO FILES from aircraft file to rotorcraft , I know inside is havoc , but will be worked well , it has been havoc since it was the original base pack . Autopilot cfg needed if you have not install it before . This package also include paintkit , extra HTR Realism and extra challenging flight dynamics for these installation please read introduction manual . Final Edition for your flying enjoyment . Original base pack had 6241 downloads and first final edition had 1695 downloads Version A 1457 .
Posted Nov 27, 2011 13:01 by Jeremy Ng

Boeing 737 400SF Textures
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
1.18Mb (787 downloads)
The Aeronautical Engineers Inc. (AEI) B737-400SF Cargo Conversion per FAA STC ST01827LA, consists
of the installation of a 86"x140" cargo door on the left side of the fuselage, and modification of main
deck to a Class E cargo compartment. After conversion the aircraft can carry ten 88”x125” AAA full
height containers or pallets plus one AEP/AEH , with pallet weights of up to 8,000 lbs. Texture for default FS9 B737 400 operating in FSX. Repaint by John Hauck.
Required files:
required file
Posted Nov 27, 2011 10:44 by John Hauck

Boeing 777-300ER British Airways Package with VC
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
57.90Mb (17006 downloads)
Boeing 777-300ER British Airways G-STBC package for FSX. for FSX All Other credits go to the great talents of Project Opensky team and texture makers. This is a repaint of the posky 777-300ER v2 in the British Airways Livery version by Carlos Saslas. Adapted for FSX using Danny Garnier's edited Posky 777 VC and other edits by Chris Evans.
Posted Nov 27, 2011 08:11 by Chris Evans

FS2004 Features For Pilotable Aircraft Carrier Graf Zeppelin
(Category: FS2004 > Misc)
5.85Mb (1303 downloads)
FS2002/FS2004 Features for pilotable aircraft carrier project "Graf Zeppelin" (download from required). That German carrier with a lenght of 262 and a with of 30 m was launched december 1938, but the project never has been completed. The FS-model is a very detailed CFS2 warship from a unknown person in a high quality but without VC. My AddOn provides a pilotable ship with 2 bridge views, 4 deck views and remote firecontrol views, sounds and special effects. The deck views displays Messerschmitt Bf-109k fighter and Junkers Ju-87 Stuka bomber. Also Fieseler Fi-167 Torpedobomber biplanes was supposed for service on that carrier. Bitmaps and configuration by Erwin Welker
Ext. Link:
file (external link. Please
report if broken)
Posted Nov 27, 2011 07:21 by Erwin Welker

SkySpirit 2010 Eastern Panel_fix
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
1.42Mb (888 downloads)
PANEL FIX - Included FS9 Concorde.gau, required for 2-d panel.
Req. file:
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required file
Posted Nov 26, 2011 21:04 by Jim Waters

Navy of the Duchy of Luxembourg fleet carrier Rostiger Dyck FSX(A)
(Category: FSX > Misc)
4.77Mb (1011 downloads)
By special request, Welcome to the Navy of the Duchy of Luxembourg. A repaint for 1944 Victorious,and 2 skins for the fsx converted
Pepper-Obio HOS3 Dragonfly planeguard AI and flyable models.
Required files: 1944 HMS Victorious, Westland Wyvern, FSX(A)Retro Fleet Carriers
(Includes Dragonfly pilotable/AI), FSX Westland Wyvern 'What if' pack (LxMarinefleiger Wyvern repaint).
Included with pack, a Ukuru class Frigate by Usio, masqurading as a generic 'River-like' escort frigate. See enclosed text file for detailed requirements. For use with the AiCarriers2, configuration set included.
Required files:
required file
Posted Nov 26, 2011 18:25 by Lazarus

FSX Cessna C152 Olympic Aviation Photoreal Textures.
(Category: FSX > Props)
3.93Mb (1180 downloads)
FSX Cessna C152 Olympic Aviation textures only for the freeware JustFlight C152. Olympic is using the C152 as a basic trainer and personnel transport. This specific repaint represents the actual SX-BDR with some lighter colors that was painted some time in 2004.You will need the free Cessna 152 from Just Flight for this (Follow link below to download) the model has full animation and VC panel and sound in a automated installation zip.Repaint for the Hellenic Colors by:Yiannis Katehis Tsetsas
Required files:
required file
Posted Nov 26, 2011 12:35 by YIANNIS KATEHIS TSETSAS