All Files > Page 1801

FSX Cessna 152 Green and White Textures
(Category: FSX > Props)
2.14Mb (627 downloads)
FSX Cessna 152 Rancho JEN repaint textures
for the fictional N7279L, a green on white 152
for the Rancho JEN Cessna 150,
which you must have previously installed in FSX.
I use the 152 version updated for FSX by Mark Rooks.
Textures are your choice of DXT3 1024 pixels for
better frame rates, or 32 bit 2048 pixels for higher
definition, both with no mips. Install one or the other,
or install both at once if you wish. Easy installation.
Repaint by Tom Tiedman.
Required files:
required file
Posted Oct 13, 2011 06:22 by Tom Tiedman

FSX Cessna 152 Two-tone Blue on White Textures
(Category: FSX > Props)
2.06Mb (458 downloads)
FSX Cessna 152 Rancho JEN repaint textures
for the fictional N6448K, a light blue on white 152
with dark blue trim for the Rancho JEN Cessna 150,
which you must have previously installed in FSX.
I use the 152 version updated for FSX by Mark Rooks.
Textures are your choice of DXT3 1024 pixels for
better frame rates, or 32 bit 2048 pixels for higher
definition, both with no mips. Install one or the other,
or install both at once if you wish. Easy installation.
Repaint by Tom Tiedman.
Required files:
required file
Posted Oct 13, 2011 06:20 by Tom Tiedman

Cessna 152 Red and White Textures
(Category: FSX > Props)
2.04Mb (482 downloads)
FSX Cessna 152 Rancho JEN repaint textures
for the fictional N2746W, a red on white 152
for the Rancho JEN Cessna 150,
which you must have previously installed in FSX.
I use the version updated for FSX by Mark Rooks.
Textures are your choice of DXT3 1024 pixels for
better frame rates, or 32 bit 2048 pixels for better
clarity and higher definition, both with no mips.
Install one or the other, or install both at once
if you wish. Easy installation. Repaint by Tom Tiedman.
Required files:
required file
Posted Oct 13, 2011 04:56 by Tom Tiedman

FSX Cessna 152 Yellow and White Textures
(Category: FSX > Props)
2.09Mb (529 downloads)
FSX Cessna 152 Rancho JEN repaint textures
for the fictional N6539H, a yellow on white 152
with black trim for the Rancho JEN Cessna 150,
which you must have previously installed in FSX.
I use the version updated for FSX by Mark Rooks.
Textures are your choice of DXT3 1024 pixels for
better frame rates, or 32 bit 2048 pixels for better
clarity and higher definition, both with no mips.
Install one or the other, or install both at once
if you wish. Easy installation. Repaint by Tom Tiedman.
Required files:
required file
Posted Oct 13, 2011 04:56 by Tom Tiedman

FSX Cessna 152 Blue and White Textures
(Category: FSX > Props)
2.11Mb (497 downloads)
FSX Cessna 152 Rancho JEN repaint textures
for the fictional N7187Y, a blue on white 152
for the Rancho JEN Cessna 150,
which you must have previously installed in FSX.
I use the version updated for FSX by Mark Rooks.
Textures are your choice of DXT3 1024 pixels for
better frame rates, or 32 bit 2048 pixels for better
clarity and higher definition, both with no mips.
Install one or the other, or install both at once
if you wish. Easy installation. Repaint by Tom Tiedman.
Required files:
required file
Posted Oct 13, 2011 04:56 by Tom Tiedman

Zlin Z-142 Malev Textures
(Category: FSX > Props)
2.40Mb (851 downloads)
Zlin Z-142 Malev textures only for Milan Lisner's FSX Zlin_Z-142_30
Required files:
required file
Posted Oct 13, 2011 02:39 by T.Feri

Magenta PA28 textures
(Category: FS2004 > Props)
0.54Mb (161 downloads)
Repaint textures for use with the default Piper Cherokee-180. Repaint by Don Brynelsen
Posted Oct 12, 2011 15:20 by Don Brynelsen

FS2002/2004 American Pride PA28
(Category: FS2004 > Props)
0.51Mb (268 downloads)
Show your pride with these repaint textures for use with the default Cherokee. Repaint by Don Brynelsen
Posted Oct 12, 2011 15:18 by Don Brynelsen

FS2002/2004 Dixie Belle PA28
(Category: FS2004 > Props)
1.05Mb (386 downloads)
The South has risen again! These are repaint textures for use with the default Cherokee-180. Optional alternative textures are also included if you don't care for the Stars and Bars on the wings and fuselage. Repaint by Don Brynelsen
Posted Oct 12, 2011 15:16 by Don Brynelsen

FS2002/2004 Cessna 182S Blue Textures
(Category: FS2004 > Props)
0.84Mb (497 downloads)
Repaint textures for use with the default Skylane. Repaint by Don Brynelsen using the paintkit by Andrew Van Sickle.
Posted Oct 12, 2011 10:22 by Don Brynelsen