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Animal World Scenery - Atlantic Sea and Coast Life.
4.16Mb (1226 downloads)
Animal World Scenery - Atlantic Sea and Coast life. Contains 104 animals, reptiles, birds and mammals from the sea and coast of the Atlantic Ocean. For use in scenery FS2004 (may work in other's but not tested). Of the many thousand gmax-things I have made through years the global animal scenery is one of my dearest. This library contains more than 3000 BGL-files. It puts singles or groups of animals into your Flight Simulator 2004 as static scenery. Marine animals and terrestrial animals. Mammals, reptiles and birds - more than a hundred species. By land by water and by air in places where they occur in reality world.
Posted Aug 9, 2011 06:33 by Ivar Danielsen
VRS Superbug NSAWC12 and 114 Tail Textures
VRS Superbug NSAWC12 and 114 Tail Textures
VRS Superbug NSAWC12 and 114 Tail Textures (Category: FSX > Payware)
6.42Mb (348 downloads)
VRS Superbug repaint of NSAWC12 and the 114CONA updated tail logo textures Require VRS Superbug repaints by Hornet202 Enjoy
Posted Aug 8, 2011 21:44 by Chris Hammons
VRS Superbug VFA-94 Mighty Shrikes CAG Textures
VRS Superbug VFA-94 Mighty Shrikes CAG Textures
2.50Mb (508 downloads)
VRS Superbug repaint of the VFA-94 Mighty Shrikes CAG Textures Require VRS Superbug. Repaint by Hornet202 Enjoy
Posted Aug 8, 2011 19:21 by Chris Hammons
General Atomics RQ-1A Predator UAV
General Atomics RQ-1A Predator UAV
General Atomics RQ-1A Predator UAV (Category: FSX > Military)
14.73Mb (17451 downloads)
General Atomics RQ-1A Predator UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle) (UCAV/drone)(MQ-9 Reaper) for FSX. This aircraft has been reworked from fs2002 originally made by Tim Piglet Conrad. I reworked panel and did 2 repaints. Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) of the Bosnian and current Enduring Freedom operations. The RQ-1 can collect and transmit data without endangering aircrew lives. Powered by a 101 HP Rotax 914 4-cylinder engine, the Predator can carry a 450lb. payload. Such payload can consist of radar, IR sensors, and electro-optical cameras to overcome night and bad weather. The Ground Controller Station can be mounted in the back of a truck or trailer.
Posted Aug 8, 2011 15:58 by Robert Wahrenbrock
FS2002/2004 Beechcraft Staggerwing 3 pack
FS2002/2004 Beechcraft Staggerwing 3 pack
FS2002/2004 Beechcraft Staggerwing 3 pack (Category: FS2004 > Vintage)
8.78Mb (2749 downloads)
The model 17 in three paint schemes: 1) Alice Blue with dark blue trim, 2)Red with black and gold trim, 3) Yellow with black trim. Features a 2d panel by J.L. Stubs. Original aircraft model by Paul Clawson and Brian Gladden, repaints by Don Brynelsen.
Posted Aug 8, 2011 11:04 by Don Brynelsen
Bombardier Learjet 45 N10JY Textures
Bombardier Learjet 45 N10JY Textures (Category: FS2004 > Civil Jets)
1.74Mb (878 downloads)
This repaint has a blue-green stripe over a small red one with a small tan stripe over the other two. For the default Bombardier Learjet 45. Thanks to jrbirdman for testing the aircraft.
Posted Aug 7, 2011 19:14 by Club508
FS2004 World Travel Textures
FS2004 World Travel Textures
FS2004 World Travel Textures (Category: FS2004 > Civil Jets)
10.91Mb (343 downloads)
Textures for seven of the default aircraft with a texture slightly altered to make a texture of Microsoft's fictional default "World Travel" airline.
Posted Aug 7, 2011 19:08 by Club508
British Airways B737-800 Flying Start Package
British Airways B737-800 Flying Start Package
British Airways B737-800 Flying Start Package (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
54.46Mb (9231 downloads)
FSX British Airways B737-800 Flying Start. This Boeing 737-800 British Airways repaint features the most realistic shadow, shine and reflective effects. Modified for FSX using the default 737-800 VC and panel. Features custom 737-800 sounds. Aircraft.cfg edited to work in FSX. Featuring 32bit Highly Detailed graphics with night light effects, the model includes all the usual things as a steering nose wheel, taxi and landing lights, dynamics shine and all moving parts, including a fully animated landing gear animation. Some special things include three opening doors, with visible interior. Flexing wings, wing views and trim animation for the horizontal stabilizers. Model, dynamics by: Project Opensky, Repaint By: Aziz Palas. Modified for FSX by Chris Evans.
Posted Aug 7, 2011 07:38 by Chris Evans
Extra 300S Red and Yellow Textures
Extra 300S Red and Yellow Textures
Extra 300S Red and Yellow Textures (Category: FSX > Props)
0.85Mb (204 downloads)
Red and Yellow textures for the default FSX Extra 300S.
Posted Aug 7, 2011 01:09 by SERDAR
Cessna 172 Turkish Airlines Textures
Cessna 172 Turkish Airlines Textures (Category: FSX > Props)
5.74Mb (1254 downloads)
Turkish Airlines textures for the default Cessna 172 Skyhawk SP.
Posted Aug 6, 2011 23:42 by serdar