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FSX Tupolev TU 160 package
FSX Tupolev TU 160 package
FSX Tupolev TU 160 package (Category: FSX > Military)
63.05Mb (4987 downloads)
The Tupolev 160 "Blackjack" is a hight speed, long range bomber (mach 2.10). Original model by Alexander Vishnyakov. Panel for wide screen (no VC) and gauges by Philippe Wallaert. See instructions in the readme.txt file. Nice flights!
Posted Jan 28, 2016 11:44 by Philippe Wallaert
Boeing 747-400 Eva Air
Boeing 747-400 Eva Air (Category: FS2004 > Civil Jets)
13.31Mb (593 downloads)
Boeing 747-400 Eva Air. model by Project Opensky. Textures by RyanC
Posted Jan 28, 2016 11:14 by chrisE
FSX native Star Wars Snub Fighters pack
FSX native Star Wars Snub Fighters pack
18.14Mb (6027 downloads)
Rebel Alliance BLT-A4 Y-wing by Tim 'Piglet' Conrad, T-65 X-wing by Bruce Fitzgerald. Upgraded to FSX MDLX standard, all original animations and VC's, flat-riser VTOL's, ready for space. X-wing has been scaled correctly, and now has a pilot. Very smooth frames, and glass! A big BZ for Bruce, Tim, Rob, Arno and Henk, who made it all possible.
Posted Jan 28, 2016 03:30 by LLS
Boeing KC-135RG 93-CM FAF. Textures
Boeing KC-135RG 93-CM FAF. Textures
Boeing KC-135RG 93-CM FAF. Textures (Category: FSX > Military)
Textures only for the KC-135 RG No. 497 93-CM of Groupe de Ravitaillement en Vol of the French Air Force. Add these textures to the PAD KC-135 available on simviation
Required files:
required file
Posted Jan 28, 2016 02:34 by Fabien RAOUL
FSX Danish Steam Frigate Jylland C. 1860
FSX Danish Steam Frigate Jylland C. 1860
10.26Mb (847 downloads)
FSX Danish Steam Frigate Jylland from around 1860. She fought 1864 in the battle of Helgland. The ship is equiped with a 1300 hp steam engine and has a liftable propeller for sailing. Now she lies as one of the biggest wooden ships as museums ship in a dry dock at Ebeltoft at the Baltic Sea. This addon is a pilotable version with many sails and twelve additional stunsails and is almost complete rigged with hundreds of ropes. There are fourtytwo animated guns and a Navy crew of thirteen men. Twentythree cameras let you explore the whole ship: The deck, below the decks and you can enjoy the sailors views from high above in the masts. FSDS 3.5 model and configuration made by Erwin Welker
Posted Jan 27, 2016 04:08 by Erwin Welker
Empire  Sky Zeppelin Sky Base
Empire  Sky Zeppelin Sky Base
Empire Sky Zeppelin Sky Base (Category: FSX > Misc)
11.50Mb (999 downloads)
Be the envy of every 1930`s super villain on the block with your very own 12000 ft long Zeppelin Skybase. Art Deco design elements, an airport large enough for a wing of B-36`s, and a stol-port on top. Ran out of steam on this one, but it`s still lots of fun, looks great in a sky full of cumulus cloud. animated 200 ft contra props, night mapped. For use with AICarriers2.
Posted Jan 27, 2016 02:26 by LLS
Hungus mecha transporter FSX
Hungus mecha transporter FSX (Category: FSX > Misc)
1.33Mb (455 downloads)
This is a basic giant mecha-battletech type thing, hard deck, helio pad, hangar bay and ramp. Something to bomb from orbit, or to schlep a spaceship or a mecha. Threw out my source files accidentally, so never really get to finish it. More fun FSX AI Carriers2 toys.
Posted Jan 27, 2016 02:07 by LLS
FSX SH-2 and SH-3 plane guards
FSX SH-2 and SH-3 plane guards
FSX SH-2 and SH-3 plane guards (Category: FSX > Misc)
4.20Mb (641 downloads)
AICarriers2 planeguards, SH-3 Seaking, Sh-2C and SH-2F Seasprites, animated rotors, textures mapped and at a suitable rez for re-painting. A bit better than total crapolla, but the price is right, and they look all right on station.
Posted Jan 27, 2016 02:02 by LLS
FSX Submarines Agosta and Daphne classes
FSX Submarines Agosta and Daphne classes
2.07Mb (466 downloads)
Marine Nationale SSK's of the Agosta and Daphne classes, for AI Carriers2 or similar. These models are pretty simple, and may be converted to scenery or whatnot
Posted Jan 27, 2016 01:55 by LLS
Sov Subs Xray-II, Echo II November
Sov Subs Xray-II, Echo II November
Sov Subs Xray-II, Echo II November (Category: FSX > Misc)
6.07Mb (652 downloads)
Wacky fsx stuff - I whacked together a soviet-style submarine aircraft carrier for the Native Yak-36 and -38, available at sim out house. Hard deck and hangar, also included, a redone EchoII SSGN-also hard deck, and a overhauled November SSN. For AICarriers2, or whatnot.
Posted Jan 27, 2016 01:51 by LLS