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Notre Dames des Landes Airport (Nantes, France)
0.43Mb (628 downloads)
Notre Dames des Landes Airport (Nantes, France) includes only the AFCAD file with the runways, the apron, parking stands and the taxiways. This does NOT include the buildings. In February 2008, approval was finally given for the construction of a new airport near Nantes in Brittany by the French ministry for ecology and sustainable development and the Conseil Etat (the public utility decree was signed on 10 February 2008). The new airport has been under discussion for the last 30 years and is expected to become reality by 2017 Construction was scheduled to begin in 2012 !
Posted Apr 8, 2014 10:58 by Nicolas Neveu
Castellon - Costa Azahar Airport (Spain)
Castellon - Costa Azahar Airport (Spain) (Category: FS2004 > Scenery)
0.41Mb (777 downloads)
Castellon - Costa Azahar Airport (Spain): LECS in Flight Simulator // Only includes the AFCAD file with runway, apron and parking stands--NOT the buildings. Nicolas Neveu
Posted Apr 8, 2014 10:55 by Nicolas Neveu
LETL : Teruel - Plata Airport (Spain)
LETL : Teruel - Plata Airport (Spain) (Category: FS2004 > Scenery)
2.75Mb (715 downloads)
PLATA was conceived with the purpose of offering a solution to the necessary environmental reconversion of the aeronautical sector in Europe, creating a new area of activity aimed at general aeronautical services, specializing in maintenance and long-term parking for aircraft. The platform installations currently undergoing work which will finish in the year 2010, cover an extension of 340 hectares and will even be capable of operating Boeing 747 type airplanes.
Posted Apr 8, 2014 10:03 by Nicolas Neveu
Iris PC-21 RAF UAS (University Air Squadrons) Textures
Iris PC-21 RAF UAS (University Air Squadrons) Textures
1.55Mb (236 downloads)
Iris Pilatus PC 21 fictional repaint. RAF UAS (University Air Squadrons) You need the payware PC 21 Aircraft by Iris. Repaint kit by IRIS Flight Simulation Software Repaint by Dave Gore fooflyer Please enjoy this repaint
Posted Apr 7, 2014 16:23 by Dave Gore fooflyer
FSX/P3D McDonnell Douglas DC-10-10 Multipack  - Cargo and Military
FSX/P3D McDonnell Douglas DC-10-10 Multipack  - Cargo and Military
56.81Mb (14125 downloads)
McDonnell Douglas DC-10-10 Multipack - Cargo and Military. Includes: Arrow Cargo, Aeroflot, Fedex, World Airways, Bare Metal, KC-10 US Airforce, KC-10 USAF Old, KC10 Royal Netherland Air Force FSX Conversion of Eric Cantu's FS2004 model. New textures, landing gear, interior and some FSX style custom animations. Model by Thomas Ruth & Eric Cantu. VC by Thomas Ruth. Textures by Ricardo_TV.
Posted Apr 7, 2014 13:13 by ricardo_tv
Lockheed L1011-100 Trans World Airlines
Lockheed L1011-100 Trans World Airlines
Lockheed L1011-100 Trans World Airlines (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
17.57Mb (7330 downloads)
Lockheed L1011-100 Trans World Airlines package for FSX. Includes VC. Model and VC by Thomas Ruth. High quality TWA textures by Paul Craig. Originally packaged by Ricardo_tv with Thomas Ruth DC10 VC. Custom packaged by Chris Evans
Posted Apr 7, 2014 11:23 by chris evans
Me410 A1-Hornisse  X 4
Me410 A1-Hornisse  X 4
Me410 A1-Hornisse X 4 (Category: CFS2 > Aircraft)
7.52Mb (697 downloads)
This is an update for the splendid Me410A1 Hornisse by Chris Lampard and Shessi. It features 4 new skins and an alternative widescreen panel.
Posted Apr 7, 2014 11:22 by Morton
FS2004/FSX Tam One World Airbus A320 Textures
FS2004/FSX Tam One World Airbus A320 Textures
FS2004/FSX Tam One World Airbus A320 Textures (Category: FS2004 > Civil Jets)
11.03Mb (1040 downloads)
Tam is a Brazilian airline, the largest in Latin America and one of the 20 largest world. Is a leader in passengers carried across the southern hemisphere. TAM One World photoreal textures in 32 bit format for the freeware Project Airbus A320 v2.1 (model not included). Repaint by: Manuel Jose Larrahondo Burgos, Contact Ground. Happy flights.
Posted Apr 6, 2014 16:19 by Manuel Jose Larrahondo Burgos
TST2 Revised- MidIsland Intl
TST2 Revised- MidIsland Intl
TST2 Revised- MidIsland Intl (Category: FSX > Scenery)
3.00Mb (411 downloads)
Midisland Intl (MIIN) is the revised TST2 airport uploaded a few weeks ago, I did my best to accommodate the requests and also satisfy everyone's suggestions. a short note inside file please read. added a "heavy" runway so now you have to runways. added another terminal for Heavy and one for Cargo with Cargo boxes laid around. spread trees around airport. no longer next to runway, added offshore cargo boats, and more GA parking with Different sized jetways for jets aswell,among other things, hope you like it! email inside file for any suggestions, feedbacks, comments, wanted custom airport etc. Thanks
Posted Apr 6, 2014 13:38 by Austrico Ramirez
FSX WP-3D NOAA Hurricane Hunters
FSX WP-3D NOAA Hurricane Hunters (Category: FSX > Military)
19.99Mb (2025 downloads)
WP-3D NOAA Hurricane Hunters for FSX. P-3C Orion FSX is required in order to use this model. Two kinds of paint were prepared. Gray Nose and Black Nose This is a native FSX model . However, it is not compatible with DX10. It did not apply the bump mapping. Please be sure to read ReadMe.txt.
Required files:
required file
Posted Apr 6, 2014 13:08 by Team FS KBT