All Files > Page 1234

Grassfields of Norway Package
(Category: FSX > Scenery)
324.30Mb (868 downloads)
Grassfields of Norway (GFoN),
adds quite a few missing Norwegian grassfields. The first edition, v1.0, adds 8 grassfields. ENKE Kjellstad, ENHY Huseby, ENEB Eidsberg, ENRT Ruteig, ENVM Veum, ENLE Lier, ENEE Egge & ENTN Torsnes. By Marius Risan. Zip file preview for preview images.
Posted Mar 6, 2014 12:36 by uploader

Boeing 767-300ER V5, DHL "Panda Pairi Daiza"
(Category: FS2004 > Civil Jets)
12.12Mb (2231 downloads)
SkySpirit2010 Boeing 767-300ER V5, DHL "Panda Pairi Daiza", G-DHLG. Full model included. Textures by Stefan Bree / FSRepaintsGER
Posted Mar 6, 2014 10:32 by chris E

FSX Beech 3NM Expeditor v.2
(Category: FSX > Props)
65.79Mb (3125 downloads)
This is a standalone package of the Beech 3NM Expeditor in civilial cargo version for use in FSX. It is based on FS9 D18S aircraft by Milton Shupe, so to operate it you need to download original files ( and from Simviation, , or previously uploaded FSX cargo versions of the plane. Installation instruction is inclosed. The package includes brand-new old-style VC and pop-up radio panel, new flight dynamics (plane is spin-capable) and means to provide realistic engine operations.
Cargo version (if required)
Posted Mar 6, 2014 08:17 by Vladimir Gonchar

BAe 146 Swiss (Star Alliance)
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
6.85Mb (6435 downloads)
BAe 146 Swiss (Star Alliance) package. Roiginal model by Premier Aircraft Design. Includes VC with added Honeywell FMC (Find it in Views/Utilities). Textures by LucasFSX
Posted Mar 6, 2014 01:27 by LukasFSX

Tuifly Splashscreen-FSX
(Category: Videos/Splashscreens > Splashscreens)
0.29Mb (142 downloads)
Tuifly Splashscreen for FSX
Posted Mar 5, 2014 16:07 by LukasFSX

FSX-Goshen Municipal, KGSH, Updated
(Category: FSX > Scenery)
0.01Mb (236 downloads)
Goshen Municipal Airport, Indiana (updated). Update to the existing FSX Goshen Municipal. Please backup your existing files before installing.
Posted Mar 5, 2014 16:00 by Seth Miller

Embraer ERJ 145 Luxair Package
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
28.92Mb (7752 downloads)
Embraer EMB145 Luxair package. Includes Project Opensky model with VC and working Honeywell FMC. Textures by LukasFSX. Zip file preview for bigger images.
Posted Mar 5, 2014 03:39 by LukasFSX

Douglas A2D-1 SkyShark
(Category: FSX > Military)
38.94Mb (4260 downloads)
The A2D-1 was to be a turboprop replacement for the iconic AD Skyraider series. It performed well but reliability problems with the engine prevented it from going into full production. This is a native FSX Acceleration model. It has the usual FSX features and Dietmar Loleit's ARS4 radar system which tracks both aircraft and ships. I have installed it in the VC plus another window in which it is easier to see. The VC has back lighted instruments for night operations. There are two models, one clean and one with a typical weapons load. By Paul Clawson
Posted Mar 4, 2014 16:09 by Paul Clawson

FSX/FSX Acceleration Curtiss F8C Helldiver
(Category: FSX > Vintage)
3.12Mb (2021 downloads)
FSX/FSX Acceleration Curtiss F8C Helldiver.
The Curtiss F8C Helldiver biplane was deployed as a fighter/bomber by the United States Marine Corps in 1925. It was originally designated the Curtiss F8C Falcon by the manufacturer.Curtiss F8C Helldiver aircraft were retired from U.S.M.C. active duty in 1936.A total of 150 Curtiss F8C Helldiver aircraft were produced. Original mdl by K.Furuya. Upgraded to FSX/FSX Acceleration by A.F.Scrub.
Posted Mar 4, 2014 15:30 by A.F.Scrub

ATR 42-300 Taca Regional (old livery)
(Category: FS2004 > Props)
FS2004 ATR 42-300 TACA Regional
Aerospatiale/Alenia Avions de Transport TG-MYH.
Photorealistic paint from a real ATR 42-300
with the TACA REGIONAL logo, no stripe and
feathered class Tail with Layered PaintKit.
As you can see all my mistakes have been
resolved and I am sorry for that but you
will find this one far better, enjoy it! Model by ISDT. Textures by Jordy Orellana.
Posted Mar 4, 2014 09:58 by Jordy Orellana