All Files > Page 1264

FSX Lockheed U2 Dragon Lady updated
(Category: FSX > Vintage)
13.68Mb (3418 downloads)
This aircraft was designed with utmost privacy for the CIA in the 1960s and photographed secret weapons and industries
of the Eastern Block at that time from extreme altitudes. The package features two
models, FSX compatible gauges and a new basiv VC. Original model by Kazunori Ito, updated for FSX by Michael Pook.
Posted Jan 3, 2014 07:25 by Michael Pook

FSX Super Sylph updated
(Category: FSX > Misc)
4.99Mb (2350 downloads)
This aircraft is based on an aircraft of a
Japanese sci-fi animation series. The package features FSX compatible gauges and a
new basic VC. Original model by Kazunori Ito, updated for FSX by Michael Pook.
Posted Jan 3, 2014 06:38 by Michael Pook

ATG VIP (fictional) Learjet 45 Textures
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
3.09Mb (766 downloads)
ATG VIP (fictional) textures for the default FSX Learjet 45.
Posted Jan 3, 2014 06:37 by Nils N.
FSX Pilotable Destroyer USS Porter
(Category: FSX > Misc)
6.79Mb (980 downloads)
FSX pilotable destroyer USS Porter, a ship from WWII. This FS-model is a very detailed CFS2 warship made by Usio no Ibuki in a high quality. My AddOn is conferted to FSX and provides a pilotable ship with 2D panel as navigation bridge and fife VC-cameras. Nine other cameras allows you to explore the ship, including the options show the front guns pointing to starboard. Included are artillerie-, AA-gun- and general ship-effects. Bitmaps and configuration by Erwin Welker
Posted Jan 3, 2014 03:22 by Erwin Welker
FSX Panel For B-6A Keystone Prewar Bomber
(Category: FSX > Vintage)
1.47Mb (385 downloads)
FSX panel for B-6A Keystone prewar bomber with wooden 2D-panel and a matching VC. Requires from Paul Clawson. Six cameras including bow- and rear gunner views plus weapon effect configuration are included. The bitmaps are based on Paul Clawsons biplane MB-2 bomber VC. Configuration by Erwin Welker.
Required files:
required file
Posted Jan 3, 2014 03:17 by Erwin Welker

GSL Ports - Europe
(Category: CFS2 > Scenery)
0.32Mb (797 downloads)
This is my updated GSL scenery package for Europe, which provides GSL ports in a total of thirty-seven locations.
The countries include Iceland, Norway, Scotland, England, France, Germany, Belgium, and Hollsnd.
Posted Jan 2, 2014 18:56 by Andrew Talbot

GSL Ports - Mediterranean
(Category: CFS2 > Scenery)
0.23Mb (666 downloads)
This is an updated scenery package for the Mediterranean, providing destroyable ports and scenery at seventeen locations.
This includes Libya, Greece, Italy, Albania, Algeria, Egypt, and Sicily.
Posted Jan 2, 2014 18:46 by Andrew Talbot

Germany - Peenemunde
(Category: CFS2 > Scenery)
0.48Mb (375 downloads)
This scenery package represents the German research facility located at Peenemünde, Germany. This was a primary German Army research facility, and an important component of the German rocket program, which included construction of both V1 and V2 rockets. It became a priority for both British and American heavy bombers, beginning in 1943. The Germans initially believed that its distance from Britain would render it safe from Allied bombing raids, but this proved not to be the case.
Warning: Some of the GSL scenery may be a bit hard on frame rates, but this was tested on my lower-end rig, and the frame rates were acceptable.
Posted Jan 2, 2014 18:41 by Andrew Talbot

Bell 412 Venezuelan National Guard
(Category: FS2004 > Helicopters)
14.71Mb (1637 downloads)
Bell 412EP Venezuelan National Guard White and Red Wine Paint Hovercontrol Bell 412 Personal Edition version 1.0 By Jordan Moore. Textures by Brian Josep. Complete aircraft.
Posted Jan 2, 2014 17:17 by Brian Josep

FSX Boulton Paul P25 Overstrand updated
(Category: FSX > Vintage)
8.17Mb (2349 downloads)
This aircraft was a British biplane bomber of the Royal Airforce in WWII. The package features FSX compatible gauges and a new basic VC. Original model by Kazunori Ito, updated for FSX by Michael Pook.
Posted Jan 2, 2014 12:37 by Michael Pook