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FSX Pilotable Container Ship Giants
FSX Pilotable Container Ship Giants
FSX Pilotable Container Ship Giants (Category: FSX > Misc)
5.87Mb (2782 downloads)
FSX Pilotable container ship Maersk McKinney Moller and Marie Maersk. These 400 m ships are the largest containerships ever built and the giants can carry 18.000 containers. One FS-model carries thousends of containers and the other version is empty. The modern photorealistic navigation bridge is regarding the real one. Six cameras allows you to explore the huge ship. The ai-models with the textures are made by Henrik Nielsen. They belong to his great scenery-/ai-traffic-package "" which brings life into empty harbours. Features for the pilotable versions with panel, cameras and effects by Erwin Welker.
Posted Oct 8, 2013 09:58 by Erwin Welker
Boeing 787-8 Thomas Cook & Condor New Livery
Boeing 787-8 Thomas Cook & Condor New Livery
Boeing 787-8 Thomas Cook & Condor New Livery (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
132.63Mb (6601 downloads)
Boeing 787-8 Thomas Cook and Condor new livery. This pack contains two liveries. Model TDS 787-800. Uses the default Boeing 737 VC. Textures by JALopezR
Posted Oct 8, 2013 02:43 by JALopezR
TDS Boeing 787-8 Iron Maiden Textures (Fixed)
TDS Boeing 787-8 Iron Maiden Textures (Fixed)
TDS Boeing 787-8 Iron Maiden Textures (Fixed) (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
4.67Mb (612 downloads)
TDS Boeing 787 800 Iron Maiden Textures (Corrected)
Posted Oct 8, 2013 02:21 by Peter Franeker
FSX SEMP Manta, Ecuador (Category: FSX > Scenery)
34.38Mb (436 downloads)
Redone previously released photorealistic scenery for SEMP Manta Ecuador also named Eloy Alfaro Intl. It was inaugurated by the Ecuadorian Air Force on October 24, 1978. It is the fourth busiest airport in Ecuador. Some glitches have been removed and new ADE based afcad implemented. Adds ground scenery and objects, static aircraft and more.
Posted Oct 7, 2013 23:44 by Sergey Stoyanov
Spitfire LF MkV
Spitfire LF MkV (Category: CFS1 > Aircraft)
0.26Mb (148 downloads)
This is default CFS1 Spitfire tweaked into Spitfire LF Mk V
Posted Oct 7, 2013 23:39 by 64FULCRUMFREAK
Lockheed P38 Lightning D Day Package
Lockheed P38 Lightning D Day Package
Lockheed P38 Lightning D Day Package (Category: FSX > Vintage)
12.89Mb (6350 downloads)
I have used these great textures by Pavlac and reworked them to fit Tim Piglet's Lockheed P38 Lightning. VC Included. Tested in Acceleration SP1 SP2, windows 7. Adapted and packaged by Stephen Browning
Posted Oct 7, 2013 14:50 by Stephen Browning
SOAR FAI Diamond Badge Task 500 km Distance St Raymond
SOAR FAI Diamond Badge Task 500 km Distance St Raymond
2.70Mb (1078 downloads)
Do a relaxing flight in the valley of the "Mauricie" in Quebec/Canada. This flight is Based on a real Diamond Task (made by Bruno Begin on 05/14/2013) whit a Schleicher ASW-20 Glider. The task starts at St Raymond (CSK5), for a course of 273 nautical miles. Weather (based on real) is pretty good, ceiling is approx. 6 000 ft MSL, and wind is about 5 knots. Time to complete will be around 5 hrs. Features: Chronometer timer, felicitation and encouragement by your ground team at each event, turn point, Start and finist line, message if you land out, message when Goals was acheive, Badge award at the end of the flight if you have reach all Goals requirement. for use with CumulusX Good Luck !
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Posted Oct 7, 2013 12:38 by Ronald Dandurand
FSX Hawker Typhoon
FSX Hawker Typhoon
FSX Hawker Typhoon (Category: FSX > Vintage)
12.84Mb (2226 downloads)
FSX update for the Alphasim Hawker Typhoon. This is the British WWII fighter Hawker Typhoon. It features three liveries, FSX compatible gauges and corrected smoke effects. This is the whole aircraft. Panel configuration by Michael Pook.
Posted Oct 7, 2013 07:57 by Michael Pook
Valley Regional, Central Illonois "KVYS"
Valley Regional, Central Illonois "KVYS"
Valley Regional, Central Illonois "KVYS" (Category: FSX > Scenery)
20.90Mb (490 downloads)
This update Fixes/Updates Illonois Valley Regional Airport. With New Photo Scenery with up to Hi-res Aprons. One of more to come in this series.
Posted Oct 7, 2013 07:56 by Justin K.
FSX/FS2004 Ready for Pushback Boeing 747-200F Berkut Air Textures
8.26Mb (468 downloads)
"Berkut Air" textures for the now freeware "Ready for Pushback" Boeing 747-200F for FS2004 and FSX versions.
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required file
Posted Oct 7, 2013 07:55 by Vitaly V.