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Nardi (Piaggio) FN.305, Military Version
Nardi (Piaggio) FN.305, Military Version
Nardi (Piaggio) FN.305, Military Version (Category: FSX > Vintage)
13.24Mb (2186 downloads)
FSX sp-2-acceleration-DirectX 9 mode, Nardi(Piaggio)FN.305, Military Version. Aircraft Design and artwork: Massimo Taccoli Gauges: by Manuele Villa and Stefano Meneghini. Sounds: Gypsy major Sounds by mike Hambly. Modified from various freeware sources.
Posted Sep 2, 2013 04:50 by Massimo Taccoli
Nardi (Piaggio) FN.305, Civilian Version
Nardi (Piaggio) FN.305, Civilian Version (Category: FS2004 > Vintage)
14.25Mb (1454 downloads)
FS9,Nardi(Piaggio)FN.305, Civilian Version. This is the model for Flight Simulator 9 of the italian built Nardi FN-305 , a two seat Basic Trainer and Liaison built in Italy, first flight in 1935. Aircraft Design and artwork: Massimo Taccoli Gauges: by Manuele Villa and Stefano Meneghini. Sounds: Gypsy major Sounds by mike Hambly. Modified from various freeware sources.
Posted Sep 2, 2013 04:37 by Massimo Taccoli
Nardi (Piaggio) FN.305, Military Version
Nardi (Piaggio) FN.305, Military Version (Category: FS2004 > Vintage)
13.38Mb (1297 downloads)
FS9,Nardi(Piaggio)FN.305, Military Version. This is the model for Flight Simulator 9 of the italian built Nardi FN-305 , a two seat Basic Trainer and Liaison built in Italy, first flight in 1935. Aircraft Design and artwork: Massimo Taccoli Gauges: by Manuele Villa and Stefano Meneghini. Sounds: Gypsy major Sounds by mike Hambly. Modified from various freeware sources.
Posted Sep 2, 2013 04:30 by MassimoTaccoli
Nardi (Piaggio) FN.305 Civilian Version
Nardi (Piaggio) FN.305 Civilian Version
Nardi (Piaggio) FN.305 Civilian Version (Category: FSX > Vintage)
14.33Mb (2021 downloads)
FSX sp-2-acceleration-DirectX 9 mode, Nardi(Piaggio)FN.305, Civilian Version. This is the model for Flight Simulator X of the italian built Nardi FN-305 , a two seat Basic Trainer and Liaison built in Italy, first flight in 1935. Aircraft Design and artwork: Massimo Taccoli Gauges: by Manuele Villa and Stefano Meneghini. Sounds: Gypsy major Sounds by mike Hambly. Modified from various freeware sources.
Posted Sep 2, 2013 04:02 by Massimo Taccoli
FSX Alpha F105 Thunderchief Panel Update
FSX Alpha F105 Thunderchief Panel Update (Category: FSX > Military)
0.56Mb (1321 downloads)
This update corrects the AOA gauge left of the HUD and features three missing gauges.
Required files:
required file
Posted Sep 2, 2013 02:32 by Michael Pook
MAIW Elmendorf Air Force Base Version: 2.0
MAIW Elmendorf Air Force Base Version: 2.0
33.14Mb (1633 downloads)
Military AI Works Elmendorf AFB V2, icao - PAED. /Flight Simulator X/, AI flight plan BGL has not been converted to FSX, they are in FS9 - FS2004 format. You'll have to convert them with AI Flight Planner to FSX. The C-12F prop textures have been replaced with FSX compatible propeller textures.
Posted Sep 1, 2013 17:23 by T. Marson
FSX Midway Islands Airfield Locator
FSX Midway Islands Airfield Locator (Category: FS Navigation > Flight Simulator Navigation)
2.48Mb (147 downloads)
Tested on Windows XP and Windows 7. This download adds airfield markers and ICAO id's found in FSX, and overlays them on Google Earth. This file is for Midway Islands. There is also a seperate file with a list of basic airfield location details. i.e: EGBB Birmingham Airport. Birmingham. N52* 27.23' W1* 44.88' alt325. Also the tidying "My places" in Google Earth, file. Other locator files to follow. by Carl Vokes
Posted Sep 1, 2013 13:40 by carl vokes
FSX Nauru Airfield Locator
FSX Nauru Airfield Locator (Category: FS Navigation > Flight Simulator Navigation)
2.42Mb (84 downloads)
Tested on Windows XP and Windows 7. This download adds airfield markers and ICAO id's found in FSX, and overlays them on Google Earth. This file is for Nauru . There is also a seperate file with a list of basic airfield location details. i.e: EGBB Birmingham Airport. Birmingham. N52* 27.23' W1* 44.88' alt325. Also the tidying "My places" in Google Earth, file. Other locator files to follow. by Carl Vokes
Posted Sep 1, 2013 13:36 by carl vokes
Rochefort-Saint Agnant LFDN, Scenery Package, V2
Rochefort-Saint Agnant LFDN, Scenery Package, V2
33.05Mb (2248 downloads)
Scenery package for Rochefort-Saint Agnant in Western France. This airport has two clubs and the 721 air base's primary mission is to provide the support and the support of the Training School for officers of the Air Force. Detailed scenery with all the buildings, static planes, etc.
Posted Sep 1, 2013 03:30 by Alexandre REMY FAF010
FSX update for the fs9 Alphasim F-105 Thunderchief
FSX update for the fs9 Alphasim F-105 Thunderchief
31.08Mb (2870 downloads)
This is an FSX/ acceleration update for the Alphasim F-105 Thunderchief. It features an FSX compatible vc and 2D panel as well as compatible smoke effects. New configuration by Michael Pook. Complete aircraft included.
Posted Sep 1, 2013 00:08 by Michael Pook