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VNMA Manang High Altitude Airport, Nepal
VNMA Manang High Altitude Airport, Nepal (Category: FSX > Scenery)
0.00Mb (1114 downloads)
VNMA is not represented in FSX but presents a real challenge. It is a short dirt runway in the heart of the Annapurna range in Nepal. At an altitude of just over 11,000ft and surrounded by mountains of over 20,000ft it's an airport to challenge you. There are no roads in the area and all local traffic is on foot or carried on mule backs.
Posted Jun 24, 2013 05:33 by oldgreydog
AI Boats from FSXP Vehicles
AI Boats from FSXP Vehicles
AI Boats from FSXP Vehicles (Category: FSX > Misc)
0.73Mb (696 downloads)
Three boats from Acceleration static library made moveable for traffic designers: MIS_Baltic_Beamtrawler Veh_Istanbul_FishingBoat Veh_Istanbul_Freighter Veh_Istanbul_Tallship See inside zip for pictures of the ships Important: Textures are not included. You must own FSX Acceleration and AIBTC to compile AI boat traffic.
Posted Jun 23, 2013 15:18 by Blaunarwal
FSX Fiji Islands Airfield Locator
FSX Fiji Islands Airfield Locator (Category: FSX > Misc)
3.25Mb (246 downloads)
Tested on Windows XP and Windows 7. This download adds airfield markers and ICAO id's found in FSX, and overlays them on Google Earth. This file is for Fiji Islands. There is also a seperate file with a list of basic airfield location details. i.e: EGBB Birmingham Airport. Birmingham. N52* 27.23' W1* 44.88' alt325. Also the tidying "My places" in Google Earth, file. Other locator files to follow. by Carl Vokes
Posted Jun 23, 2013 15:09 by carl vokes
El Dorado International Airport, Columbia final.V1
El Dorado International Airport, Columbia final.V1
16.94Mb (2836 downloads)
El Dorado International Airport in Bogota, Columbia. New international terminal and cargo terminal, engine test area. Update for El Dorado International Airport, Columbia (Beta)
Posted Jun 23, 2013 13:09 by Gabriel Marin
French Alps Airports - FSX/Tile Proxy
French Alps Airports - FSX/Tile Proxy
French Alps Airports - FSX/Tile Proxy (Category: FSX > Scenery)
5.81Mb (7144 downloads)
This package contains 15 airports, most are in the French Alps near Grenoble/Courchevel. These airports are intended to be used with FSX and the free addon - TileProxy. TileProxy provides real-time photorealistic satellite imagery in place of the stock auto generated FSX scenery or any other scenery package. The package includes six (6) stock FSX airports which have been modified (re-located runways, buildings, taxiways, etc.) to more accurately re-position them with the real-world scenery. In addition, there are seven (7) unlisted airports which are not available in FSX. These airports are existing real private airports in the French Alps near Courcheval and Grenoble. There are also two (2) "phantom" airports included (i.e. airports that do not exist in the real world or FSX).
Posted Jun 23, 2013 02:39 by John Greenwood
Airport  Fuel Truck EKO Replacement Textures
Airport  Fuel Truck EKO Replacement Textures
4.43Mb (2329 downloads)
EKO Airport moving Fuel Truck Replacement Pack.I dont know about you but I was bored of that litle truck moving around with no company logo on it in my airports, so i decided to change it to something more realistic. This will change your standard Air Fuel 100LL truck that you see in your airports supplying fuel, with an EKO Fuel truck. This is a low polygon FSX default model that I added new textures. I have 2 sets of textures in normal 1024 or low 512 resolution DDS1 for you to choose from. Simple copy and paste installation with instructions. Also small tutorial on how to add fuel truck services to any of your favorite small airports that don't have one. You could repaint the texts also to any other fuel co. of your choice. By Hellenic Aircraft/Yiannis Katehis Tsetsas.
Posted Jun 22, 2013 20:26 by YIANNIS KATEHIS TSETSAS
FS2004/FSX FG-1D Corsair VF-17 Textures
FS2004/FSX FG-1D Corsair VF-17 Textures
FS2004/FSX FG-1D Corsair VF-17 Textures (Category: FS2004 > Vintage)
1.84Mb (1792 downloads)
FS2004/FSX FG-1D Goodyear, VF-17 "French Army Chance Vought F4U-7 Corsair" textures for the Alpha Bleu F4U Corsair. Note: Original model is the FG-1D, with a 3-blade propeller and other differences, not this one. Requires original model of the FS2004 ALPHA BLEU CIEL French Chance Vought F4U-7 Corsair and update (or the FSX version): -TESTED AND WORKS IN FSX-
Posted Jun 22, 2013 20:03 by Enrique Medal
VRS Superbug VFA-105 CAG 2013 Textures
VRS Superbug VFA-105 CAG 2013 Textures
VRS Superbug VFA-105 CAG 2013 Textures (Category: FSX > Payware)
1.69Mb (205 downloads)
Textures of the current Gunsliners CAG for 2013. Requires the payware VRS Superbug.
Posted Jun 22, 2013 15:00 by Christopher Hammons
Jazz Complete Fleet
Jazz Complete Fleet
Jazz Complete Fleet (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
79.16Mb (10013 downloads)
Air Canada Jazz complete fleet for FSX only! CRJ-200, CRJ-700, Q400, Dash-8-300, Dash-8-100, all in the Jazz old and new liveries! enjoy! V1.00
Posted Jun 22, 2013 14:19 by Etienne Durocher
Airbus A320-200 Cyprus Airways Package
Airbus A320-200 Cyprus Airways Package
Airbus A320-200 Cyprus Airways Package (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
51.06Mb (4967 downloads)
Airbus A320-200 Cyprus Airways for FSX. Includes enhanced default A321 VC with better gauges and popup FMC, GPWS callouts. Custom Airbus sounds. Also added jetway configs (Ctrl J). Cyprus Airways operates scheduled services to 22 destinations in Europe and the Middle East from its hub Larnaca. As of April 2013, Cyprus Airways operates 7 Airbus A320's and 2 Airbus A319's. Model by Project Airbus. Textures by Mathieu Vos. Assembled for FSX by Chris Evans
Posted Jun 22, 2013 06:23 by Chris Evans