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Boeing CH-47 Chinook FSN Package
Boeing CH-47 Chinook FSN Package
Boeing CH-47 Chinook FSN Package (Category: FSX > Helicopters)
8.70Mb (15639 downloads)
This is the FSN CH-47 in a FS Economy friendly package. The Chinook can now be loaded up to 50000 lbs and fly. I also added the autopilot.
Posted Dec 30, 2011 13:18 by John Hauck
Lear 45 'R.M.K. Touring' Textures
Lear 45 'R.M.K. Touring' Textures
Lear 45 'R.M.K. Touring' Textures (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
2.05Mb (380 downloads)
This is a fictional texture for our band Raising Mother Kane located in Pittsburgh Pa. Feel free to check us out at or listen to us at Original textures by Jeff Smith. Thanks and enjoy!!
Posted Dec 30, 2011 13:17 by Sean Melvin
 C172 Yellow Texture
C172 Yellow Texture (Category: FSX > Props)
0.39Mb (490 downloads)
Yellow texture for the default Cessna 172. For instructions, read the read-me. By Jay Heath.
Posted Dec 30, 2011 06:58 by Jay Heath
BAE 146-100 United Express Package
BAE 146-100 United Express Package
BAE 146-100 United Express Package (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
11.71Mb (7022 downloads)
The BAE 146 is a regional airliner with four turbofan engines, it first went into production in 1983 and ceased production in 2002 after 387 were produced. Several enlarged and improved versions were introduced during the production run and many are still flying today with airlines and regional carriers world wide. It's good short field performance and quiet operation makes it popular with airlines operating in and out of airports located in or near cities. This model represents a BAE 146-100 operated by Air Wisconsin on behalf of United Express in the 1990's. Full package for FSX/SP2. High definition dds texture set by Ed Wells, model and FD by Premier Aircraft Design.
Posted Dec 30, 2011 06:32 by Bob May - Premier Aircraft Design
NOAA Lockheed WP-3 Orion Civillian Package
NOAA Lockheed WP-3 Orion Civillian Package
41.22Mb (9483 downloads)
This is the Lockheed WP-3 civilian version of the P-3 (v2.9. The Team FS KBT P-3 Orion) used by NOAA for weather research. I left the sound, VC & 2D panels alone. But I did add the gray nose texture and texture thumbnails
Posted Dec 30, 2011 02:05 by Michael E. Roberts
FFS DHL SAint-EX Cargo Saab 340 XA-STX Textures
FFS DHL SAint-EX Cargo Saab 340 XA-STX Textures
3.36Mb (956 downloads)
Saab 340 (cn 340A-046), registration XA-STX, wearing the colors of DHL Saint-Ex Cargo, based in Mexico. Textures only for the Flight Factory Simulations (FFS) Saab 340 (payware package), using the FFS Saab 340 paintkit. By Juan Ernesto Oropeza.
Posted Dec 30, 2011 01:56 by Juan Ernesto Oropeza
Aerosoft F-16 H.A.F. Zeys team  Textures
Aerosoft F-16 H.A.F. Zeys team Textures (Category: FSX > Payware)
6.70Mb (594 downloads)
H.A.F. Zeys demo team F-16 Textures only for the payware Aerosoft F-16 FSX
Posted Dec 29, 2011 16:58 by Alexandridis. X
Texture Max Load Editor v1.2.197
Texture Max Load Editor v1.2.197
Texture Max Load Editor v1.2.197 (Category: FSX > Utilities)
2.57Mb (9303 downloads)
TMLE was designed to make the use of High Definition and Super High Definition textures easier. By default, FSX's maximum texture resolution is set to the 1024x1024 scale. TMLE can modify this to 2048x2048, and even 4096x4096, allowing you to take full advantage of HD textures. TMLE is not available in very many places these days, as the original Frosty Software website is no loner active. One day, a friend asked me if I had the original installer exe. Fortunately, after some searching on my hard drive, I was able to locate it. The idea came to us that it would be cool to make TMLE available to the public again, but not before contacting the original author. I contacted Steve Frost and he was kind enough to grant me permission to upload it. A huge thanks goes out to him for the permission and for developing such a simple, yet useful tool!
Posted Dec 29, 2011 02:35 by Steve Frost, Brandon Filer
VEB BAADE 152 (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
10.21Mb (2210 downloads)
I updated the fs2002/fs2004 VEB BAADE 152 from projekte by replacing the panel with HJGs' Convair 880 panel and P&W JT3C & JT4A TURBOJET sounds.The upper fuselage textures could use some rework and I am not capable of that, if anyone can, feel free. No VC
Posted Dec 29, 2011 01:38 by Michael E. Roberts
LotusSim L-39CA Albatros 2626 Textures
LotusSim L-39CA Albatros 2626 Textures
LotusSim L-39CA Albatros 2626 Textures (Category: FSX > Payware)
6.93Mb (446 downloads)
Aero L-39CA reg.2626. Textures for payware LotusSim L-39C Albatros. Repaint by Jiri Soukup
Posted Dec 29, 2011 00:34 by Jiri Soukup