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Malaysia Airlines A330-300 (New update)
Malaysia Airlines A330-300 (New update)
Malaysia Airlines A330-300 (New update) (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
5.49Mb (7118 downloads)
Malaysia Airlines A330-300. Project Opensky Airbus A330 for FS2004 AND FSX compatible. Uses default FSX 2d panel. No VC.
Posted Jun 6, 2011 13:57 by amierilina
Cabin Announcements Sound Files (Category: FSX > Misc)
34.20Mb (6506 downloads)
These are some cabin announcements. It is just a folder with announcements.
Posted Jun 6, 2011 12:42 by Sam Stocking
IRIS MIG 29 Iraq, Iran Russia Package
IRIS MIG 29 Iraq, Iran Russia Package
IRIS MIG 29 Iraq, Iran Russia Package (Category: FSX > Military)
76.36Mb (10569 downloads)
This is the Iris Mig 29 package released as freeware (previously payware) and updated. Texture include, Iran, Iraq, and 2 soviet. Changed some gauges around added a few sound. This is the whole aircraft with the VC Fix. Special Thank to IRIS, Danny Garnier and Karol Chlebowski For a few gauges.
Posted Jun 6, 2011 06:54 by Robert Wahrenbrock
Project Airbus Airbus A321-231 China Eastern
Project Airbus Airbus A321-231 China Eastern
Project Airbus Airbus A321-231 China Eastern (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
13.37Mb (2642 downloads)
Project Airbus Airbus A321-231 China Eastern B-6668 Complete Package for FSX. Featuring Project Airbus's wonderful aircraft of A321, China Eastern Texture by He Lingyuan,China. This package uses Panel, Sound & Virtual Cockpit of the default A321. An Operation Manual written by Project Airbus Members is also included.
Posted Jun 6, 2011 06:08 by He Lingyuan
VRS Superbug VFA-147CAG Textures Fixed
VRS Superbug VFA-147CAG Textures Fixed
VRS Superbug VFA-147CAG Textures Fixed (Category: FSX > Payware)
2.27Mb (237 downloads)
Fixed tail letters, top spine fixed now black, thumbnail added and description fixed. Must have payware VRS Superbug
Posted Jun 6, 2011 03:03 by Chris Hammons
Iris Eurofighter EAP 2 Textures
Iris Eurofighter EAP 2 Textures
Iris Eurofighter EAP 2 Textures (Category: FSX > Military)
8.91Mb (1492 downloads)
2 sets of Fictional textures for the Eurofighter EAP ex payware now freeware version that works in FSX and FS2004. Textures are - VX-23, and the other for Edwards AFB.
Required files:
required file
Posted Jun 5, 2011 18:05 by Robert Wahrenbrock
LHC Aerospool Dynamic Widescreen 2D panel  patch
0.00Mb (61 downloads)
The previously uploaded panel has to be put into the LHC Dynamic_FG folder, and not the Dynamic_RG one. Sorry about the mistake. Corrected Readme included. A 2D Widescreen panel for the RG version will be uploaded shortly.
Posted Jun 5, 2011 09:33 by Jean-Luc Peters
FS2004/ FSX RAF 41 Squadron Phantom Textures
FS2004/ FSX RAF 41 Squadron Phantom Textures
FS2004/ FSX RAF 41 Squadron Phantom Textures (Category: FS2004 > Military)
3.91Mb (966 downloads)
A repaint for the Alphasim/Virtavia Phantom pack 3. The repaint shows the Phantom as she would have been when she served with 41 Squadron in the RAF
Posted Jun 5, 2011 08:46 by John Palmer
FSX Pushback Utility (Category: FSX > Utilities)
0.47Mb (4878 downloads)
FSX Pushback utility PushkunX. This is the support application for Flight Simulator X. You can execute gPushkunXh from a menu on FS. You will play any sound file before and after push back. By Koji Tsubakimoto
Posted Jun 5, 2011 08:11 by Koji Tsubakimoto
Fairmont Airport, West Virginia
Fairmont Airport, West Virginia (Category: FSX > Scenery)
4.27Mb (2262 downloads)
This is a beautiful rendition of Fairmont Airport in Fairmont WV. Any GA or bush pilot can appreciate this beautiful airport hidden in the mountains of West Virginia.It features the AC Express Flight School Hanger bay and adjacent hangers. Airport includes updated RNWY numbers and taxiway placement, pilots observing the airport, birds flying over head, two lighted base ball stadiums, and an abundance of trees placed one by one around the field! Used accurate satellite imagery for buildings, roads and tree placement! Enjoy and Godbless! David Abreu
Posted Jun 5, 2011 08:11 by uploader