All Files > Page 2379

Boeing 747-400 Garuda Indonesia
(Category: FS2004 > Civil Jets)
10.45Mb (6354 downloads)
Boeing 747-400 Garuda Indonesia. Project Opesnky 747-400 v4 base model.
This is a repaint of the posky 747-400 v4 in the Garuda Indonesia New Livery version by Xudeva Irribarra
Posted Nov 18, 2009 08:02 by Uploader

de Havilland DH-80A Puss Moth
(Category: FSX > Props)
33.08Mb (11569 downloads)
de Havilland DH.80A Puss Moth
Native FSX conversion of the brilliant DH80 Puss Moth for FS9 by Milton Shupe and team. Three models with 8 different liveries are included: with wheel skirts, no wheel skirts and a ski version. Thanks to Milton Shupe for letting us do the conversion and thanks to all involved for their work.
Original model by Milton Shupe, Scott Thomas, Damian Radice and Tom Falley | FSX conversion by Rob Cappers, Tim Scharnhop, Hans Joerg Naegele and Tom Falley.
Posted Nov 18, 2009 07:24 by milton Shupe

Gunsight for Skysim Mirage III/5
(Category: FSX > Payware)
0.34Mb (1100 downloads)
As good as the Head-Up Display (HUD) is in the Skysim FSX Mirage III/5 package it is better applied to a more modern fighter, not one developed in the 1960s. It is more of the style that was added to some Mirage III/5 during their mid-life modernization upgrades -- the original gunsight was much more simplified. So I have made a new gunsight to replace it. It is based on the C.S.F. 97K optical sight as detailed in the Mirage IIIE Flight Manual.
Posted Nov 18, 2009 01:43 by Frank Safranek

Captainsim/Justflight C-130 StarChaser textures
(Category: FS2004 > Payware)
11.01Mb (1107 downloads)
Here is my repaint for the Captain Sim/Justflight C-130 Hercules.
Dressed to represent a fictional (for now....) support vehicle to be used by StarChaser Industries Ltd, which started life as an experimental rocket test programme set up by Steve Bennett back in 1992. In 1996 the team successfully launched a 6 mtr (21 ft) rocket, Starchaser 2, which qualified as the largest private civilian rocket ever to be built and flown in Europe. Starchaser Industries was incorporated as a private limited company on 16th December 1998. The company transferred its manufacturing and rocket assembly arm to new premises in Hyde, Cheshire, United Kingdom in January 2001.
Posted Nov 17, 2009 16:56 by Gary J. Scott

FS2004/FSX Short S25 Sandringham MK3 G-AGJN Textures
(Category: FSX > Props)
3.43Mb (2927 downloads)
FS2004/FSX Short S25 Sunderland MK3 G-AGJN Ser. ML755 "Hudson" 1944 textures only for Jens B. Kristensen's model. Repaint by Evan G. Butterbrodt (revev). Requires the Short S25V Sandringham
Required files:
required file
Posted Nov 17, 2009 15:36 by Evan G. Butterbrodt

WACO Taperwing Multi Aircraft Package
(Category: FSX > Vintage)
30.68Mb (12904 downloads)
WACO Taperwing Package adapted to use in FSX by Danny Garnier.
Original Golden Age Simulations FS9 WACO Taperwing Package
Contains 3 complete aircraft, the ATO, CTO and CTO Mailwing with multiple liveries. Designers; Golden Age
Simulations; Paul Corish and Gil Halpin. Featuring ATO textures by Leon Louis and
CTO Textures by Paul (aka Warbirds) Grubich. Engine designed by Steven Meyers. Beta
Testers; Roger Law, Keith Monson, Leon Louis, Steve Meyers, Paul Grubich. Golden
Age Simulations is deeply grateful for the contributions of those above in helping
us simulate one of the most significant aircraft of the Golden Age. Superb designer
so minor modifications to panel and sounds file, including the gauges and made compatible with FSX by Danny Garnier.
Posted Nov 17, 2009 15:23 by GARNIER D

Boeing 737-800 WestJet Textures
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
10.89Mb (3679 downloads)
Default FSX Boeing 737-800 WestJet textures. Repaint by Christopher Martin
Posted Nov 17, 2009 14:40 by

Boeing 757-200 Seagle Air
(Category: FS2004 > Civil Jets)
24.60Mb (3049 downloads)
Fiction repaint of Boeing 757 Seagle Air (fictional livery)
Model by Project Opensky. Texture Jozef Ciberej
Posted Nov 17, 2009 13:29 by Jozef Ciberej/Topper
FSX Samana International Airport, Dominican Republic
(Category: FSX > Scenery)
0.02Mb (1059 downloads)
This is my second work, now for FSX the Samana International airport, a small new airport in the Dominican Republic that started operations on novenber 6 2006 with not so many flights a year, this airport was tested on FSX expansion pack.
Posted Nov 17, 2009 08:21 by Kelvin R. Perez

Nemeth EC-135 STAT MedEvac 13 & 3 Textures
(Category: FSX > Payware)
55.46Mb (2350 downloads)
Through the work of powerful helicopters, and highly trained crews, STAT MedEvac 13 (based out of York, PA (KTHV)), and STAT MedEvac 3 (based out of the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center)provide rapid access to advanced medical care to patients in crisis. This package includes STAT MedEvac 13 (N308ME) and STAT MedEvac 3 (N703ME) textures for the payware Nemeth Designs EC-135 helicopter for FSX. Created by Garth Carden.
Posted Nov 16, 2009 22:00 by Garth Carden