All Files > Page 2387

Embraer Phenom 100 Biz Jet
(Category: FS2004 > Civil Jets)
2.75Mb (4039 downloads)
FS2004 Executive Express Embraer Phenom 100 Biz Jet by CamSim, including exterior Animated Ground Servicing (AGS) and special interior animations and configuration: 4 passengers in seating position and 1 passenger who will stand up and walk back and forth in the cabin and return to is "seating position", plus pilot and co-pilot moving arms. For these animations press (Shift+E+2). Model design and paint: Camil Valiquette
Posted Nov 9, 2009 05:08 by Camil Valiquette

VTBD Bangkok Int
(Category: FS2004 > Scenery)
4.19Mb (4330 downloads)
VTBD Bangkok Int'l Airport,Thailand, Photoreal Scenery. Based on US maps images. Night textures not included and images in low resolution but are frame rate friendly. By Syamsani Shamsuri.
Posted Nov 9, 2009 05:05 by Syamsani Shamsuri

Latecoere Late 28 Aeropostale package
(Category: FSX > Vintage)
24.30Mb (12288 downloads)
FS2004 / FSX (SP2 Acceleration compatible) Latécoère LATE 28 full package. 3 versions (2 land and 1 seaplane), panel, animations, etc.
The Laté 28 is the emblematic aircraft of the French Aéropostale during the early thirties. Linked with illustrous names like Mermoz, St-Exupery, Guillaumet, Dabry, Gimié, Collenot, Daurat, and all these legendary pioneers ... Used on the lines between Toulouse, Casablanca, Dakar, St-Louis-du-Sénégal, Rio-de-Janeiro, Buenos-Aires, ... The seaplane version "Comte-de-la-Vaulx", included in the package, achieved the first direct commercial flight across the South Atlantic on May 12th 1930, loaded with 200 kg of mail, operated by Jean Mermoz (pilot), Jean Dabry (navigator) and Léopold Gimié (radio).
The model has full moving parts and animations (control surfaces, opening doors, ladders, vintage mail bags and wooden boxes, ground staff, ...) + a custom panel + a Virtual Cockpit. Designed by Patrice Grange, Nov. 2009.
Posted Nov 8, 2009 13:22 by Patrice Grange

West Jet Boeing 737-600 With Virtual Cockpit
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
62.27Mb (12621 downloads)
West Jet Boeing 737-600 With Virtual Cockpit from the default B737. Original FSX compliled B737-600 model by Project Opensky. Includes sounds by Emil Serafino
Posted Nov 8, 2009 10:26 by Tommy

F14 Sounds
(Category: FS Sounds > Flight Simulator Sounds)
3.91Mb (5068 downloads)
F14 Sounds. By Ferry Sab.
Posted Nov 8, 2009 03:43 by FERRY SAB

Fokker 100 Sounds
(Category: FS Sounds > Flight Simulator Sounds)
14.89Mb (6127 downloads)
Fokker 100 Sounds. By Ferry Sab.
Posted Nov 8, 2009 03:31 by FERRY SAB

Airbus A320 Sounds
(Category: FS Sounds > Flight Simulator Sounds)
14.77Mb (12905 downloads)
Airbus A320 Sounds. By Ferry Sab.
Posted Nov 8, 2009 03:16 by FERRY SAB

FS2004 U.S.Coast Guard EADS CN-235 Textures
(Category: FS2004 > Props)
1.52Mb (2785 downloads)
FS2004 U.S.Coast Guard EADS CN-235 Texture.
Texture for the EADS CN-235. Paint represents a U.S. Coast Guard aircraft stationed in Mobile Alabama, USA. Repaint by R.E. Wyman from the RanchoJEN team model. Textures only. Requires original aircraft "Casa235.ZIP".
Required files:
required file
Posted Nov 8, 2009 00:09 by R.E. Wyman

March C-17 Tail Texture Fixes
(Category: FSX > Military)
0.10Mb (1293 downloads)
While flying the March Air Reserve Base C-17, I notice that the right side of the tail had the March name backwards. These texture fixes that among other minor problems. New fixes for tails of March's "Spirit of Ronald Reagan", "Spirit of California", and one with no name assigned.
Required files:
required file
Posted Nov 7, 2009 23:33 by Dana Eng

FSX VFW-614 Updated
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
14.64Mb (4571 downloads)
This is an FS2004 to FSX upgrade of Tony Madge's VFW-614
I used Paul Scarratt's PS 737 classic panel.
I also added my own screenshot thumbnails to each texture.
There 8 liveries: 2 Climber Air, 2 TAT, Luftwaffe, Luft Marine, Alsaces, and a fictional Fronteer.
All I did was to make the package compatable with FSX.
Enjoy and have fun. 2d panel only - no VC.
Posted Nov 7, 2009 22:36 by Michael Roberts