All Files > Page 2399

Sikorsky H34/S58 143 French Navy
(Category: FS2004 > Helicopters)
10.91Mb (1675 downloads)
Sikorsky H34/S58 of the French Navy was used in 1987 for search and rescue.
Now a standing exhibit in a museum.
Original aircraft by Willy Vervaecke. Repaint by Niels de Ruyck
Posted Oct 24, 2009 12:21 by Niels De Ruyck
FS2004/FSX IL-96 Lufthansa textures
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
14.91Mb (1857 downloads)
This is the fictional Lufthansa texture for the IL-96-300 v.4 from Kirill Konovalov. I love this plane and this is my first job for it.
Texture by Martin Seman, Slovakia 2009
Required files:
required file
Posted Oct 24, 2009 12:07 by Martin Seman

Sikorsky OT ZKE Belgium
(Category: FS2004 > Helicopters)
11.07Mb (736 downloads)
Sikorsky SAR Koksijde, Belgium.
the name is OT ZKE or B5. Original aircraft by Willy Vervaecke. Repaint by Niels de Ruyck
Posted Oct 24, 2009 12:04 by Niels De Ruyck

T-34 Mentor Turbo Package
(Category: FSX > Props)
20.37Mb (21939 downloads)
T-34 Mentor Turbo. This is the Alphasim T-34 Mentor released as freeware by Alphasim and with textures and flight dynamics updated by Mark Rooks. VC and 2d Panel modified from Marks work by Danny Garnier. Also changed to pilot position. Final mods by Danny Garnier.
Posted Oct 24, 2009 11:15 by GARNIER D

Military Sceneries Package v1
(Category: FSX > Scenery)
6.55Mb (3206 downloads)
The autogen textures product features the following: - new autogen forest textures - new autogen water mirror textures for FSX - autogen water textures - new beach,streets and river - all textures have 3 differents altitude - sharpness - raster - all textures are adjusted air photos The Airport Rostock – Laage ( ETNL ) product features the following: - New static display of F-4F Phantom and AIRBUS A350 - New opjects and new forest - static display of Eurofighter, Eurocopter Tiger - accurate simulation of Fliegerhorst German Bundeswehr: “ Jagdgeschwader 73 Steinhof ” - 200 authentic objects - with shelter for the Eurofighters, forest, streets, hangars for civils and military air traffic - new airport terminal and many more
Posted Oct 24, 2009 07:37 by Andreas Meyer

Alpha Carrier Virtual Marine Corps Textures
(Category: FSX > Misc)
11.09Mb (5093 downloads)
Flight Sim Nation Alpha Carrier textures only in the H.M.A.S. Vengeance (CVMC-1), and U.S.S. Enterprise (CVMC-2).
Required files:
required file
Posted Oct 23, 2009 22:46 by Edward Rossiter

A2A-Piper J3 Panel Textures
(Category: FSX > Payware)
0.83Mb (578 downloads)
Changes the gauges of the A2A-Piper J3 Cub from white into opal, like the default MS-Piper.
Just put the "" file into the texture file (for ex.: "texture.yellow") you wish to see it.
Posted Oct 23, 2009 08:50 by Stephan Götz
FSX/FS2004 'Snapshot' Screenshot Utility. v4
(Category: FSX > Utilities)
0.88Mb (4371 downloads)
'Snapshot' Screenshot Utility. v4
Take screenshots of FS2004/X With just a push of 1 button on
your keyboard (Print Screen) and SnapShot does the rest! You
don't even have to pause FS. Just press PrintScreen while in
game, and SnapShot automatically saves each numbered screenshot
to your chosen directory. v1.4 - Also works on Windows Vista
aswell as Windows XP and others!Requires .Net Framework to be
installed. (here).
Posted Oct 23, 2009 04:43 by archive
SimFly.EU AFTS (Advanced Flight Tracking System)
(Category: FSX > Utilities)
0.60Mb (2390 downloads)
SimFly.EU AFTS (Advanced Flight Tracking System).
The AFTS Client allows you to send live flight data to SimFly.EU
servers which becomes available, live via our AFTS at
AFTS allows full pilot and VA management, statistics as well
as SimPax (an FSX Passengers Game). The application is programmed
so that it places very little load on your system, it can also
be minimised to the system tray once connected. AFTS requires
no installation, you can simply run it after download, once
signed in it will transmit your FSX data and your information
will be available instantly online, which includes Hours Tracking.
Posted Oct 23, 2009 04:43 by archive
Recorder Module for FSX version 1.3
(Category: FSX > Utilities)
0.37Mb (3784 downloads)
Recorder Module for FSX version 1.3.
FS Recorder is an addon module for FS2004 and FSX, which can
record flights, save them to files and play them back similar
to the FS instant replay and flight video recorder, but with
a lot more features. This version requires FSX with Service
Pack 1 installed! The Recorder does NOT record video files (like
.avi), it records data like aircraft position, speed, etc.,
so the recordings can only be played inside FS. This allows
watching your recordings from different views. List of main
features: - recording flights of unlimited length - replay the
last minutes, even if no recording was started - recording and
playback of AI traffic - playback of one or more recordings
as (AI) traffic - recording a new flight during playback as
traffic (e.g. for formation flights) - jumping/searching forward/backward
during playback - playback control via keyboard or control window
- stop playback at any position to continue manually - loop
part of a recording - change playback speed - custom keyboard
controls - recorded data is customizable. Matthias Neusinger.
Posted Oct 23, 2009 04:43 by archive