All Files > Page 2409
Radio Range System
(Category: FS2004 > Utilities)
18.87Mb (2150 downloads)
Radio Range System
A bona fide Radio Range System simulating a robust navigation
technique of the 1940s which lasted until the advent of the
VOR. Uses Morse Code A and N audio signals to determine course.
Nearly a year in development, this package includes a standalone
DC-3 (based on the default) with three panels, new gauges
and greatly improved flight dynamics; scenery for 118 Radio
Range stations of Eastern US and SE Canada (from 1944 sectional
charts) with approach plates for each; and a comprehensive
instruction manual. All necessary system, program and sound
files are included. Future enhancements will add Western US
and Canadian stations. By Dave Bitzer, Alex Nicolson, Norman
Hancock, Allan Greene and Charles Wood. 19.3MB
Radio Range V3.1 Upgrade. Many have asked to fly the Radio
Range using only Morse sounds, as intended when invented.
Now fly with or without an ADF gauge. Some files also corrected
in this upgrade. Install by Dave Bitzer, Alex Nicolson,
Norman Hancock and Allan Greene before this upgrade. Radio
Range Forum is at
Posted Oct 17, 2009 05:55 by archive
2006 v 6.01
(Category: FS2004 > Utilities)
4.48Mb (5920 downloads)
2006 v 6.01
: Allows you to change splash screens on 3 of Microsofts Flight
Simulator versions. FS2004, FS2002, and FS2000. Designed for
Windows XP with Microsofts DOT NET 2.0 runtimes installed. Created
with Visual Studio .Net 2005 by: Christenson Software. 4.6MB
Posted Oct 17, 2009 05:55 by archive
FS Weather Engine 1.0
(Category: FS2004 > Utilities)
2.21Mb (16844 downloads)
FS Weather Engine 1.0
With this program it is possible to generate additional weather
themes for the FS2004. These can be selected in the corresponding
menu of the FS2004. Gunnar Daehling. 2.2MB
Posted Oct 17, 2009 05:55 by archive

AS 350 OAMTC Textures
(Category: FS2004 > Helicopters)
6.48Mb (923 downloads)
Austrian Air Rescue OAMTC Textures only for the Nemeth Design AS 350
Required files:
required file
Posted Oct 16, 2009 21:11 by benimix

LTFH Samsun Carsamba Airport, Turkey
(Category: FSX > Scenery)
80.37Mb (3099 downloads)
Detailed and realistically depicted scenery of Turkey Samsun Carsamba (LTFH) Airport and the surrounding area, for FSX (SP2). Created mainly by FSDS 3.5.1, the scenery includes accurate main terminal, tower and other airport buildings, afd file, various objects and some photo real terrain textures.
Posted Oct 16, 2009 19:06 by Sunay KILIC

RAE DH-104 Devon Textures
(Category: FS2004 > Props)
2.00Mb (816 downloads)
2 repaints representing VP959 C.1 Devon of the Royal Aircraft Establishment - Farnborough and XA880 C.2 Devon of the Royal Aircraft Establishment - Llanbedr.
These liveries were worn in the mid 1960's and known as the "Raspberry Ripple"
Derek Palmer's original model is needed.
Required files:
required file
Posted Oct 16, 2009 18:07 by Jaap de Baare

Small and Dangerous Airfields of Central America (with salt)
(Category: FSX > Scenery)
2.54Mb (2698 downloads)
The OOWBP (Organization of Wreckless Bush Pilots) has put out a very confidential map of four very dangerous airfields in Guatemala, C.A. called the "Mayan Route" since they are located in an area where some few thousand of years ago the Mayas ruled. The Government of
this country has no comments on these since they are not shown in any of their aeronautical charts. The OOWBP has placed some reference on these charts which you can use as take off points in order to reach the airfields fearly easy. If you deside to take the "plunge" and fly to them
make sure the aircraft you fly in is reliable and a very good STOL one......Have fun and let us know of your experience....Next episode will cover some beauties in Honduras, where by the way, the fifth president of OOWBP went missing six years ago!!!
Posted Oct 16, 2009 16:37 by Gera Godoy Canova

FSX/FS2004 Spitfire MK XIX
(Category: FSX > Vintage)
15.72Mb (14264 downloads)
FSX/Fs2004 Spitfire Pr XIX:
The Spitfire Pr XIX was the last Spitfire to be used in operational service. It was the first of the Griffon-Engined photo reccoversions to enter large scale production. Based on the Mk XIV airframe and the 2,375hp Rolls Royce Griffon 65 or 66 engine with a Rotol 5 bladed Propeller giving it a maximum speed of 723km/h (452mph) at 6,242m (20,500ft).
It was an unarmed Photo Recco machine. This is a model of Spitfire PR XIX PS888,with more authentic colors and fixed rudder movement.PPS888 was flown by No.81 Sqdrn in Singapore 1954. Sound file by RB Design.
GMAX mdl by A.F.Scrub
Posted Oct 16, 2009 10:47 by A.F.Scrub

Gmax Bell 222b Package
(Category: FSX > Helicopters)
7.10Mb (25926 downloads)
Gmax Bell 222b Package
Features: Reflective textures, new improved Virtual cockpit.
Original GMx model created for FS2002. Panel modified for FSX by Danny Garnier.
Model, panel, sounds, textures by Alan Devins with FSX mods by Danny Garnier
Posted Oct 16, 2009 08:24 by GARNIER D

Alouette III, Belgian Protection Civile/Civiele Bescherming Textures
(Category: FS2004 > Helicopters)
0.83Mb (856 downloads)
Textures only, this is a repaint of the Alouette III Nepal Police by Peter Salzgeber (required).
this SA319B, serial OO-PCB, Build n° 2151, was used by the Belgian Protection Civile/Civiele Bescherming from 1975 to 1986, at the end of its carreer it was transfered to the Belgian Navy as M4 but was later sent back to Eurocopter in exchange for spare parts for the 3 Belgian Navy SA316 Alouette III's
repaint by Nils Steyaert.
Required files:
required file
Posted Oct 16, 2009 04:48 by Nils Steyaert