All Files > Page 2414

FS2004/FSX Beechcraft D18S Amphibian Juneau King Salmon Fish CO.
(Category: FSX > Props)
7.48Mb (3485 downloads)
Fictive livery only for the great Beechcraft D18S Amphibian model by Milton Shupe for FSX and FS2004.
Required files:
required file
Posted Oct 11, 2009 09:13 by Ingo Schwan

FS2004/FSX RAAF F/A-18F SuperHornet Effects
(Category: FSX > Military)
0.03Mb (6917 downloads)
FS2004/FSX RAAF F/A-18F SuperHornet Effects. Afterburner and Vetrail effects for the Royal Australian Air Force F/A-18F SuperHornet for FS9 and FSX By Barry Magann.
Required files:
required file
Posted Oct 11, 2009 09:07 by admin

FSX/FS2004 Vail/Copper Mountain, Colorado, Photo Scenery Package
(Category: FSX > Scenery)
94.52Mb (2336 downloads)
FSX/FS2004 Vail/Copper Mountain, Colorado, Photo Scenery Package. This package covers the famous Colorado ski resorts Vail and Copper Mountain. Also contains impressive mountains like Mt. Powell and the 14er Mt. of the Holy Cross. Both mountains are snow topped and make very scenic flights. By Gottfried Razek.
Posted Oct 11, 2009 09:02 by Gottfried Razek

Tallahassee, FL Regional Airport (KTLH)
(Category: FSX > Scenery)
1.52Mb (1386 downloads)
Tallahassee, FL Regional Airport (KTLH). Changes in this package are based on Virtual Earth images and the latest FAA airport diagram. This is a complete redo of the default FSX KTLH; surrounding landclass changes; new terminals and FBO; and revised taxiways, aprons and hangers. Also includes placement of library objects and a library of new airport buildings. By Art Poole
Posted Oct 11, 2009 08:05 by Art Poole

Jacksonville FL-Craig Municipal Airport (KCRG) Redone
(Category: FSX > Scenery)
0.44Mb (995 downloads)
Jacksonville FL-Craig Municipal Airport (KCRG) Redone. This update to the previous KCRG package includes a more realistic representation of the Craig Air Center FBO and minor changes.
Posted Oct 11, 2009 08:03 by Art Poole
FSX Dutch Green Fields and GA Airports Collection
(Category: FSX > Scenery)
0.15Mb (2200 downloads)
FSX Dutch VFR AFCAD Files Collection. This package includes almost all green field and general aviation airports within Dutch (Netherlands) airspace. Also included are two German airfields which are very popular destinations for VFR flight. A couple of airport don't have traffic by default, therefore AI flight plans using default general aviation aircraft have been included. It can be really busy from time to time. Airports included: EDLS - Stadtlohn, EDLV - Niederrhein, EHAL - Ameland, EHBD - Budel, EHDR - Drachten, EHGG - Groningen, EHHO - Hoogeveen, EHHV - Hilversum, EHLE - Lelystad, EHMZ - Midden Zeeland, EHOW - Oostwold, EHRD - Rotterdam, EHSE - Seppe, EHTE - Teuge, EHTX - Texel, EHVB - Valkenburg. By Victor Nauta.
Posted Oct 11, 2009 08:01 by Uploader

Super Etendard Prototype Textures
(Category: FSX > Military)
1.82Mb (1936 downloads)
Prototype 01 textures only for the Super Etendard of Romain Lucas, updated for FSX.
Required files:
required file
Posted Oct 11, 2009 05:37 by de kergariou geoffrey

Bowser Bruneleski Air Base
(Category: FSX > Scenery)
0.01Mb (951 downloads)
This Air Base is based on the north end of Lake Baikal. This airport has two runways, multiple hangars, a squadron of Su-37's, water parking, and even a small fleet on the Lake, a mile or so south of the base, on the water. Lake Baikal makes a great base of operations for multiplayer carrier ops, and, if the Krasnaya Osnova Bortsa Laski base is downloaded, you go fly from the North end to the South end, visa versa, and practice fleet maneuvers.
Posted Oct 10, 2009 20:13 by Weasel102

Stratojet Merlin Textures
(Category: FS2004 > Military)
1.71Mb (1799 downloads)
This is a repaint of Eugene Heyart's fine Stratojet Merlin.
Includes two textures, Warbird 2 and The Magician. You must have the original file.
Repaint by
L. T. Davis.
Required files:
required file
Posted Oct 10, 2009 18:12 by L. T. Davis

Dobbins ARB, Atlanta, GA
(Category: FSX > Scenery)
0.87Mb (1184 downloads)
Here is an updated file for the Dobbins ARB located in Atlanta, GA. I have added the "assault runway" that runs next to the main runway. Google Earth has the runway shown but FSX does not show it. I have also added the "helo" pads to the northwest side of the base, and added some ramp lanes to the NE side as well. G.E. shows C130's parked there but I did not add the parking lots for them. This is an attempt to to make the base more real. Enjoy and thanks goes to Airport Design Editor.
Posted Oct 10, 2009 15:16 by Don Harris