All Files > Page 2422

Turkey Eskisehir Inonu Scenery Fix
(Category: FSX > Scenery)
0.55Mb (898 downloads)
A small fix to eliminate the thermals over the airfield and Inonu city that are creating difficulties during glider landings and also creating interference with Inonu autogen houses. For the FSX Turkey Eskisehir Inonu Airfield Scenery, By Sunay KILIC.
Original file:
Posted Sep 30, 2009 16:38 by Sunay KILIC

Beech Baron 58 KLM Flight Academy Textures
(Category: FSX > Props)
4.30Mb (5075 downloads)
Textures only for the default Beech Baron 58 in the colours of the KLM Flight Academy, also called KLM Luchtvaartschool. Made by Marius Kramer.
Posted Sep 30, 2009 13:25 by Marius Krämer

Aermacchi MB326H Package
(Category: FSX > Military)
31.09Mb (11961 downloads)
Aermacchi MB326H Package for FSX
Comes in multiple textures by the talented Garry J Smith.
Fully function Virtual cockpit (VC).
Original Credits
Model and Flight dynamics By David Friswell.
Textures By Garry.J Smith
FS2004 Update By Warwick Carter
FSX Update with panel adapted for use in FSX using FS Panel Studio by Danny Garnier.
Posted Sep 30, 2009 09:16 by GARNIER D

Martin 202A TWA Textures
(Category: FS2004 > Props)
1.62Mb (661 downloads)
FS9 TWA textures for Dee Waldron's Martin 202A / 404 .
These textures depict a TWA Martin 202A about 1951.
Required files:
required file
Posted Sep 29, 2009 23:01 by Gary Harper

Burke Lakefront Airshow Scenery (KBKL)
(Category: FSX > Scenery)
0.02Mb (1835 downloads)
Once a small airport for private airplanes, now host to an airshow with many variety of airplanes. From the loudest to the smallest, this airshow scenery was designed for one purpose "to make you feel like your actually at an airshow". With a whole crowd taking pictures of your every move to airplanes of all different sizes parked on the ramp waiting for their turn to show their stuff, KBKL scenery will make you feel like your the star of the Airshow. Enjoy!! Made by Alpha Six Design
Posted Sep 29, 2009 17:59 by Dan Iwanski

FSX Acceleration Default F/A-18C Rampagers Textures
(Category: FSX > Military)
3.65Mb (1741 downloads)
FSX Acceleration Default F/A-18C Rampagers Textures only..
Repaint of VFA-83 Rampagers.
F/A-18C Hornets using Acceleration
default F-18.
Textures only. By Ray Gagnon
Posted Sep 29, 2009 15:06 by admin

FS2004/FSX Concorde Alitalia Textures
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
7.79Mb (7227 downloads)
This airplane represents a what-if Concorde if Alitalia had bought it, with the livery used on Alitalia's 747s. Textures only. Requires Concorde Collection by Libardo Guzman.
Textures fixed! My old upload is now obsolete.
Required files:
required file
Posted Sep 29, 2009 12:44 by Giorgio Varisco

FSD PC6 Heli Porter Fairchild Hiller
(Category: FS2004 > Payware)
4.06Mb (2268 downloads)
Textures for the FSD Porter. 0686/4-G-4 msn 2047. ex N21441 (Fairchild) Model PC-6/B2H2 arrived in the country in 1972. resgistred as 6-G-4, then 4-G-2 and finally G-2. Damaged in nearby Sierra Grande (Rio Negro) in Oct76, landing on a country road. It is the only surviving example in the Naval Aviation
Posted Sep 29, 2009 10:01 by Nicoals Purrone

Commonwealth Wirraway
(Category: CFS1 > Aircraft)
0.20Mb (1331 downloads)
CFS1 - Commonwealth Wirraway - Les Stone Sept 2009
The Commonwealth Wirraway was built at a time of Australia's darkest period when a Japanese invasion was a possibility. The need was such that the design of the Wirraway used most of its components already in production as a North American trainer being licenced built in home factories. The CAC Boomerang followed the same path. The Wirraway was used as a fighter, bomber, reconnaissance, trainer and dive bomber.
The CFS aircraft is mostly all my work and as such is subject to the usual limitations in use. You may repaint, tweek the air file and if requested the afx file will be provided. But if you should upload to a payware site or make any money from this aircraft then I will come round and break your legs, stick your head down the toilet or the equivalent.
The only part that is not mine is the Panel, I could not improve on the offerings already on the web so the original owner's restrictions apply here.
This aircraft flies fine on my PC so if you think that it may have damaged your PC in any way then tough.
I hope you enjoy this aircraft
Les Stone September 2009
Posted Sep 29, 2009 09:06 by Les Stone

FS2004 Swift-1
(Category: FS2004 > Gliders and Ultralites)
2.58Mb (3238 downloads)
FS2004 Marganski Swift S1
A Polish high performance aerobatic sailplane.
FS model designed by Naoki Uehara.
Mods FD, sounds, panel and repaint by George Csillag.
(reworked pack)
Posted Sep 28, 2009 23:33 by GCs