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Alphasim SA365 Swiss Air Force Textures
Alphasim SA365 Swiss Air Force Textures (Category: FS2004 > Payware)
4.44Mb (530 downloads)
This SA365N Dauphin2 Swiss Air Force Texture is for the payware model from AlphaSim
Posted Sep 18, 2009 16:49 by benimix
Alphasim B-1B Display Bird textures
Alphasim B-1B Display Bird textures
Alphasim B-1B Display Bird textures (Category: FS2004 > Payware)
1.78Mb (660 downloads)
An fictional repaint of the Alphasim B-1b in a scheme that i would love to see doing the airshow circuits! Eye-catching brute force! It can only be the BONE!! Proudly displaying the USAF logo on the belly, you are sure to be the star attraction! "..on centreline for run in and break,..10 seconds..125 feet, 600knots............lets burst some eardrums............ " Textures by Gary J. Scott
Posted Sep 18, 2009 16:30 by Gary J. Scott
Mega-Airport Berlin-Tempelhof V0.5a
Mega-Airport Berlin-Tempelhof V0.5a
Mega-Airport Berlin-Tempelhof V0.5a (Category: FS2004 > Scenery)
6.07Mb (4248 downloads)
Mega-Airport Berlin-Tempelhof - A flight in a new dimension! The scenery contains: Hight detailed AFCAD-file Airportbuilding(s) very much of little details like Runwaylights, NAVĀ“s etc. C by Alexander Helmbold and
Posted Sep 18, 2009 15:47 by Alexander Helmbold
Static Gloster Meteor
Static Gloster Meteor
Static Gloster Meteor (Category: FS Design > Scenery Design Objects)
1.45Mb (1064 downloads)
This is the Gloster Meteor as static plane to be put as a scenery object anywhere in FSX. It comes in a library containing 2 models of the Meteor(Netherlands and UK). The models were made by Guy Diotte.
Posted Sep 18, 2009 10:24 by Guy Diotte
Delta Jetliners Pack
Delta Jetliners Pack
Delta Jetliners Pack (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
77.18Mb (35592 downloads)
ERJ-145, Boeing 757-200, Boeing 737-800 and MD-80 in Delta livery. 2 with VC and 2 with 2d panel. Project Open Sky Models complete with sounds and panels! Extract effects if needed. See files for credits.
Posted Sep 18, 2009 09:57 by Daniel Gonzalez
Sy-Sydney Australia Red Bull Air Race 2009
Sy-Sydney Australia Red Bull Air Race 2009
Sy-Sydney Australia Red Bull Air Race 2009 (Category: FS2004 > Scenery)
0.32Mb (1958 downloads)
This is the Sydney Air Race Track 2009 (fictional). Works with default FS2004 scenery.
Posted Sep 18, 2009 07:32 by Yves Sy Dsg
R22 Beta II Textures
R22 Beta II Textures (Category: FSX > Helicopters)
3.11Mb (613 downloads)
Textures for the default FSX R-22. Dedicated to the school where I got my training completed, and to all the future helicopter pilots who are undergoing training. Keep it up! This is an R22 Helicopter, from Helicopter Academy. N8066U is one of the ones that I flew for many hours and used for training as well as for aerial photography! Awesome memmories with this little machine.
Posted Sep 17, 2009 17:22 by Guillermo A. Raffo
RAF Fairford 2009
RAF Fairford 2009 (Category: FSX > Scenery)
5.49Mb (3578 downloads)
RAF Fairford 2009 for FSX by Dave Morgan. Tested on FSX & Accelleration. Tested with both Horizon's VFR scenery with which it is carefully aligned and also with default scenery. The layout if Fairford's current layout and as Horizon's VFR Genx2 photo images were obtained from data rumoured to be from 1999/2000, It has a 'home-grown' grass texture over the top and should be placed above Horizon's VFR scenery in the addon scenery list otherwise an outdated layour will show through. Other than the buildings and objects given credit for in the readme, all buildings and trees are from default libraries which means frame rates are not badly affected. The parking on the base allows upto c55 aircraft on it at any one time and the packages from MAIW, UKMIL and ACG add to the atmosphere...
Posted Sep 17, 2009 16:36 by Dave Morgan
Cessna 172sp NS Aviation Textures
Cessna 172sp NS Aviation Textures (Category: FSX > Props)
7.40Mb (1341 downloads)
Cessna 172sp NS Aviation Textures for the default C712. As a request from my friends and fellow pilots, Javier and Santiago @ NS aviation in the North Perry Airport(KHWO) in Hollywood, FL. Here is one of their own, N737QT.
Posted Sep 17, 2009 15:35 by Guillermo A. Raffo
Alphasim B-1B "Thunderbird" Remembered repaint
Alphasim B-1B "Thunderbird" Remembered repaint
Alphasim B-1B "Thunderbird" Remembered repaint (Category: FS2004 > Payware)
1.61Mb (772 downloads)
In salute of the crews who flew and fought in B-17G 42-38050 (BN-U)"Thunderbird". This repaint depicts a B-1B dressed in commemoration of Thunderbird and all who fought for our freedom in her.Many thanks to Gary Moncur at for allowing this repaint. - may they never be forgotton -
Posted Sep 16, 2009 20:48 by Gary J. Scott