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FSX twin package of the Douglas O-43 and O-46
FSX twin package of the Douglas O-43 and O-46
14.70Mb (813 downloads)
This is an FSX twin package of two observation aircraft of the 1930s, the Douglas O-43 and O-46, originally designed by the late Paul Clawson who sadly passed way in 2014. The panels of both models were extremely basic so I decided to make more realistic VCs and 2D panels for them. The O-43 didn't have a 2D panel at all, so it now has one also. The O-43 entered service around 1934 and soldered on until WW2, followed by the last one of the bunch, the O-46. Exhaust smoke added for both planes. Thanks to Paul Clawson for the models, new panels and smoke configuration by Michael Pook. The models may also work in P3D, Version3.
Posted Aug 2, 2020 04:26 by Michael Pook
Project Opensky CRJ900 Public Paintkkit
Project Opensky CRJ900 Public Paintkkit (Category: FS Design > Aircraft Paintkits)
16.45Mb (286 downloads)
Paintkit for the Project Opensky CRJ-900. PSD format
Posted Aug 2, 2020 04:12 by uploader
Lockheed C-130J Blue Angels Fat Albert 2020 Textures
1.00Mb (603 downloads)
Lockheed C-130J Blue Angels 2020 Paint Scheme. Paint Scheme by Azframer. Textures only
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required file
Posted Aug 1, 2020 23:41 by Rick Smith/ Azframer
FSX/P3D Parma scenery LIMP, Italy
FSX/P3D Parma scenery LIMP, Italy
FSX/P3D Parma scenery LIMP, Italy (Category: FSX > Scenery)
231.34Mb (1164 downloads)
FSX/P3D Scenery-Parma VFR. This scenery covers the area around Parma Airport (Emilia Romagna - Italy), for FSX/P3D. See also payware LIMP_FSX/P3D airport by Ivano Marongiu. This freeware scenery, with seasons and night texture has been made with "SBuilderX" design tool and with google earth for geographical reference of the various polygons and FSX/P3D SDK annotator.
Posted Jul 31, 2020 11:52 by Ivano Marongiu
Vought Corsair F4U-5 and NF navpanel
Vought Corsair F4U-5 and NF navpanel
Vought Corsair F4U-5 and NF navpanel (Category: FSX > Vintage)
4.06Mb (695 downloads)
FSX/P3Dv3,v4 Vought Corsair F4U-5 and NF This is a new panel for both my F4U1 and F4U2 Corsairs. Navigation instruments added. Just replace the original panel. by A.F.Scrub.
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required file
Posted Jul 31, 2020 11:19 by A.F.Scrub
FSX/P3Dv3,v4 Corsair F4U-5 and NF
FSX/P3Dv3,v4 Corsair F4U-5 and NF
FSX/P3Dv3,v4 Corsair F4U-5 and NF (Category: FSX > Vintage)
29.60Mb (1375 downloads)
FSX/P3Dv3,v4 Corsair F4U-5 and NF In 1945, the attention of the military aviation community turned to the turbo-jet-powered aircraft. The U.S. Navy, however, had decided they would keep the Corsair as their first-line fighter until the jet had been satisfactorily developed for carrier operations.The F4U-5 Corsair served almost exclusively as a fighter-bomber throughout the Korean War. Standard and nightfighter versions with navigation instruments. Native FSX/P3Dv3,v4 mdl by A.F.Scrub.
Posted Jul 31, 2020 11:15 by a.F.Scrub
FSX/P3D Airbus A321-200 Lufthansa Star Alliance Package
FSX/P3D Airbus A321-200 Lufthansa Star Alliance Package
76.61Mb (1009 downloads)
FSX/P3D Airbus A321-200 Lufthansa Star Alliance. Lufthansa currently have 68 Airbus A321-200 and fly worldwide. Includes 2020 revised model and VC. Model by Project Airbus updated to FSX native and updated VC by Speedbird77. Includes A321 checklist. Airbus sounds included. Tested in P3D v4.5 and should be ok in FSX and previous P3D versions. Zip preview for images. Textured and packaged by Chris Evans
Posted Jul 31, 2020 08:55 by chris evans
FSX/P3D Boeing 767-200/KC-767-200 Colombian Air Force
FSX/P3D Boeing 767-200/KC-767-200 Colombian Air Force
26.99Mb (1172 downloads)
This Aircraft is one known of the Colombian Air Force(Spanish:Fuerza AĆ©rea Colombiana) it was used in the mission Back to home due to Covid-19 bring Colombians Citizens and other nationalities. Model by skyspirit complete with Philipe Wallaert 767 2d panel (No VC) and ground services.
Posted Jul 31, 2020 01:45 by PhotoshopFSX
FSX Lufthansa Cargo Boeing 787-9 Cargo
FSX Lufthansa Cargo Boeing 787-9 Cargo (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
10.27Mb (466 downloads)
FSX Lufthansa Cargo Boeing 787-9 Cargo AGS V6.2. New Main landing gear bogie. New Night lights reflection. New Animated Ground Servicing. New static displays. New landing / taxi soft light beams. New 2D panel. (No VC) Model design and paint by Camil Valiquette. ( CamSim )
Posted Jul 30, 2020 11:10 by Camil Valiquette
FS2004 Lufthansa Cargo Boeing 787-9
FS2004 Lufthansa Cargo Boeing 787-9 (Category: FS2004 > Civil Jets)
2.97Mb (310 downloads)
FS2004 Lufthansa Cargo Boeing 787-9 Cargo AGS V6.2. New Main landing gear bogie. New Night lights reflection. New Animated Ground Servicing. New static displays. New landing / taxi soft light beams. New 2D panel. Model design and paint by Camil Valiquette. ( CamSim )
Posted Jul 30, 2020 11:08 by Camil Valiquette