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FSX/P3D (V.3) Convair B-58 Hustler Updated
FSX/P3D (V.3) Convair B-58 Hustler Updated
FSX/P3D (V.3) Convair B-58 Hustler Updated (Category: FSX > Military)
10.48Mb (1851 downloads)
The Convair B-58 Hustler was the first operational jet bomber capable of Mach 2 flight. The aircraft was developed for the United States Air Force for service in the Strategic Air Command (SAC) during the 1960s. It used a delta wing, which was also employed by Convair fighters such as the F-102, with four General Electric J79 engines in underwing pods. It carried five nuclear weapons; four on pylons under the wings, and one nuclear weapon and fuel in a combination bomb/fuel pod under the fuselage, rather than in an internal bomb bay. Replacing the Boeing B-47 Stratojet medium bomber, it was originally intended to fly at high altitudes and supersonic speeds to avoid Soviet fighters. The B-58 was notorious for its sonic boom, which was often heard by the public as it passed overhead in supersonic flight. The package is an FSX/P3d (V.3) update of my previous update, now including the original livery and two new Camo repaints.VC and 2D panel are now equipped with new (more authentic) gauges with GPS, radios and radar in the popup windows. Automatic smoke and afterburner added. Thanks to Massimo Altieri for the original FS2004 model and to Philippe Wallaert for some of the gauges as well as to the unknown designers of the other gauges used with this update. Also thanks to Erwin Welker for the 2D panel design. Panel updates, smoke and afterburner configuration as well as new Camo repaints by Michael Pook.
Posted Feb 7, 2018 06:41 by Michael Pook
FSX/P3D Native B-26B/C Martin Marauder
FSX/P3D Native B-26B/C Martin Marauder
FSX/P3D Native B-26B/C Martin Marauder (Category: FSX > Vintage)
206.63Mb (3728 downloads)
FSX/P3D Native B-26B/C Martin Marauder by Milton Shupe, Tom Falley, Martial Feron, Steve Bryant, William Ellis, Greenhouse357, Pierre-Jean Carosin and Sounds by Nigel Richards. Original Pilot figures by Jan Visser. Camera views by Joe Cusick. Radios by Richard "Real_Old_Salt" Murray. Thanks to "Gaucho_59" for the OH trimwheel textures. FSX Native Pkg incl models B-26B/C, VC and custom panel, R-2800 sounds, custom FSX Flight Model, and features eight exterior paints by Martial "Ferondoe" Feron (based on Steve Bryant's paint kit), 8 paints by Steve Bryant, and one by Greenhouse357. (Beta tested okay in P3Dv4) Paint kits available by Steve "Duckie" Bryant; see Readme.txt for links. Milton Shupe February 2018
Posted Feb 6, 2018 11:12 by Milton Shupe
B-26B/C Martin Marauder for FS9
B-26B/C Martin Marauder for FS9
B-26B/C Martin Marauder for FS9 (Category: FS2004 > Vintage)
112.55Mb (1116 downloads)
B-26B/C Martin Marauder for FS9 by Milton Shupe, Tom Falley, Martial Feron, "Mick" at SOH, William Ellis, Pierre-Jean Carosin and Sounds by Nigel Richards. Original Pilot figures by Jan Visser. Radios by Richard "Real_Old_Salt" Murray. Thanks to "Gaucho_59" for the OH trimwheel textures. Pkg incl models B-26B/C and JM-x likeness, VC and custom panel, R-2800 sounds, custom FS9 Flight Model, and features exterior paints by "Mick" at Sim-outhouse. Milton Shupe February 2018
Posted Feb 6, 2018 10:56 by Milton Shupe
FSX/P3D >v4 Airbus A320-232 British Airways Package (V2)
FSX/P3D >v4 Airbus A320-232 British Airways Package (V2)
63.70Mb (9595 downloads)
FSX/P3D >v4 Airbus A320-232 British Airways package (revised and updated). UK flag carrier British Airways operates 67 A320-200 (as of February 2018). Model by Project Airbus. Added the better Thomas Ruth VC with updates by Chris Evans and Louis Quintero. Embedded FMC, working wipers, etc. Use FMC under Views/Instrument panel in FSX menu. (FSX : Go to Views -Instrument Panel. P3D: Go to Vehicle - Instrument panel) I included the great textures by Stephen Groom. Includes FMC by Garret Smith. A320 sounds and manual included. Custom revised package by Chris Evans
Posted Feb 6, 2018 04:14 by chris evans
FSLabs Airbus A320  S7 Airlines Textures
FSLabs Airbus A320  S7 Airlines Textures
FSLabs Airbus A320 S7 Airlines Textures (Category: FSX > Payware)
9.51Mb (91 downloads)
S7 Airlines New colors textures for the payware FSLabs (Flight Sim Labs) Airbus A320. Repaint by Sergey Gleba aka serg09.
Posted Feb 5, 2018 14:58 by Sergey Gleba aka serg09
FSX  Project Tupolev Tu-144D English manual/ docs
FSX  Project Tupolev Tu-144D English manual/ docs
FSX Project Tupolev Tu-144D English manual/ docs (Category: Aircraft Checklists/Manuals > FS Aircraft Manuals)
88.30Mb (1185 downloads)
7 Original google translated Tu-144 documentation files for the great freeware Tu-144D aircraft by Nikita Konstantinov, Thomas Ruth, Claudio Mussner, Mikhail Mitin, Igor Borozdin a.o. Files are in RTF format, so you can edit them with Wordpad before printing them as pdf files, which will result in ca. 23 Mb disk space. Hint: if you archive the RTF files with 7-zip you'll spare a lot of space. Finally I hope you'll find these documents useful.
Posted Feb 5, 2018 12:36 by Flanker256
FSX/P3D >v4 Bombardier CRJ-700 American Eagle package
FSX/P3D >v4 Bombardier CRJ-700 American Eagle package
55.58Mb (3105 downloads)
FSX/P3D >v4 Bombardier CRJ-700 American Eagle package. American Eagle is a regional airline subsidiary of American Airlines and as of February 2018, operate 47 CRJ-700. Model by Project Opensky with upgraded VC. Includes built in FMC, working wipers and more (see VC docs in folder). High quality model with opening doors and stairs. All credit to the fantastic talents of the Project Opensky team. Thanks to Dimitrios Moschos for the great textures. Other updates by Chris Evans.
Posted Feb 5, 2018 12:00 by chris evans
FSX/ P3D.V3 Pilatus PC-12 Updated
FSX/ P3D.V3 Pilatus PC-12 Updated
FSX/ P3D.V3 Pilatus PC-12 Updated (Category: FSX > Props)
27.75Mb (9168 downloads)
The Pilatus PC-12 is a single-engine turboprop passenger and cargo aircraft manufactured by Pilatus Aircraft of Switzerland. The main market for the aircraft is corporate transport and regional airliner operators. It is the best-selling pressurized, single-engine, turbine-powered aircraft in the world. This mega package, previously updated for FSX by Michael E. Roberts, features a new enhanced and more realistic virtual cockpit and interior with new cabin views, smoke and corrected VC lights. Thanks to Brian Gladden for the original FS2002 model and to Michael E. Roberts for the previous FSX update. New VC and modified 2D panel as well as smoke and VC light correction by Michael Pook. Compatible with FSX/P3d to v3 but not v4.
Posted Feb 4, 2018 09:05 by Michael Pook
FSX/P3D >v4 McDonnell Douglas MD-80 Series Multipack 2 V2
FSX/P3D >v4 McDonnell Douglas MD-80 Series Multipack 2 V2
80.71Mb (10094 downloads)
FSX/P3D >v4 McDonnell Douglas MD-80 Series Multipack 2 (V2) . Liveries included: MD83 Crossair McDonalds, MD82 Alitalia, MD88 Delta Old/New, MD83 Swiftair, MD-83 Vanguard Airlines Black/Purple/Green/Blue This is the native SGA MD83 converted by Eagle Rotorcraft Simulations of the Eric Cantu/SGA original. Native model by Eric Cantu/ Eagle Rotorcraft Simulations. Brilliant new upgraded VC by David Hoeffgen , includes built in FMC, working wipers and more (see VC docs in folder). Added quieter sounds. I have added the great textures by Xudeva Irribarra, Dan Halpern. Fixed wheel sink. Views fixed to fit VC. See VC docs to get the best out of the FMC. Tested in P3D v4. Should be fine in earlier versions and FSX. Assembled and prepared by Chris Evans.
Posted Feb 4, 2018 04:32 by chris evans
Ilyushin IL-18-Manual PDF
Ilyushin IL-18-Manual PDF
Ilyushin IL-18-Manual PDF (Category: Aircraft Checklists/Manuals > FS Aircraft Manuals)
16.88Mb (713 downloads)
Translated manual for the Ilyushin IL-18 by Edgar Giunart. Created in rtf format with Wordpas so you can edit it if needed before printing it as pdf in order to reduce file size.
Required files:
required file
Posted Feb 3, 2018 16:58 by Flanker256