All Files > Page 721

St Mary's Airport 4J6, Georgia, USA
(Category: FSX > Scenery)
13.55Mb (334 downloads)
St. Marys Airport (4J6) is a public use airport located two nautical miles north of St. Mary’s, Georgia. The Airport has 2 Runways and Fuel service. This scenery will update the airport in FSX to match it real world counterpart. It will also add scenery for Kings Bay Navel Base just North of the Airport. In addition to this the scenery will also add the Prohibited Airspace P50 which is extremely close to the airport. COM Frequencies and Approaches have been updated as well. Sadly the airport is scheduled to be closed down on July 14th 2017. This is due to security concerns. Because of this the Scenery has 2 versions of the airport, you may choose which one to install. The first version is the airport updated and working in FSX. The 2nd version is the airport closed down. Runways are closed, AI will no longer use the field, fuel service has been shutdown.
Posted Jun 23, 2017 15:26 by CountryFlyboy

Update for the Alpha B-1B Lancer
(Category: FSX > Military)
32.62Mb (3493 downloads)
This is my second update of the Alpha B-1B
Lancer for FSX. I have fixed the problem
with the nose bobbing up and down at low
altitude while on autopilot. The fix also
changed the throttle setting at cruise speed
and altitude to between 60 and 75% instead of
over 90%. This update includes everything I
did for the previous update.
Posted Jun 23, 2017 13:15 by Bob Chicilo

FSX/P3D TDS Boeing 737-800 Megapack
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
294.37Mb (5498 downloads)
Multi livery package of the amazing TDS Boeing 737-800 with many liveries , effects , smoke effects , virtual cockpit and much more. Liveries: Jetair, Helios, Ryanair EI-FIA, Ryanair Dreamliner, delta, American-TWA, Sunwings, BWIA, Thomson Dreamliner, Turkish, American Trans air, Pan Am , KLM OC, KLM NC, Aloha, Aeromexico, Varig, Virgin Australia, Webjet, Smartwings, Blue Air, Aerolineas Argentinas 1, 2 & 3, Pan Am, TWA Globes, TWA Wings of Pride, TWA new, Southwest New, KLM PH-BXM, Egyptair. Includes the enhanced FSX 738 VC by Alejandro Rojas Lucenda.
Posted Jun 23, 2017 12:03 by Alex Guerreiro

Swiss Hang Glider mission with thermals
(Category: FSX > Missions)
0.33Mb (458 downloads)
There is a sailplane tutorial & mission in FSX. This hang glider mission is placed in the same region. For a better experience in this hang glider mission, I found it fun to use the thermals in the area. In your settings, choose weather and the option of schematic to make the thermals visible. When you lift off from the mountain, perform about a 180 degree turn & you should see a high thermal spiral very close by. Lift off is from about 11,560'. By circling within the thermal, you should be able to reach 18,000' to 20,000' without too much difficulty. This opens up the possibility to reach some distant airports at over 50 miles away.
Posted Jun 23, 2017 09:34 by Don Olsson

IRIS Tornado Desert Storm Package - Texture Fix
(Category: FSX > Military)
0.04Mb (843 downloads)
I apologise for this mistake. Here is a texture fix for ‘Black Magic’
Just add this file into Black Magic’s folder and over-write…that’s all, enjoy.
Posted Jun 23, 2017 00:18 by Andre Ludick

FSX USN Lockheed S-3 Viking updated package
(Category: FSX > Military)
15.02Mb (1401 downloads)
This is an update to the Kazunori Ito FS2002/FS2004 USN Lockheed S-3 Viking. The 2D panel has been re-gauged with XML gauges (only one GAU. radar file). Also included are the Juan Antonio Martinez US Navy Lockheed S-3 Viking Texture Six Pack including texture thumbnails. Contains eight aircraft with three possible configurations. 2D panel only, has non-functional VC panel.
Posted Jun 22, 2017 23:43 by Michael E. Roberts

P3D/FSX/FS2004 - FSX2BMAP Bing Maps Utility v1.504
(Category: Prepar3d > Utilities)
0.94Mb (469 downloads)
FSX2BMAP version 1.5 is FSX, P3D(V4) and FS2004 utility. This program shows a your aircraft position on Bing Maps. And more flight plan and AI traffic (planes & ships(FSX & P3D)) also is shown. LAN mode was added. You can show your plane and AI on another PC.
Posted Jun 22, 2017 21:43 by Koji Tsubakimoto

FSX native Cessna 150
(Category: FSX > Props)
19.02Mb (3002 downloads)
FSX native Cessna 150
The Cessna 150 is a two-seat tricycle gear general aviation airplane that was designed for flight training, touring and personal use.The Cessna 150 is the fifth most produced civilian plane ever, with 23,839 aircraft produced. Special thanks to :
-GMAX for the drawing program and Microsoft for their makmdls.mdk.
-Tom Tiedman for some of the textures
-Martyn Northall of Just flight. GMAX mdls by A.F.Scrub.
Posted Jun 22, 2017 15:52 by A.F.Scrub

Afghanistan Airports Package
(Category: FS2004 > Scenery)
50.55Mb (1367 downloads)
OAAC-Charikar, OAAD-Dehdadi, OAAK-Andkhoi, OAAN-Ajrestan North, OABD-Dostmohammadkhan Kalay, OABN-Bamyan, OABT-Bost Airport Lashkar Gah, OADY-Dwyer, OADZ-Darwaz, OAFG-Khost-O-Fering, OAFH-Helmand, OAFN-Noshaq, OAFR-Farah, OAFT-Tapa, OAFZ-Faizabad, OAHR-Herat, OAIX-Bagram, OAJL-Jalalabad, OAKB-Kabul, OAKG-Khojaghar, OAKN-Kandahar, OAKS-Khost, OALL-Lal, OAMN-Maimana, OAMS-Mazar-I-Sharif, OAQN-Qala-I-Nawa, OASD-Shindand, OASG-Sheberghan, OASH-Shank Air Base, OATD-Kara Tapa (Toorghodi), OATN-Tereen, OATQ-Talulqan Toorghodi, OATW-Teh Wareh, OAUZ-Kunduz, OAYL-Yakawlang, OAZJ-Zaranj
Posted Jun 22, 2017 10:42 by Andrey Anta

Iris Tornado Desert Storm Package
(Category: FSX > Military)
38.44Mb (2476 downloads)
I realized the need for some Desert Storm Tornadoes and during a recent long weekend that we had, I figured that there are not a better time than during that weekend to do something about it. The available models aren’t exactly the correct version, but as stated so many times before – I can only work with what there is to work with. As usual I had to improvise here and there, but the end result looks pretty good. The colour-palette that I’ve decided on are sourced from the best colour photos of Tornadoes from that war that I could obtain off the Internet. It gives one a good idea of how a rather freshly painted Tornado would have looked like. But in my modelling career that has started in 1978, I learned that the choice of the correct colour for an aircraft model can lead to hefty discussions. I’ve also re-drawn the respective aircraft’s Nose-arts to the best of my abilities (Not a cut-n-paste business from a photograph). Please refer to all ‘Read Me’ files and Manual for appropriate credits given. This is a stand-alone package and thus doesn't require any other downloads. Revised Instrument Panel by Mr. Pook. Credit to Iris for fantastic original package.
Posted Jun 22, 2017 00:35 by Andre Ludick