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FS2004/FSX Level-d Boeing 767-300 Orient Thai Airlines HS-BKC textures
(Category: FSX > Payware)
9.69Mb (210 downloads)
FS2004/FSX Orient Thai Airlines HS-BKC textures for the payware Level-D 767-300ER
Posted Dec 4, 2016 04:54 by Liao Yitong

FSX Upgrade for Jean-Pierre Fillion's Canadian Icebreaker Amundsen
(Category: FSX > Misc)
31.17Mb (1137 downloads)
FSX Upgrade for Jean-Pierre Fillion's pilotable Canadian icebreaker Amundsen. The new version has a virtual navigation bridge and many very special animations: Breaking ice at the bow, a splitted ice wake behind the stern, a Bell 206B Jetranger helicopter doing take offs and landings on the heli deck, a crane lifting a container onto the ice field and a polar bear mother with its child walking near the ship. Sixtien cameras let you watch all those animations and explore the ship. Original icebreaker sounds let you enjoy discovering ice fields. A saved flight at northern Canada on an icefiled approaching open sea is included. Additionally you can insert an icefield of 4 x 12 km using ai-carriers2 wherever you are sailing. All FSX features and configurations, the animations, the Bell 206B and the VC by Erwin Welker. The pretty original ai-boat is made by Jean-Pierre Fillion.
Posted Dec 4, 2016 03:53 by Erwin Welker

KRIC - Richmond International Airport, Virginia, USA
(Category: FSX > Scenery)
164.59Mb (1797 downloads)
Detailed scenery of Richmond International Airport, Virginia, USA. This airport serves as the main airport for the capital city of the state of Virginia and is served by all the major US airlines.
Posted Dec 4, 2016 01:14 by Shehryar Ansari

Boeing 747-400 Gol Airlines New Colors package
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
50.90Mb (1856 downloads)
This is the Project Opensky 747-400, with the new and fictional livery of Gol Brazilian Airlines. reg: PT-GHL. Includes model, PW sound and GPWS, and the VC from Alejandro Rojas Lucena . Repaint by Moacir Junior
Posted Dec 3, 2016 16:17 by Moacir Junior

FSX/P3D/FS2004 SectionF8 F-86E Pakistan Air Force Package
(Category: FSX > Military)
52.96Mb (1644 downloads)
FS2004/fsx SectionF8 F-86E Pakistan Air Force donation for China package. This is a fantasy livery created just for fun and visual pleasure based on the outstanding SectionF8 F86 Sabre. Full model included.
Posted Dec 3, 2016 08:01 by Liao Yitong

Search the fortress of Solitude in Greenland
(Category: FSX > Missions)
2.24Mb (765 downloads)
Make a search around the "Fortress of Solitude" of Superman in Greenland.
(It is a very interesting artifact in FSX!)
Aircraft is the Bell Jet Ranger.
There are 2 separate missions in the same area of essentially the same kind.
Posted Dec 3, 2016 07:48 by Don Olsson

Boeing 737-900ER Gol Airlines New Colors Package
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
68.45Mb (2288 downloads)
Project Opensky Boeing 737-900 Extended Range Version Gol Airlines New Colors (the second biggest airline in the Brazil) for FSX. Repaint by Moacir Junior. Using panel & upgrated virtual cockpit by Alejando Rojas Lucenda with FMC.
Posted Dec 2, 2016 21:13 by Moacir Junior

FSX/P3D Airbus A330-200 Gol Airlines New Colors Package
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
36.83Mb (1366 downloads)
FSX/P3D Airbus A330-200 Gol Brazilian Airlines New Colors package for FSX. Gol Airlines is a second biggest airline of the Brazil, in fictional livery at Airbus A330-200 aircraft fleet. The A330-200 has a range of around 7200 NM/13400 km. Includes VC. Model by Thomas Ruth. A330 sounds and manual included. Custom packaged by Moacir Junior
Posted Dec 2, 2016 19:50 by Moacir Junior

Finding Lm3(Spider)
(Category: Space Orbiter > Orbiter Addons)
0.00Mb (895 downloads)
Recently I discovered that in March of 1969, when the lunar module ascent stage, "Spider" was released during the Apollo 9 Earth orbital mission, the ascent engine was commanded to burn to fuel depletion. This resulted in an orbit of 6,934.4 × 230.6 km. That orbit lasted until the ascent stage re-entered and burned up on 23 October 1981. Since the Space Shuttle Columbia first flew on 12 April 1981, that means that, hypothetically, the Space Shuttle could have been dispatched to rendezous (and possibly capture) Spider.
These are a series of scenarios utilizing the Shuttle Fleet and AMSO. Both addons must be in the same Orbiter installation, Orbiter 2010, to work properly. The scenarios are located in the Scenario folder "Finding LM3(Spider)". There is a launch scenario on 13 October 1981 and a stationkeeping scenario on 14 October 1981. Using the RPOP MFD, a flyaround is possible. The scenarios are based upon actual orbital elements for Spider from October 1981. Spider was NORAD catalog number 03771.
Posted Dec 2, 2016 13:33 by David413

Bell206 Autorotation Training
(Category: FSX > Missions)
3.81Mb (791 downloads)
This is an short tutorial for autorotation training in the default FSX Bell 206 created by Jens
Posted Dec 2, 2016 09:16 by Jens Laimgruber