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FSX PC-6C KLU Eindhoven AB Textures
(Category: FSX > Props)
6.58Mb (570 downloads)
Pilatus PC-6C H2 Turbo Porter for FSX by Tim Conrad in a Royal Netherlands Air Force livery. The PC-6C Turbo Porter has been an amazing contribution to the STOL aircraft fleet around the world for decades. It's robust airframe and excellent aerodynamics make the plane very popular for para-drops, but also for supply missions in remote area's throughout the globe. Despite it's age the aircraft is still widely in use. This repaint represents a "what-if" RNLAF PC-6C in the Eindhoven (NLD) based toned down grey 336 Sqn colours, 2012. The Sqn logo is the current 336 version which operates C-130's. The aircraft shares the same registration as my earlier Surinam based livery (, but weathered, tone-down grey and 40 years later. You need the excellent freeware PC-6C H2 Turbo Porter by Tim Conrad in order to use this repaint. Enjoy!
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Posted Sep 29, 2010 07:11 by René Spaan

(Category: FSX > Props)
5.80Mb (408 downloads)
Pilatus PC-6C H2 Turbo Porter for FSX by Tim Conrad in a Royal Netherlands Air Force livery. The PC-6C Turbo Porter has been an amazing contribution to the STOL aircraft fleet around the world for decades. It's robust airframe and excellent aerodynamics make the plane very popular for para-drops, but also for supply missions in remote area's throughout the globe. Despite it's age the aircraft is still widely in use. This repaint represents a "what-if" RNLAF PC-6C in 336 Sqn colours. 336 Sqn has been a Dutch Antilles based Air Force MARPAT unit operating F-27MPA's. Currently the Sqn operates four C-130's from Eindhoven AB, with a new Sqn logo. This PC-6C is (fictional) operated by 2 ULF (Utility and Liaison Flight), 336 Sqn. The flight is designated to operate anywhere in the world. This livery resembles a unit operating from Tarin kowt (Tereen (OATN)), Uruzgan, Afghanistan 2009 under ISAF mandate, and in support of the Dutch Task force Uruzgan, Tarin Kowt, 2009. The aircraft shares the same registration as my previous livery (, but weathered, tone-down grey and 37 years later.You need the excellent freeware PC-6C H2 Turbo Porter by Tim Conrad in order to use this repaint. Enjoy!
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Posted Sep 29, 2010 07:08 by René Spaan

(Category: FSX > Props)
7.30Mb (412 downloads)
Pilatus PC-6C H2 Turbo Porter for FSX by Tim Conrad in a Royal Netherlands Air Force livery. The PC-6C Turbo Porter has been an amazing contribution to the STOL aircraft fleet around the world for decades. It's robust airframe and excellent aerodynamics make the plane very popular for para-drops, but also for supply missions in remote area's throughout the globe. Despite it's age the aircraft is still widely in use. This repaint represents a "what-if" RNLAF PC-6C in 336 Sqn colours. 336 Sqn has been a Dutch Antilles based Air Force MARPAT unit operating F-27MPA's. Currently the Sqn operates four C-130's from Eindhoven AB, with a new Sqn logo. This PC-6C is (fictionally and prior to the 336 Sqn re-establishment) operated by 2 ULF(Utility and Liaison Flight), 336 Sqn. The flight is designated to operate anywhere in the world. This livery resembles a unit operating from Tallil AB (Ali Air Base (ORTL), Iraq) under SFIR mandate, and in support of the Dutch battlegroup, Al Muthanna, 2004. The aircraft shares the same registration as my previous livery (, but weathered, tone-down camouflaged and 32 years later. You need the excellent freeware PC-6C H2 Turbo Porter by Tim Conrad in order to use this repaint. Enjoy!
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Posted Sep 29, 2010 07:06 by René Spaan

(Category: FSX > Props)
6.24Mb (431 downloads)
Pilatus PC-6C H2 Turbo Porter for FSX by Tim Conrad in a Royal Netherlands Air Force livery. The PC-6C Turbo Porter has been an amazing contribution to the STOL aircraft fleet around the world for decades. It's robust airframe and excellent aerodynamics make the plane very popular for para-drops, but also for supply missions in remote area's throughout the globe. Despite it's age the aircraft is still widely in use. This repaint represents a "what-if" RNLAF PC-6C in toned down camouflage 336 Sqn colours, IFOR, Sarajevo 1996. The Sqn logo is the old Curacao (Netherlands Antilles) 336 version which back then ended their F-27 Maritime operations. The RNLAF did participate in the Former Yugoslav, Bosnian peace enforcing operation with aircraft including C-130's, F-16's, and BO-105CB's. The aircraft shares the same registration as my earlier Surinam based livery (, but weathered, tone-down camouflage and 24 years later. You need the excellent freeware PC-6C H2 Turbo Porter by Tim Conrad in order to use this repaint. Enjoy!
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required file
Posted Sep 29, 2010 07:04 by René Spaan

A U-Boat in the Amazon
(Category: FSX > Missions)
1.72Mb (2246 downloads)
Captain Igmar Schroonk set course west 23 degrees right toward the South American coast. He now realized that this was the end and the only possible course for survival. The southern Atlantic was rough but he knew the ocean as he knew the palm of his hand.
After a week of very slow passage and on a sunny day at the bridge of the boat, Hans Slother noticed, in his binoculars, the green coast of Brazil and called his captain.
That night at 12 miles from the mouth of the great Amazon River Igmar called his crew and told them his plan, which he had very carefully elaborated.
“ This is my proposal” he said to the outlook of all the men in the darkened submarine...”We get into the river during the night and slip through any observation post, if there are any, then proceed very slowly up river” was 1944
Posted Sep 28, 2010 15:54 by Gera Godoy Canova

Boeing 777-200 Fictional Beatles Airways
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
49.59Mb (2611 downloads)
Boeing 777-200 painted in fictional Beatles Airways colors. Original model by Project Opensky.
Posted Sep 28, 2010 11:34 by Gabriel Guzman

Boeing 737-900ER Continental Blue Skyways
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
8.42Mb (1425 downloads)
FSX Boeing 737-900ER . Continental Blue Skyways livery.
A repaint of Posky's 737-900ER in this special livery. Uses B737 default 2d panel. No VC.
By Gabriel Guzman
Posted Sep 28, 2010 10:57 by Gabriel Guzman

Boeing 737-800 Continental Eco Skies
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
10.59Mb (1747 downloads)
Boeing 737-800 painted in the special Continental "eco skies" logo livery .
Posted Sep 28, 2010 10:51 by Gabriel Guzman

CRJ-200 Continenal Express
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
7.60Mb (2274 downloads)
Posky CRJ-200 painted in Continenal Express colors. Uses default CRJ-700 2d panel. No VC.
Posted Sep 28, 2010 10:45 by Gabriel Guzman

A330-200 Vietnam Airlines
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
7.35Mb (3287 downloads)
Posky A330-200 painted in Skyteam colors with Vietnam Airlines. Uses default A321 2d panel. No VC.
Posted Sep 28, 2010 10:36 by Gabriel Guzman