All Files > Page 2462
Lockheed L-100-30 Hercules Zimex Pack AI Aircraft Textures only
(Category: FS2004 > Props)
0.45Mb (975 downloads)
Lockheed L-100-30 Hercules Zimex Pack AI Aircraft Textures only.
Two real liveries for this L-100 used in the 80^s in Switzerland.
Registration HB-ILF & HB-ILG. , Requires original aircraft by
Henri Tomkiewicz avaiable here
(external link please report if dead). Repainted by Jean-Jacques
Parel. 462K
Posted Sep 8, 2009 23:29 by archive
FS2004 Cessna 337 Skymaster F-BXLQ Textures only
(Category: FS2004 > Props)
0.16Mb (994 downloads)
Cessna 337 Skymaster F-BXLQ Textures only.
This 337 is flying in France.The Cessna 337 is easily recognized
by its distinctive twin boom tails and twin inline push/pull
engines. By putting both engines on the center line, Cessna
wanted twin engine performance without the disadvantages normally
associated with twin engine aircraft. Textures only, requires
original aircraft by Mike Stone here.
Repainted by Jean-Jacques Parel. 168K
Required files:
required file
Posted Sep 8, 2009 23:29 by archive
FS2004 Piper Malibu Meridian & Mirage Swiss Textures Pack.
(Category: FS2004 > Props)
0.49Mb (1357 downloads)
Piper Malibu Meridian & Mirage Swiss Textures Pack.
Five real swiss liveries for the Malibu & Mirage. The Malibu
Meridian is a high performance, turbo prop derived from the
popular Malibu Mirage. It is sleek and fast and equipped with
all the latest tools of the trade. Textures only, requires original
aircraft by Mike Stone here
.Repainted by Jean-Jacques Parel. 502K
Required files:
required file
Posted Sep 8, 2009 23:29 by archive
Beechcraft V-35B Bonanza HB-EJN & HB-EFM Textures only.
(Category: FS2004 > Props)
0.28Mb (1282 downloads)
Beechcraft V-35B Bonanza HB-EJN & HB-EFM Textures only. Real
liveries for this two swiss aircraft.The Bonanza, with its distinctive
V tail is one of the most successful private aircraft ever made.
In continuous production since 1947, more than 17,000 have been
produced. Textures only, requires original aircraft by Mike
Stone here .Repainted
by Jean-Jacques Parel. 285K
Posted Sep 8, 2009 23:29 by archive
FS2004 Grumman Widgeon Portuguese Navy Textures only
(Category: FS2004 > Props)
1.12Mb (1217 downloads)
Grumman Widgeon Portuguese Navy Textures only.
You need Joe Binka's Grumman Widgeon here.
The Grumman G-44 (J4F) Widgeon, was the "little sister" of the
Grumman Goose, built in 1940. It was used as a small patrol
and utility aircraft by the US Navy and the Royal Navy. Military
Operators of this little amphibian were Brazil, Portugal, Thailand,
United Kingdom, United States and Uruguay. This repaint represents
Portuguese Navy Widgeon 129. Between 1947 and 1952 it was used
in Mozambique by the Hidrographic mission. Model by: Joe Binka
Repaint by: Jaap de Baare. 1.1MB
Required files:
required file
Posted Sep 8, 2009 23:29 by archive
FS2004 Viscount 802 BEA-The Malta Airlines G-AOHO Textures only
(Category: FS2004 > Props)
0.50Mb (616 downloads)
Viscount 802 BEA-The Malta Airlines G-AOHO Textures only
- as it appeared during secondment to the wholly owned subsidury
that preceeded the present day Air Malta. Requires the FSDS
Viscount 800 model by Rick Piper Repaint by Garry Russell. 512K
Required files:
required file
Posted Sep 8, 2009 23:29 by archive
Cessna 172 Sport.
(Category: FS2004 > Props)
1.75Mb (2761 downloads)
Cessna 172 Sport.
The cessna sport is a result of a couple of imaginations and
a school project. The Sport is a highly modified default 172
that is made to do some serious acrobatics. Main modifications
include things like weight roll and wing area, among others.
Smoke is activated by hitting the "I" key. You can also use
any repaints for the default 172 for the sport. Please enjoy
flying this plane! Andrew Baxley, Keenan Payne and Johnny Horiel.
Posted Sep 8, 2009 23:29 by archive
Saab 340 Pacific Coastal Airlines
(Category: FS2004 > Props)
1.63Mb (2743 downloads)
Saab 340 Pacific Coastal Airlines.
Pacific Coastal Airlines Flies out of Vancouver, B.C. Canada
to Destinations within British ColumbiaOriginal aircraft by
Mike Stone This Repaint by Bashir Ismail. 1.7MB
Posted Sep 8, 2009 23:29 by archive
FS2002 / FS2004 Piper PA-28 Cherokee G-ATHR Britannia Flying Club Textures only.
(Category: FS2004 > Props)
0.79Mb (1413 downloads)
/ FS2004 Piper PA-28 Cherokee G-ATHR Britannia Flying Club Textures
Requires the aircraft by Guenter Kramer (Required, here)
Repaint by Ben Hartmann of UKMIL. 810K
Required files:
required file
Posted Sep 8, 2009 23:29 by archive
Red Bull Extra 300L
(Category: FS2004 > Props)
7.31Mb (12623 downloads)
Red Bull Extra 300L ,
registration HA-PET. Updated version including required gauges
& revised VC. The HA-PET is one of the various planes flown
by Hungarian Peter Besenyei, a two time World Aerobatic Champion
and participant of the Red Bull Air Race 2006. While Peter Besenyei
uses the Extra 300S, the Velox Revolution II and the Zivko Edge
540X in the Air Race, he is doing Air Shows with the Extra 300L
HA-PET, sponsored by the Austrian lemonade company Red Bull.
Includes VC. By Hans-Juergen Lieberich. Model by Flight Factory
Simulations. Flight dynamics by Long Island Classics. 7.5MB
Posted Sep 8, 2009 23:29 by archive