All Files > Page 2510
Gee Bee R-1 Racer.
(Category: FS2004 > Props)
1.52Mb (7905 downloads)
Gee Bee R-1 Racer. Built
by the Granville Brothers Aircraft Company 1932. Not for the
faint hearted - this cult racer was notoriously difficult to
fly & being unforgiving, claimed many who attempted. Model,
paint, FDE by Mathew Chamberlain 1.5MB
Posted Sep 8, 2009 23:28 by archive
Beechcraft C-45 Expeditor Mk.IIIN Portuguese Air Force
(Category: FS2004 > Props)
17.29Mb (4456 downloads)
Beechcraft C-45 Expeditor Mk.IIIN Portuguese Air Force
This aircraft depicts the one of the C-45's used by the Portuguese
Air Force, and represents the C-45 s/n 2513, an ex-RCAF aircraft,
currently parked at OTA Air Base. Original model by Simtech.
It also includes a sound system by Des Braban, instrument panel
by Fred Choate, revised aircraft.cfg file by John de Giorgio
and repainted by João Corredeira - OGMAv workshops. 17.7MB
Posted Sep 8, 2009 23:28 by archive
Cessna 172 Orange Peel
(Category: FS2004 > Props)
3.12Mb (1454 downloads)
Cessna 172 Orange Peel.
. This is a Repaint of the default FS2004 C172 painted with
orange peel textures . Complete aircraft. Created by Mark Rooks.
Posted Sep 8, 2009 23:28 by archive
ATR42-500 3 Pack
(Category: FS2004 > Props)
30.25Mb (5885 downloads)
FS2004 ATR42-500 Air Caledonie, Air Caledonie Internaionale and Australasia Airlines. Complete aircraft, panel, Virtual Cockpit, autopilot and new flight dynamic. Aircraft model by :ATR42-500 Sánchez-Castañer. Base. Paint,Package by : Jeff Columbain. 30.9MB
Posted Sep 8, 2009 23:28 by archive
Cinderella's Cessna II - Default Textures
(Category: FS2004 > Props)
0.99Mb (714 downloads)
Cinderella's Cessna II - Default Textures.In
time for the release of her movie on DVD, I am proud to present
the private aircraft of her Most Royal Highness, Cinderella.
This is the plane that she pilots on visits to the far corners
of her realm when she's not making more official visits in her
Royal Jet. These textures are for use with the default Fixed
Gear Skylane. Repaint by Don Brynelsen. 1MB
Posted Sep 8, 2009 23:28 by archive
Fairchild 24-R3 Float Plane. Package 3 of 3.
(Category: FS2004 > Props)
20.48Mb (1919 downloads)
Fairchild 24-R3 Float Plane. Package 3 of 3. This is Version
3 of the 1938 Fairchild 24 R2 WITH PONTOONS for FS9/GW3 - part
of the Fairchild 24 Package which consists of 7 different models.
This model has the 6 Cylinder inline Ranger engine. All versions
have updated and tuned airfiles.This model features opening
doors, working suspension, steering tail wheel (easier to taxi),
animated control surfaces, panel, animated pop-down landing
lights, reflective and dynamic shine textures, opening cowling,
and 8 versions of Fairchilds color schemes. Modeled in Gmax
by William Ortis, Lionheart Creations Ltd. 20.9MB
Posted Sep 8, 2009 23:28 by archive
Fairchild 24 Float Plane Series. Package 2 of 3.
(Category: FS2004 > Props)
26.10Mb (1857 downloads)
Fairchild 24 Float Plane Series. Package 2 of 3. This is
Version 3 Fairchild 24W with round radial engine cowling.for
FS9/GW3 - part of the Fairchild 24 Package which consists of
7 different models.This model is fitted with the radial Warner
engine.All versions have updated and tuned airfiles. This version
of the Fairchild 24 line featuring a stylish and rare tear dropped
bubble cowling over the radial engine. The engine is a 3D detailed
model. This model features 4 diffrent Fairchild paint schemes,
opening doors, working animated control surfaces, a virtual
cockpit with functioning guages and details, and pop-down animated
antique landing lights. With a fresh rebuild on the engine and
new paint, she is ready for an adventure. Textures by Leon Louis
and William Ortis. Repackaged by Paul Tolson. Modeled in Gmax
by William Ortis, Lionheart Creations Ltd. 21MB
Posted Sep 8, 2009 23:28 by archive
Fairchild 24 Float Plane Series. Package 1 of 3.
(Category: FS2004 > Props)
20.51Mb (1873 downloads)
Fairchild 24 Float Plane Series. Package 1 of 3.
This is Version 3 Fairchild 24W with bubbled cowling.for FS9/GW3
- part of the Fairchild 24 Package which consists of 7 different
models.This model is fitted with the radial Warner engine.All
versions have updated and tuned airfiles. This version of the
Fairchild 24 line featuring a stylish and rare tear dropped
bubble cowling over the radial engine. The engine is a 3D detailed
model. This model features 4 diffrent Fairchild paint schemes,
opening doors, working animated control surfaces, a virtual
cockpit with functioning guages and details, and pop-down animated
antique landing lights. With a fresh rebuild on the engine and
new paint, she is ready for an adventure. Textures by Leon Louis
and William Ortis. Repackaged by Paul Tolson. Modeled in Gmax
by William Ortis, Lionheart Creations Ltd. 20.7MB
Posted Sep 8, 2009 23:28 by archive
Fairchild 24W Bushplane
(Category: FS2004 > Props)
20.92Mb (2209 downloads)
Fairchild 24W Bushplane for FS9/GW3. This is 'Package 4
of 4' of Version 3 Fairchild 24W Bushplane for FS9/GW3 - part
of the Fairchild 24 Package which consists of 7 different models.This
model is fitted with the radial Warner engine. All versions
have updated and tuned airfiles.This version of the Fairchild
24 line and sports a nice round cowl and a powerful sounding
powerplant. This model features 4 diffrent Fairchild paint schemes,
detailed engine, opening doors, working animated control surfaces,
a virtual cockpit with functioning guages and details, pop-down
animated landing lights, a nice 'floppy' working suspension
for those rough field landings, a revised panel from the F24R-2,
a steering tail wheel, and a superb sound file. The wheel skirts
have been removed and she is ready for the worst runways Alaska
can throw at her. Time for some serious wildernous adventure
flights. Repackaged. 21.4MB
Posted Sep 8, 2009 23:28 by archive
Fairchild 24W with Bubbled Cowling.
(Category: FS2004 > Props)
20.00Mb (2471 downloads)
Fairchild 24W with Bubbled Cowling. Package 3 of 4. This
is Version 3 Fairchild 24W with bubbled cowling.for FS9/GW3
- part of the Fairchild 24 Package which consists of 7 different
models.This model is fitted with the radial Warner engine.All
versions have updated and tuned airfiles. This version of the
Fairchild 24 line featuring a stylish and rare tear dropped
bubble cowling over the radial engine. The engine is a 3D detailed
model. This model features 4 diffrent Fairchild paint schemes,
opening doors, working animated control surfaces, a virtual
cockpit with functioning guages and details, and pop-down animated
antique landing lights. With a fresh rebuild on the engine and
new paint, she is ready for an adventure. Textures by Leon Louis
and William Ortis. Repackaged by Paul Tolson. Modeled in Gmax
by William Ortis, Lionheart Creations Ltd. 21.4MB
Posted Sep 8, 2009 23:28 by archive