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                  152 CC-KAA FS2000 Only
                  152 CC-KAA FS2000 Only
Cessna 152 CC-KAA FS2000 Only (Category: FS2000 > Props)
3.49Mb (848 downloads)
Cessna 152 CC-KAA FS2000 Only Version 1.0 Aircraft: Cessna 152 CC-KAA Include : Full Movings Parts 3D ( Flap , Aleron , Rudder ,etc ),Transparent Windows with reflections ,Real Prop Type F2000 , pilot 3D, 3D Blade , Full Checklist , separate switch Land Nav , strobe , Custom Panel and Full View.Model and Gauges Designed by: Ruts Ewalt FDE: Raul Acevedo. Painted: Ruts Ewalt Bitmap View Aircraft : Painted Ruts Ewalt Original Photo View : Jean-Pierre Langer and Paul Beardsley. 3.6MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:46 by archive
                  Cessna C-177 Cardinal
                  Cessna C-177 Cardinal
FS2000 Cessna C-177 Cardinal (Category: FS2000 > Props)
3.13Mb (1339 downloads)
FS2000 Cessna C-177 Cardinal Originally designated the 172J, the 177 has an unbraced catilever monoplane wing that makes it easy to identify from it's 172/182 siblings. It's sleek airframe and 180hp Lycoming engine makes it fairly fast and it is perfect plane for cross country flying. Also a retractable gear version has been made and it is designated 177 RG. Cardinals were made until 1978. This FSDS design includes full moving parts, virtual cockpit, transparent canopy with glass reflections and an instrument panel with 360 degree cockpit bitmaps. Designed by Mikko Maliniemi. 3.2MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:46 by archive
                  Piaggio P180 Avanti
                  Piaggio P180 Avanti
FS2000/PRO Piaggio P180 Avanti (Category: FS2000 > Props)
2.39Mb (1381 downloads)
FS2000/PRO Piaggio P180 Avanti The Piaggio P180 Avanti is so far the only modern transport turboprop driven aircraft designed, developed and certified with the unique three lifting surface configuration. The first prototype flight occurred on August 20, 1986. The Piaggio P180 is the fastest FAR 23 certified turboprop aircraft now in production. This aircraft is capable of a max cruising speed of 400 Kts at 27,000 ft. The visual model has been designed with Abacus FSDS Pro. It has full moving parts,including control surfaces, gear and steering nose wheel. It has also trasparent windows and pilots. Visual model and textures by Massimo Taccoli Panel by Marco Spada FS2000/Pro Flight dynamics by Cpt. Steve alias Stefano Caputo. 2.4MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:46 by archive
                  Pro - Aeroworks ARX-3R Raptor II
                  Pro - Aeroworks ARX-3R Raptor II
FS2000 Pro - Aeroworks ARX-3R Raptor II (Category: FS2000 > Props)
0.24Mb (3698 downloads)
FS2000 Pro - Aeroworks ARX-3R Raptor II The ARX-3R is a 1-place, high performance, racing version of the original ARX-3 Raptor recreational sportplane. Changes for the Raptor II include the removal of aft seat & panel and the addition of a nitrous oxide system, as well as spoilers and a few new digital avionics. Uses GPS feature of FS2000. Aircraft and panel by Jason L. Terry. 249K
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:46 by archive
                  -FS2000 Sukhoi Su-26 "Buell Tiger"
                  -FS2000 Sukhoi Su-26 "Buell Tiger"
0.41Mb (795 downloads)
Updated -FS2000 Sukhoi Su-26 "Buell Tiger" Tom Klassens Buell Tiger is a +12 and –10 G man-eater. This awesome aircraft has a nine cylinder, 360+ horsepower M-14P radial engine that allows Klassen to fly stright up for over 3,500 feet or fly straight and level at over 280 mph. The wing and fuselage of the Buell Tiger are made from carbon fiber, which is stronger and lighter than the conventional aircraft materials. This plane is a combination of light weight, high strength, and maximum horsepower results in awesome performance and allows Tom Klassen to pull high Gs, rocket through the sky, and roll the aircraft at over 400 degrees a second! Includes full moving parts, virtual cockpit and a panel. Designed by Mikko Maliniemi. Panel By Jason L. Terry. 420K
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:46 by archive
                  STOL CH 701
FS2000 STOL CH 701 (Category: FS2000 > Props)
0.23Mb (827 downloads)
FS2000 STOL CH 701 (v1.0) A small, lightweight kit plane made by Zenith Air in Mexico, Missouri. A high lift wing with slats and underwing flaperons give this plane extraordinary STOL performance and superb handling. Modeled with full moving parts and cockpit with pilot. Designed using AD2000. By Mike Stone. 233K
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:46 by archive
                  PZL 101A Gawron (1968-)
FS2000 PZL 101A Gawron (1968-) (Category: FS2000 > Props)
1.18Mb (615 downloads)
FS2000 PZL 101A Gawron (1968-) The aircraft designed with FSDS. Flight controls, props and gear are animated with AA. The file model is an improvement of my former pzl101a.exe for FS2000. Flight characteristics: Tibor Kókai Designed and painted : Tibor Kókai. 1.2MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:46 by archive
                    de Havilland Canada DHC-3 Otter 3-pack.
                    de Havilland Canada DHC-3 Otter 3-pack.
4.79Mb (871 downloads)
FS2000 de Havilland Canada DHC-3 Otter 3-pack. Like the earlier Beaver, the Otter is a STOL utility transport but has accomodations for the pilot and up to ten passengers. All passenger seats are quickly removable for freight carrying . This is a complete aircraft package that includes Land/Ski and Float plane versions as well as a panel and sound files. Panel by Fred Choate / Aircraft by Steven Grant. 5MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:46 by archive
                  Saab 340B in Northwest Airlink colors
0.21Mb (581 downloads)
FS2000 Saab 340B in Northwest Airlink colors. Full moving parts, including accurate flap deployment. Transparent cockpit windows, with pilots. Configured to use standard Beech King Air sound and panel. This version improves flight handling. Designed using AD2000. By Mike Stone. 240K
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:46 by archive
                  DHC-6 Twin Otter Macair Airlines
0.19Mb (507 downloads)
DeHavilland DHC-6 Twin Otter Macair Airlines Reg# VH-UQR For FS98/2000 with FULL Moving Parts NEW VER 3.2 Airfile for FS98/FS2000 Authors: Barry Blaisdell / Jens Borgstroem / Nick G AF99 Design & Artwork: Barry Blaisdell Repaint By: Nick G. 191K
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:46 by archive