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                  Britten-Norman Islander - Great Barrier Airlines
0.35Mb (624 downloads)
FS2000 Britten-Norman Islander - Great Barrier Airlines Great Barrier Airlines operates from Auckland , New Zealand and flies tourists to desitinations in the far north of New Zealands North island, including the Great Barrier Island. ZK-FVD has the New Zealand Pigeon on the tail. Features full moving parts, transparent windows with detailed interior including pilot. Rolling wheels, improved props with independant animation. Custom panel included. Designed with AD2000 v2.5.(v1.2) By Mike Stone. Repainted by Peter Lohr. 367K
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:46 by archive
Part 1 (Category: FS2000 > Props)
5.10Mb (1052 downloads)
FS2000 CESSNA CENTURION T210 Package. (EC-EFG) This package represents a Cessna T210 Turbo Centurion from 1985 for use with Microsoft® Flight Simulator 2000 (FS2000). The features are a highly realistic aircraft model with moving parts, photo realistic interior views, and a highly functional panel with custom instrumentation. By Frans Vranken: Jean-Pierre Langer: Arne Bartels. 3 Part Download: Part 1. 5.2MB Part 2. 5.6MB Part 3. 6.2MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:46 by archive
                  Beechcraft Duke B60. This is the Beechcraft Duke B-60 aircraft
                  painted in High Gloss Black with Green trim and White underbelly,
1.20Mb (546 downloads)
FS2000 Beechcraft Duke B60. This is the Beechcraft Duke B-60 aircraft painted in High Gloss Black with Green trim and White underbelly, and serial number on the side. An FSDS aircraft with full moving parts, 512x512 textures and a custom night-lit panel for twin turbocharged aircraft. This aircraft made with the addition of transparent windows and a virtual cockpit. All flight surfaces are moveable, retractable landing gear.Aircraft and panel by Chuck Dome. Public domain. Repaint by Bob Bongiovanni. 1.2MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:46 by archive
                  Beechcraft Queenair 70. The Beechcraft Queenair 70 painted in
                  a high gloss Brownish Red with aluminum wings and underbelly.
1.83Mb (668 downloads)
FS2000 Beechcraft Queenair 70. The Beechcraft Queenair 70 painted in a high gloss Brownish Red with aluminum wings and underbelly. Use the view function to see the high gloss effect. This is an FSDS aircraft with full moving parts, including rolling wheels. Also includes landing lights, recessed wheel wells and a custom panel with custom panel and gauges by chuck Dome. Aircraft By Chuck Dome. Public Domain. Repaint by Bob Bongiovanni. 1.8MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:46 by archive
                  North American T-28c Trojan Weather Aircraft.
4.30Mb (582 downloads)
Fs2000 North American T-28c Trojan Weather Aircraft. This aircraft is modelled after an actual T-28C used to fly into storms and gather data. the actual aircraft has been on the discovery channel. This aircraft is a joint project brought to me by John Spangler. I did the new flight model and reworked the air file, john created a panel for the T-28 from actual photos taken by hiom of the aircraft. A great deal of work went into this plane by both of us. 4.4MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:46 by archive
                  North American T-28c Trojan VT-27
Fs2000 North American T-28c Trojan VT-27 (Category: FS2000 > Props)
3.92Mb (988 downloads)
Fs2000 North American T-28c Trojan VT-27. This aircraft was used to train US Navy pilots in VT-27 colors. This aircraft is a joint project brought to me by John Spangler. I did the new flight model and reworked the air file, john created a panel for the T-28 from actual photos taken by him of the aircraft. A great deal of work went into this plane by both of us. john had to use the stock FS2000 gauges because of copyright problems and so on. 4MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:46 by archive
                  North American T-28c Trojan VNAF.
Fs2000 North American T-28c Trojan VNAF. (Category: FS2000 > Props)
4.25Mb (1073 downloads)
Fs2000 North American T-28c Trojan VNAF. This aircraft was used to train US Navy pilots in VNAF colors. This aircraft is a joint project brought to me by John Spangler. I did the new flight model and reworked the air file, john created a panel for the T-28 from actual photos taken by him of the aircraft. A great deal of work went into this plane by both of us. john had to use the stock FS2000 gauges because of copyright problems and so on. 4.3MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:46 by archive
                  Pro Beechcraft Duke.
FS2000 Pro Beechcraft Duke. (Category: FS2000 > Props)
1.03Mb (534 downloads)
FS2000 Pro Beechcraft Duke. This is the Beechcraft Duke B-60 painted in White with Red/black trim also aluminum wings and underbelly. FSDS aircraft with full moving parts. Includes a night-lit panel for twin turbocharged aircraft. Check out Chuck Dome's great Panel for this Aircraft. All flight surfaces are moveable, retractable landing gear. Requires Pro Edition. Aircraft and Panel By Chuck Dome. Public domain. Repaint by Bob Bongiovanni. 1MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:46 by archive
                  T-34B Mentor
FS2000 T-34B Mentor (Category: FS2000 > Props)
0.31Mb (528 downloads)
FS2000 T-34B Mentor Model and Textures: Carlos Garcia G. e-mail : Flight Dinamics: Original T-34C (Marcelo canovas). 329K
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:46 by archive
                    DHC-8-300 SAS
FS2000 DHC-8-300 SAS (Category: FS2000 > Props)
0.87Mb (1051 downloads)
FS2000 DHC-8-300 SAS. This fs2k PRO DHC8-300 is based on the TurboProp air-file BeechKingAir350. Using the KA's sound and panel. This is a TRUE turboprob air file and will not work in FS98. Corrections of the airfile and the SAS repaint is made by M.Pinehill. The FS98 SAS DHC-8 was standing as a model for the repaint. The aircraft includes nightlightning, movingparts such as rudder,elevator, ailerons, flaps, speedbrakes, props and steering wheel. The cockpit is transparent and nightlit. The plane is build with FS DesignStudio pro and AircraftAnimator. Author: M.Pinehill. 891K
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:46 by archive