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                  Sukhoi SU-29 Red standard color v2.0
                  Sukhoi SU-29 Red standard color v2.0
3.58Mb (2273 downloads)
FS2002 Sukhoi SU-29 Red standard color v2.0 The Sukhoi SU-29 is an incredible high performance two-seat aircraft. Boasting strength, quickness and maneuverability unmatched, produces a phenomenal roll rate of over 360 degrees per second. Powered by a nine cylinder with 360 HP. This version 2.0 upgrade the original FS2000 SU-29 to FS2002, with high quality textures in red color paint scheme, realistic flight dynamics, smoke system, aerobatic carbureter, extra animations, rolling wheels, functional canopy and pilot head. Package with sounds, panel and interior views. Sounds by Aaron R. Swindle (Skysong Soundworks). FSDS model design, textures, flight dynamics and panel by Ariel Cimino and Cherar Suarez ( 3.6MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:45 by archive
                  Comanche Twin.
Piper Comanche Twin. (Category: FS2002 > Props)
0.40Mb (1002 downloads)
Piper Comanche Twin. Made using FSDS. Moving parts and transparent cockpit. Custom textures. Aircraft and panel made by Steve Pilkington. 412K
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:45 by archive
                  Piaggio P180 Avanti RCMP.
FS2002/PRO Piaggio P180 Avanti RCMP. (Category: FS2002 > Props)
3.31Mb (2287 downloads)
FS2002/PRO Piaggio P180 Avanti RCMP. The Piaggio P180 Avanti is so far the only modern transport turboprop driven aircraft designed, developed and certified with the unique three lifting surface configuration. The first prototype flight occurred on August 20, 1986. The Piaggio P180 is the fastest FAR 23 certified turboprop aircraft now in production. This aircraft is capable of a max cruising speed of 400 Kts at 27,000 ft. The visual model has been designed with Abacus FSDS Pro. It has full moving parts,including control surfaces, gear and steering nose wheel. It has also trasparent windows and pilots. Visual model and textures by Massimo Taccoli Panel by Marco Spada FS2000/Pro Flight dynamics by Cpt. Steve alias Stefano Caputo. 3.4MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:45 by archive
                  Seneca Twin.
Piper Seneca Twin. (Category: FS2002 > Props)
0.40Mb (1431 downloads)
Piper Seneca Twin. Mostly default gauges. Custom textures. Moving parts and transparent cockpit. Features two 220 HP engines with a cruise speed of 210 knots and a service ceiling of 18,500 ft. This aircraft has a range of 1160 nautical miles. Flies and handles like a dream. Aircraft and panel by Steve Pilkington. 405K
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:45 by archive
                  250 HP 6 cyl.
Socata 250 HP 6 cyl. (Category: FS2002 > Props)
0.84Mb (685 downloads)
Socata 250 HP 6 cyl. engine made from actual 3-view drawings. Features: 1.Dai Griffith's Dragon Flight attitude indicator. 2. A multifunctional radio rather than the usual radio stack. 3. A fuel gauge with digital readout which gives fuel flow, fuel used, time to empty, miles to empty + airspeed. Aircraft and panel by Steve Pilkington. 862K
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:45 by archive
                  Grumman American AA-1 Yankee.
FS2002 Grumman American AA-1 Yankee. (Category: FS2002 > Props)
1.84Mb (1538 downloads)
FS2002 Grumman American AA-1 Yankee. A 2-seat single-engine 108hp bubble-top aircraft, modeled after Hawg One's real airplane. The AA-1 is actually Jim Bede's first design (aka the BD-1), which was purchased, built and sold by American Aviation. Three versions included: N188FW (Hawg's plane), N5724L (as purchased), and N14RS (fictional). Visuals by Rans14. Panel and flight dynamics by Hawg One. 1.9MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:45 by archive
                  Piper Malibu Meridian
FS2002 Piper Malibu Meridian (Category: FS2002 > Props)
0.96Mb (1033 downloads)
FS2002 Piper Malibu Meridian This is an all new model designed from scratch using GMAX. The model has fully animated parts and a detailed interior. A custom panel is included designed with mostly default gauges. A custom freeware GPS gauge created by Ike H. Slack, and a public domain weather radar gauge created by Chuck Dome are used and are included in the package. Any comments and/or suggestions are more than welcome. Good flying, Mike Stone, Uploaded by Mike Hamborg. 984K
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:45 by archive
                  Pro Shorts SD3-30-200 STOL Transport, Air Cargo Carriers, Milwaukee,
0.31Mb (777 downloads)
FS2002 Pro Shorts SD3-30-200 STOL Transport, Air Cargo Carriers, Milwaukee, WI, USA. A two aircraft set consisting of Reg_ID: N330AC & N261AG With Full Moving Parts and Dynamic Night Effects including a moving Rear Baggage Door via the spoiler key. Design & Artwork: Barry Blaisdell, Premier Aircraft Design. 315K
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:45 by archive
                    Piper Cherokee Arrow III
                    Piper Cherokee Arrow III
FS2002 Piper Cherokee Arrow III (Category: FS2002 > Props)
3.21Mb (8983 downloads)
FS2002 Piper Cherokee Arrow III A completely new model created in GMAX! The definitive lines of Piper's PA 28R-201 are beautifully captured in this superbly detailed model with full moving parts and dynamic virtual cockpit. Choose from two paint schemes. Panels for both versions of FS2002 are included. Interesting new features for you to enjoy. Be sure to read the readme.txt file. By Warren Baier. 3.3MB Update: Fixes the Arrow. The center of gravity was wrong and it wobbled on a knife edge of either going up or going down. I Also fixed the position of the lights. Bob Chicilo. 5K
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:45 by archive
                  SD3-60-300 Qantaslink
Shorts SD3-60-300 Qantaslink (Category: FS2002 > Props)
0.27Mb (963 downloads)
Shorts SD3-60-300 Qantaslink Twin Turboprop Commuter for FS2002. Originally Designed by Barry Blaisdell. Recently Repainted by Ross Killin & Cathy Moore. 275K
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:45 by archive