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BN2A Mk III Trislander GJOEY of Aurigny Air Services.
(Category: FS2002 > Props)
2.71Mb (2065 downloads)
BN2A Mk III Trislander GJOEY of Aurigny Air Services.
Based in the UK Channel Islands, this aircraft is part of the
fleet operating international and inter-island flights from
Guernsey, Jersey and Alderney. A fully detailed FSDS model with
nosewheel steering, fully animated flaps, propellers, ailerons,
elevators and rudder. Model and panel by Roger Guy. Model modifications,
textures and paintwork by Christophe Tabourin. Very accurate
FDE by FSAviator. 2.7MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:44 by archive

, Twin Otter Package, RNLAF
(Category: FS2002 > Props)
10.85Mb (551 downloads)
, Twin Otter Package, RNLAF.
Model & panel by : Eric Dantès , textures : Mauricio Illanes
modified by Rene Spaan . 11.7MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:44 by archive

, Twin Otter , U.S Air Force package
(Category: FS2002 > Props)
10.85Mb (1082 downloads)
, Twin Otter , U.S Air Force package.
. Model & panel by : Eric Dantès , textures : Mauricio Illanes.
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:44 by archive

Piper Cherokee 180
(Category: FS2002 > Props)
2.93Mb (1288 downloads)
Piper Cherokee 180.
A highly reflective gold repaint of the stock Piper made flyable,
with a panel by Frank Elfert. This can replace the stock Piper
and will add an extra plane with the new textures. Textures
by Frank Marianni III. 3MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:44 by archive

PRO Lockheed Model 34 Big Dipper
(Category: FS2002 > Props)
1.49Mb (1055 downloads)
PRO Lockheed Model 34 Big Dipper The Lockheed Model 34 Big
Dipper was Lockheed's experiment in the post-war general aviation
market. The prototype first flew in December of 1945, later
written off in take-off accident in 1946. This FS2002 Pro plane
is a "what if" production version with a Lycoming 125 HP engine,
and a simple set of avionics. This model has full FS2002 ani's,
reflective finish, VC, and damage effects. Tim Piglet Conrad.
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:44 by archive
aircraft package
(Category: FS2002 > Props)
18.48Mb (1390 downloads)
aircraft package v1.004
by Oleksiy Frolov/Thomas Herger The new release of the one of
the most advanced turboprop sims for fs2k2 . This time with
the following highlights: Completely custom autopilot with up
to 128x simulation speed support (on cruise), PAX loader and
the all-weights" tuned aerodynamics and performance, rework
of the hydraulic and feathering systems including the latest
safety modifications, full performance charts for t/o, approach,
900/1050 rpm climb and cruise, improved frame rates, most of
the sounds and sound envelopes are updated. First time - Stick
pusher is introduced. And of course many fixed bugs and hidden
features. 19MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:44 by archive

.FS2002 Italian Air Force DOUGLAS C118-A (DC-6B) Presidential
(Category: FS2002 > Props)
3.55Mb (1461 downloads)
.FS2002 Italian Air Force DOUGLAS C118-A (DC-6B) Presidential
transport spring
1980. Complete with moving landing gear, flaps, ailerons, elevators,
and rudder. It also features switchable landing lights and realistic
engine start. By Harry Follas and Tom Gibson, Flight Model by
Brian Horsey. Completed with night light textures by Hans Hermann,(thanks
Hans), Repainted (with permission) by Roberto Piazza. 3.6MBMB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:44 by archive

Demonstration Smoke for FS2002.
(Category: FS2002 > Props)
0.46Mb (2151 downloads)
Demonstration Smoke for FS2002.
Not just another smoke download: this has dynamic vortex effects
and propwash vectoring; six colors; three positions; multiple
"Y-offset" values for easier correction of coordinates..easy
install. Total of 78 smoke fx files (2KB each), Uses the "I"
key. By Jan Rosenberg, aka "JR" and "I. Candymaker". 475K
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:44 by archive

Dash 8-102 (pro) AirBC Dash 8-102 C-FADK
(Category: FS2002 > Props)
2.65Mb (1543 downloads)
Dash 8-102 (pro) AirBC Dash 8-102 C-FADK Fin#812
"Nanaimo" - Air Canada Connector for Microsoft Flight Simulator
2002 Professional Edition (see note below for the Standard Edition).
This aircraft is a de Havilland model DHC-8-102, serial number
324, built in 1992 and in service with AirBC from May of that
year. Visual model and performance model by Chris Bawden. Original
textures and night lighting modification by Gerrit Kranenbarg.
AirBC repaint by Mike Kelly. 2.7MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:44 by archive

(Category: FS2002 > Props)
6.36Mb (1772 downloads)
for FS2002 Two seats French aerobatic plane. Aircraft designed
with GMax, three liveries, including full moving parts, virtual
cockpit and some goodies. Panel by Jean Pierre LANGER Model,
textures and flight dynamics by Vincent DAUDON "diabolo8". 6.5MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:44 by archive