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0.01Mb (1262 downloads)
This is an ILS CAT II and III autoland gauge for various aircraft. Aircraft included are TDS B737NG 600, 700, 800, 900, TDS B787 (all models). Fine tuned for each one. With or without the autothrust engaged. Includes several options for ILS procedures. Published with permission from: Stefan Liebe who is the original author. Francois Dore who developed it further.
Posted Jun 11, 2015 16:30 by Dimitrios Moschos
SMS A320 IAE Astra Textures FIX (Category: FSX > Payware)
0.88Mb (60 downloads)
This is a fix for my Astra Airlines Airbus A320 texture, for Overland SMS Airbus A320 iae model. It fixes the problem of the livery not showing up at FSX plus a small correction at the logo on the tail fin.
Required files:
required file
Posted Jun 11, 2015 11:01 by Dimitrios Moschos
Air Taxi Service (Category: FSX > Missions)
1.04Mb (1779 downloads)
Flying passengers from Dew Memorial Airport in Toronto, Ohio to Pittsburgh. Drop those passengers off and pick up more and take them to Jefferson County Airport in Steubenville, Ohio and then home to Dew Memorial Airport. It is my 1st mission so go easy on me.
Posted Jun 10, 2015 21:37 by Edgar Miller
DC-10-30 Guajira Airlines "Jurassic World"
DC-10-30 Guajira Airlines "Jurassic World"
DC-10-30 Guajira Airlines "Jurassic World" (Category: FS2004 > Civil Jets)
7.04Mb (1256 downloads)
DC-10-30 Guajira Airlines "Jurassic World" Special scheme. Model by FFX/SGA. Textures by Yankyvictor.
Posted Jun 10, 2015 21:15 by YANKYVICTOR
BCM Airlines A320-231
BCM Airlines A320-231
BCM Airlines A320-231 (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
89.30Mb (1306 downloads)
FSX/FS2004, BCM Airlines was dedicated to the Spanish airline market and tourist charter flights on demand, based in the municipality of Calvia. Addons, Callouts, FMC, Groundhandling. Model by Project Airbus. Texture bu Juan Villamor. Full aircraft.
Posted Jun 10, 2015 11:09 by Juan Villamor
FSX Junkers Ju-88R Night Fighter Upgraded
FSX Junkers Ju-88R Night Fighter Upgraded
FSX Junkers Ju-88R Night Fighter Upgraded (Category: FSX > Vintage)
12.82Mb (2331 downloads)
FSX Upgrade for Junkers Ju-88R night fighter. This pretty warbird was made for CFS2 by K.Malinowski and J. McDaniel. An upgrade with certain modifications, like animated stick and rudder pedals for the VC, was made by "Shessi" from Sim-Outhouse. The reconfiguration of the panel with FSX-compatible gauges, the FSX camera views and the weapon effect configuration was made by Erwin Welker
Posted Jun 10, 2015 03:38 by Erwin Welker
Eurocopter Tiger for FSX
Eurocopter Tiger for FSX
Eurocopter Tiger for FSX (Category: FSX > Helicopters)
19.01Mb (9426 downloads)
Updated Eurocopter Tiger. The Tiger ARH (Armed Reconnaissance Helicopter) is the version ordered by the Australian Army to replace its OH-58 Kiowas and UH-1 Iroquois-based 'Bushranger' gunships.[2] The Tiger ARH is a modified and upgraded version of the Tiger HAP with upgraded MTR390 engines as well as a laser designator incorporated in the Strix sight for the firing of Hellfire II air-to-ground missiles. Original by AFS-design.
Posted Jun 9, 2015 15:07 by Saldo Valle
KLM Cityhopper Embraer ERJ190-LR Package
KLM Cityhopper Embraer ERJ190-LR Package
KLM Cityhopper Embraer ERJ190-LR Package (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
94.94Mb (6440 downloads)
FS2004/FSX KLM Cityhopper Embraer ERJ190-LR. In 2015, KLM Cityhopper operate 28 E-190's with 2 more on order, flying to destinations all over Europe from its base in Amsterdam. Model and VC by Premier Aircraft Design (PAD). I included the great textures by Paul Craig, FMC by Garret Smith. Packaged by Chris Evans
Posted Jun 9, 2015 09:27 by chris evans
Calclassics Douglas DC-6A Suriname Airways Textures
Calclassics Douglas DC-6A Suriname Airways Textures
5.26Mb (433 downloads)
FS9/FSX Suriname Airways DC-6BF textures. Requires DC-6A by Greg Pepper and Tom Gibson. Textures by Gary Harper
Posted Jun 8, 2015 20:00 by Gary Harper
B-377 Stratocruiser Voe Pela Real Textures
B-377 Stratocruiser Voe Pela Real Textures
B-377 Stratocruiser Voe Pela Real Textures (Category: FSX > Vintage)
11.62Mb (462 downloads)
Textures only for the freeware "Boeing C-97G Stratofreighter and KC-97G Stratotanker Update" project by Team Strat. Repaint by Hani Michal
Required files:
required file
Posted Jun 8, 2015 19:45 by Hani Michal