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FS2004/FSX/Acceleration Heinkel He-280 Photopanel Upgrade
(Category: FSX > Vintage)
6.88Mb (1219 downloads)
FS2004/FSX/Acceleration Heinkel He-280B photopanel upgrade. This rare model of a German WWII jetfighter was originally made for CFS2 by JR Lucariny. My upgrade provides a converted model for FS9/FSX-use with a semi realistic photo panel with a matching static VC and a weapon effect configuration. Of course the panel can be used also in CFS2 or FS2000/2002 but I can't test the gauges. This is a complete aircraft. Model conversion and Panel by Erwin Welker.
Posted May 5, 2015 02:44 by Erwin Welker

Delta C&S Convair 340 Textures
(Category: FSX > Vintage)
4.64Mb (545 downloads)
FS9/FSX Delta C&S Airlines Convair 340 textures.
Convair 340 aircraft by Greg Pepper and Tom Gibson.
Textures by Gary Harper
Required files:
required file
Posted May 3, 2015 21:08 by Gary Harper

Boeing 727-200 Star Wars 7
(Category: FS2004 > Civil Jets)
61.37Mb (1023 downloads)
Guajira Airlines Boeing 727 "Stars Wars 7" Special scheme. Model by Vistaliner, texture by Yankyvictor.
Posted May 3, 2015 18:11 by YANKYICTOR

Casa C212-200 Postal
(Category: FS2004 > Props)
10.95Mb (1496 downloads)
This Aviocar 200 series is acquired by the Direccion Gral. de Correos and discharged in the Register on January 5, 1984, he begins to fly with provisional registration ECT-128, passing later to INTA in Torrejon and in 1994 passed the Air Force, where it is encoded as T.12D-74.
Two Aviocares flew to the post office for a short period of time, after being inactive in Barajas were transferred to the Air Force.
Your registration EC-DTV
Complete airplane (read installation files and credits). Vladimir A. Zhyhulskiy model.
Posted May 3, 2015 18:07 by Juan Villamor

Cessna 172SP (N5399K) Textures
(Category: FSX > Props)
1.89Mb (339 downloads)
Textures for the default FSX Cessna 172. This texture works on both FSX and FSX SE.
Posted May 3, 2015 17:02 by Maksym Designs

HS748 Belgium Air Force Package
(Category: FSX > Military)
31.29Mb (4108 downloads)
This is number 4 in my series of Rick Piper's beautiful and classic Hawker Siddeley HS748 repaints for FSX in Belgium Air force livery circa 1976/86. High quality VC included as well as high detail model. Many thanks to Michael Pook/Dave Rocholl for fixing the 2D panel. textures by Stephen Browning
Posted May 3, 2015 14:48 by Stephen Browning

FSX/FS2004 German Sea Rescue Boat from the 70th
(Category: FSX > Misc)
10.13Mb (1797 downloads)
FSX/FS2004 German sea rescue ship "John T. Essberger" from the 70th with daughter boat "Elsa". My FS-model release is especially for the 150 year anniversary of the german organisation "Deutsche Gesellschaft zur Rettung Schiffbruchiger" in May 2015. This independent organisation was founded in May 1865 and does their job just by donations. Within that period many thousands of missions saved hundred thousend of lives and rescued thousend of boats and ships in the areas of North Sea and Baltic Sea. My addon showes the biggest boat from the 70th (44.2m) together with the animated daughter boat "Elsa" which runs down from the tail ramp to reach a parallel course together with the "John T. Essberger". Another animation is towing a motor boat with engine problems. Effects for a fire on board of a ship and fire extinguishings are included. The 2D-panel is made by a photograph of the real navigation bridge of the original ship which can be visited now in the technic museum at Speyer. Nineteen cameras let you explore the ship with its virtual navigation bridge and let you enjoy the animations. Two ai-versions are included: John T. Essberger solo and with 'Elsa'. FSDS 3.5 model and panel made by Erwin Welker, Sound by Knud Kristofferson.
Posted May 3, 2015 13:34 by Erwin Welker

Fishers Island, NY state, Photoscenery
(Category: FSX > Scenery)
54.33Mb (719 downloads)
Freeware photoscenery of Fishers Island, New York, located at the eastern entrance to Long Island Sound, lies approximately two miles off the southeastern coast of Connecticut opposite Stonington.
Although Fishers Island is geographically close to the Connecticut coast, it is politically a hamlet of the Town of Southold, NY, at the eastern end of Long Island. This unusual arrangement can be traced to the Duke of York's 1664 land patent, a document that trumped Connecticut's prior claims to the seven-mile long island. The bitterly disputed boundary line wasn't finally settled until 1879/80.
Posted May 3, 2015 05:56 by Jean-Marie Guieau

Fokker D.21 V2.00 TacPack Package
(Category: FSX > Vintage)
97.09Mb (2443 downloads)
This is the second version of the freeware Fokker D.21, made by Dutcheeseblend. Complete detailed exterior and VC. Included are seven variations and two models. With respect to V1.00, the FD, liveries and model have been updated. New variations added. Equipped with TacPack. See the accompanying manual for detailed information. Version 2.00 (2-May-15)
Posted May 2, 2015 14:11 by Daan Kaasjager

Synergy V2
(Category: FSX > Props)
1.62Mb (1469 downloads)
Updated with panel fix. Synergy is an airplane designed to safely fly one to six people directly from town to town, in less time and at less cost than airliners or automobiles. Its innovative technologies provide the key to economical regional transportation in the speed range between the supercar and the airliner. 2d panel (no vc)
Posted May 2, 2015 00:09 by Dan Cowan