All Files > Page 1108

Douglas DC-3 Interflug Textures
(Category: FSX > Vintage)
12.06Mb (541 downloads)
Interflug textures for the default FSX Douglas DC3. (fictional). Interflug GmbH was the national airline of East Germany from 1963 to 1990.
Posted Nov 23, 2014 07:05 by archive

FSX/FS2004 K5054 Spitfire Prototype
(Category: FSX > Vintage)
5.45Mb (1575 downloads)
FSX/FS2004 K5054 Spitfire Prototype
The Spitfire represents the pinnacle of inline-piston engined interceptor design, and has become (arguably) THE timeless classic that other aircraft are compared too. Its designer, R.J Mitchell, has become recognized as one of the all time greats in cutting edge aviation design. Work on K5054 started in December 1934. K5054 was named Supermarine Spitfire in March 1936. K5054 took off on its maiden flight at 16.30 on March 5th 1936 from Eastleigh Aerodrome in Hampshire. The flight lasted just eight minutes. The flight was such a revelation that on landing testpilot Summers said of K5054 "Don't touch a thing".. Tested in FS2004/FSX/FSXacceleration, windows 7/8. GMAX mdl by A.F.Scrub.
Posted Nov 22, 2014 05:05 by A.F.Scrub

Sukhoi Su-35 Flanker-E
(Category: FSX > Military)
46.49Mb (10677 downloads)
Sukhoi Su-35 Flanker-E for FSX.
The Sukhoi Su-35 Also known as Super Flanker, is a designation for two separate, heavily upgraded derivatives of the Su-27 'Flanker'. They are single-seat, twin-engine supermaneuverable multirole fighters. Model by Bill Wolfgren. Great 2d Panel by Braden Peters. (press F10) And included the static (no working gauges) VC by Erwin Welker.
Posted Nov 21, 2014 19:23 by uploader

Tonkin Gulf Yacht Club ships and traffic
(Category: FSX > Misc)
231.02Mb (2372 downloads)
Ships and routes intended to complement the Vietnam War Scenery Project.
seventy some odd ships, over 150 routes for the major operational areas including DIXIE and YANKEE station, PRIAZ station, North SAR, MARKET TIME/GAME WARDEN, mobile Riverine Force, gun line, PLNNV opforces up north and soviet AGI's.Models are a mix of new ships, fully restored Earl Watkins classics Misspilon AOR and CF Adams DDG, some Virtual navy classics, and a number of Colin Glendinnings gems.
Routes cover the whole schmere from Breezy Cove to Hainan to Subic-Sagley.
There are also modern PLAN ships prowling the area, from Hainan, South China Sea and Spratleys, as far north as the Yellow Sea, and Currituck seaplane tenders working the theater and points north to HK, Okinawa, the Pescadores and Iwankuni as well as a Catalina Island route. Decks and vehicle ramps of the LST`s are hardened, if a helicopter fits on it, its landable. Still basically in a alpha state, but no time for fsx, and it would be a shame to bin the lot as it all works and looks allright.
A big thanks to you all, its been fun. I didn`t get to do as much with the Nam Can-breezy cove as I would have liked, and there are a few traffic conflicts out at sea at hold areas, and some groundings in the riverine legs due to differences between the FSX world and google earth, but its at least a six out of ten effort.
You will need to download some external packages for this to work, but its worth it!
See Readme for further details
Posted Nov 21, 2014 14:19 by Lazarus

FSX Air France Mega Fleet Package
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
186.00Mb (14484 downloads)
FSX Air France multi-aircraft package. This package contains the full Air France Airbus A380, A318, A319, A320, A321, A330-200, A340-200, Boeing 747-4 (and Cargo), B777-200ER (and Cargo) & B777-300ER in Air France colours! Thanks to POSKY, Thomas Ruth, and Project Airbus for their wonderful and realistic models. Total Uncompressed size: 1.19 GB. Assembled by Alan de Jager (
Posted Nov 21, 2014 12:43 by Alan de Jager

Guernsey Airlines Viscount 806s Textures
(Category: FSX > Props)
1.41Mb (290 downloads)
Guernsey Airlines Viscount 806s Textures.
These two repaints are for the Guernsey Airlines 806s used during the late 1980s early 90s, The aircraft are now clean, as they would have been in real life, the cargo doors have been corrected and improved detailed stencilling and panel lines.
Required file - External link - please report when broken
(external links always end up broken! Why we prefer to keep links in house)
Posted Nov 21, 2014 09:21 by Ian Roussel

DEMO - Airbus A380, Lufthansa
(Category: FSX > Payware)
13.55Mb (2986 downloads)
Demo version with banners - The Airbus A380 is a doubledecker, four-engined airliner manufactured by Airbus S.A.S. It first flew on April 27, 2005 from Toulouse, France. Commercial flights should begin in 2006 after 15 months of testing. During much of ist development, the aircraft was known as the Airbus A3XX. The A380 is now the largest passenger airliner, topping the Boeing 747, which was the largest for 35 years. Panel, GAUGES, model, sound and textures by - Author: A.Meyer.
Posted Nov 21, 2014 04:49 by Andreas Meyer

SAAB J-29B/F "Tunnan" Package for FSX
(Category: FSX > Military)
89.03Mb (2856 downloads)
FSX SAAB J-29B and F
The Saab J-29 was the first swept wing jet built by Sweden, first flying in 1948. Designed around the Ghost engine and central air intake, the resulting rotund fuselage instantly resulted in the name "Tunnan", Swedish for "barrel". Models A and B were fighters, the model C was a photo recon plane, and the final F introduced an afterburner, and new dogtooth wing leading edges. J-29's served with the Swedish and Austrian air forces, and also served with the UN during the Congo Conflict. Swedish J-29's ended their days as target towing planes, and as"enemy forces" trainers.
The complete, original FSX native piglet J-29, With a bunch of 'whatif?' skins added, and Kim B's Flygvappnet target tug skin.
Posted Nov 20, 2014 18:47 by Lazarus

A2D Skyshark Package
(Category: FSX > Vintage)
43.60Mb (885 downloads)
4 repaints for Paul Clawson's FSX native A2D Skyshark. Textures included are Marines Loaded, USN NAS Long Beach, USN AK503, USN Pax River. Base model with virtual cockpit is included.
Posted Nov 20, 2014 17:08 by lazarus

Iris Pc-21 RDC Textures
(Category: FSX > Payware)
8.28Mb (193 downloads)
Fictional Congo Air Force textures for the payware Iris PC-21.
Posted Nov 20, 2014 14:15 by lepage patrick