All Files > Page 1131

30m Australia NSW-Victoria and Tasmania V2
(Category: FSX > Terrain Mesh)
283.93Mb (767 downloads)
G'day Cobbers,
This is version 2 of the 30m Australia mesh, files 8 and 9 NSW-Vicoria and Tasmania.
These updated meshes contain no pink stuff and do not depress the sea.
They are renamed to ensure they are loaded in the correct order.
If one previously downloaded the 30m Australian mesh I released please replace it with this version.
Thanks and enjoy,
Posted Oct 12, 2014 19:34 by Brett Simtropolis

F Giuli Piaggio P108
(Category: CFS2 > Aircraft)
8.93Mb (465 downloads)
Model, virtual cockpit and FS2004 aircraft files by F. Giuli with FSDS V.3. CFS2 airfile, DP, panel.cfg and aircraft.cfg by Peperez (Pepe Rezende).
The P.108 was unique in the history of Italian aviation, as it was the only four-engine strategic bomber used by the Regia Aeronautica during World War II. It was a development of the earlier underpowered and wooden-structured P.50-II which was unable to take-off at its designed maximum weight. The designer of the aircraft was Giovanni Casiraghi, an experienced engineer who had previously worked in the US from 1927 to 1936. On the basis of his experience he designed a radically new aeroplane.
Posted Oct 12, 2014 19:08 by Pepe Rezende

Update for FSX of the Rafale M
(Category: FSX > Military)
26.29Mb (6351 downloads)
This is an update for FSX of the Rafale M by
Cyril Pioffet. I have updated the flight
dynamics from my FS9 update of the same
aircraft, changed the original panel a bit,
and added a second panel for those who might
like it better. I am including the carrier
tutorial for the Raffale as it was while
trying the aircraft out in the tutorial that
I found out how to make the view in the
tutorial the same as the 2D view in free
flight. This is the whole aircraft.
Posted Oct 12, 2014 12:20 by Bob Chicilo

Virgin Atlantic Airbus A380-800 package
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
57.46Mb (7939 downloads)
Virgin Atlantic Airbus A380-841 package. Virgin currently have 6 orders for Airbus A380-800. Includes full working VC, working wipers, with GPWS and FMC. Added exits for Jetways (press Ctrl J) and better Thomas Ruth VC. Use FMC under Views/Instrument panel in FSX menu. Model/VC by Project Airbus/Thomas Ruth. Hi quality textures by Christopher Gregg. Prepared and assembled for FSX by Chris Evans.
Posted Oct 12, 2014 11:36 by chris evans

Russia-Altai Republic
(Category: FS2004 > Scenery)
11.53Mb (723 downloads)
Russia-Altai Republic
UNBA-Kosh-Agach, UNBD-Aktash, UNBG-Gorno-Altaysk, UNBT-Dzhazator (Tal'menka), UNBU-Ust'-Koksa, ZD1L-Souzga, ZE27-Aktash, ZE2A-Karasuk, ZE98-Barantal
Posted Oct 12, 2014 01:54 by Andrey Anta

Nemeth- MIL MI-24P "Hind F" Polish Air Force Textures
(Category: FS2004 > Payware)
8.75Mb (195 downloads)
Polish Air Force Textures for the payware Nemeth- MIL MI-24P "Hind F"
Posted Oct 12, 2014 00:04 by Voiteh

KJFK - Kennedy International Airport, New York
(Category: Prepar3d > Scenery)
2.92Mb (2014 downloads)
KJFK - Kennedy International Airport, New York.
This airport update is for KJFK with two optional files made only for the Prepar3Dv2: one version with the Crosswind runways activated and in full operation where all 4 runways will be used for takeoff/landing and one version as the default runway operation: assigned parking now updated as per their website including gates for the A380, Terminal 3 demolished, Delta has now moved much of its operations to T4 as well as using T2, the new terminal extension added to T4 concourse B and allocated only for Delta connection, taxiways and taxi signs updated to the latest charts, the freeway traffic that crosses taxiways A and B now ends before these taxiways, Autogen around the water edges of the airport removed, support vehicle roads rebuilt and many other improvements, airport views are from the roof of the control tower (when in tower view) please view the readme before installation. By Robert Catherall
Posted Oct 11, 2014 15:14 by uploader

Airbus A319 Guajira Airlines
(Category: FS2004 > Civil Jets)
80.46Mb (2403 downloads)
Airbus A319 Guajira Airlines "Los Simuladores"
Leased to Aerolineas Argentinas. Model by IFDG.
Posted Oct 11, 2014 12:54 by YANKYVICTOR

FS2004/FSX IL-18 White
(Category: FS2004 > Props)
4.73Mb (1167 downloads)
Ilyushin IL-18D White. Model by Edgar Guinart. Works in FS2004 nd FSX. 2d panel but no VC.
Posted Oct 11, 2014 12:35 by YANKYVICTOR

Belluno Vajont X (LIDB), Italy
(Category: FSX > Scenery)
6.72Mb (1768 downloads)
Airfield of Belluno (LIDB) and dam of Vajont in Italy.
Posted Oct 11, 2014 12:30 by Voyager