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Flight One Cessna 441 Conquest II YV2417 Textures
Flight One Cessna 441 Conquest II YV2417 Textures
2.13Mb (1331 downloads)
Flight OneCessna 441 textures registration YV2417 Venezuelan private aircraft, based at Aeropuerto Caracas, Venezuela. Original model and textures by Flight One Cessna 441 Conquest II (payware package).Repaint by Juan Ernesto Oropeza.
Posted Nov 15, 2008 19:26 by Juan Ernesto Oropeza
Fly-German Flight Planer (Category: FSX > Utilities)
1.03Mb (2866 downloads)
Version 2.6.8. Choose Aircraft. Enter Departure ICAO and Destination ICAO. You get information about ETE, MAX TAS, FUEL you need and Distance between DEP and DEST. FIXED *Database Connection, *Fuel Flow DC 3, *Fuel Flow A 321-200. Added: * MC Donald Douglas MD 11, * Airbus A 320
Posted Nov 15, 2008 08:24 by Nerenye
FSX EgyptAir Texture Package for A321 and 737-800
FSX EgyptAir Texture Package for A321 and 737-800
14.19Mb (4534 downloads)
This is the EgyptAir Texture Pack for the FSX Default Airbus A321 and Boeing 737-800. The pack includes a texture in each plane. Splash screen included. The A321 may look slightly different, but the 737-800 may look just fine. By Victor Vu
Posted Nov 15, 2008 08:19 by Victor Vu
Nemeth Mi-24 Polish Air Force(1st sqr. 49nd Com. Heli. Reg Textures
Nemeth Mi-24 Polish Air Force(1st sqr. 49nd Com. Heli. Reg Textures
7.29Mb (972 downloads)
Textures for the Mi-24P Nemeth Designs for FS2004 showing Mi-24D no.176 with 1st sqr. 49th Combat Helicopters Regiment in Pruszcz Gdaski. This is new painting pattern for Polish Mi-24D.
Posted Nov 15, 2008 08:10 by Rafa³ Miko³ajczyk
Gulfstream 100
Gulfstream 100 (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
21.15Mb (6846 downloads)
This is Peter Brun/Lider Designs Gulfstream 100 Modified for Flight Simulator X. This business jet the smallest of the Gulfstreams This G1 sports a Red and Gold paint scheme Updates by Mark Rooks of RSDG Aircraft
Posted Nov 15, 2008 06:49 by Mark Rooks
Avro C-91Update Correction
Avro C-91Update Correction (Category: FSX > Props)
0.16Mb (1360 downloads)
This is a correction for the panel of the Avro C-91 update I did for FSX. You at least need the original aircraft for this update to work. I changed the size and position of the autopilot buttons making it easier to tell what they are, changed the compass to one which shows, and added a radio stack window so the radios can be viewed larger than they appear on the panel. Bob Chicilo.
Required files:
required file
Posted Nov 15, 2008 04:08 by Bob Chicilo
Mistubishi Mu-2B Update for FSX
Mistubishi Mu-2B Update for FSX (Category: FSX > Props)
0.21Mb (3233 downloads)
This is an update for FSX acceleration of the Mistubishi Mu-2B by Björn Büchner. I have added to both the 2D and virtual cockpit and updated the flight dynamics so it works in FSX. You need the original aircraft for this update to work. Bob Chicilo.
Required files:
required file
Posted Nov 15, 2008 04:05 by Bob Chicilo
FS Real Time v1.88 FSX-FS98
FS Real Time v1.88 FSX-FS98 (Category: FSX > Utilities)
8.71Mb (6122 downloads)
FS98 - FSX FS Real Time v1.88 is made to keep Flight Simulator's UTC (Zulu/GMT) time and date in sync with the Real World. It can maintain either the current Real Time, or an offset (+/-) so you can fly at any variation from Real Time. This package also includes a new set of World Time Zones scenery files which eliminate many of the time zone errors that shipped with recent versions of Flight Simulator. FS Real Time by Joshua Robertson.
Posted Nov 15, 2008 03:35 by Joshua Robertson
FS2002/FS2004/FSX FC-2W2 Byrd
FS2002/FS2004/FSX FC-2W2 Byrd (Category: FSX > Vintage)
8.38Mb (2350 downloads)
Admiral Byrd's Fairchild "Stars and Stripes" on wheels and skis; part 2 of the Early Fairchild Series. Original gmax model by James Hefner, with some parts and textures from the Microsoft FS2004 SDK. Flight dynamics, effects, and panel design by Jim Douglass, using Microsoft gauges. Requires Fairchild be installed for gauges, sound and effects. Install by Hunter D Ames.
Required files:
required file
Posted Nov 14, 2008 21:30 by James Hefner
Mi-24 Polish Air Force (49th Com. Helicopters Reg. ) Textures
Mi-24 Polish Air Force (49th Com. Helicopters Reg. ) Textures
7.50Mb (1297 downloads)
Textures for the Nemeth Designs for FS2004 showing Mi-24D no.584 with 3rd sqr. 49th Combat Helicopters Regiment in Pruszcz Gdaski (90's years)
Posted Nov 14, 2008 19:30 by Rafa³ Miko³ajczyk