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FSX Default MD-83 Korean Air Textures
FSX Default MD-83 Korean Air Textures (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
1.47Mb (3239 downloads)
This is another repaint for the FSX AI Default MD-83. Special note: Korean Air flight 1533 overran the runway at Pohang Aero after going around because of poor visibility. The plane collided into ten atennas then broke up into two. Fortunately, no one was killed. This repaint requires the flyable base pack of the FSX Default MD-83 by Braden Peters. Repaint and docs put together by Victor Vu.
Required files:
required file
Posted Oct 16, 2008 21:34 by Victor Vu
FSX Watsonville Municipal Airport (KWVI)
FSX Watsonville Municipal Airport (KWVI) (Category: FSX > Scenery)
0.23Mb (1257 downloads)
This is a scenery update for Watsonville Municipal Airport in Watsonville, California. Taxiways, runways, building positions, and other aspects were updated using satellite images from Google Earth for accuracy. Many default scenery objects from the FSX libraries were used. View Readme file for installation and notes. Compiled using Airport Design Editor.
Posted Oct 16, 2008 19:46 by Phillip Coyle
FSX Vought F-8E Crusader Package
FSX Vought F-8E Crusader Package
FSX Vought F-8E Crusader Package (Category: FSX > Military)
73.22Mb (29467 downloads)
FSX Vought F-8E Crusader Package. Flotilles :12F-14F. Multi livery package with full dynamic virtual cockpit. Liveries include variants of USAF, French Air Force, US Navy, Blue Angels. Designers. Laborie Roland, Laurent correia, - Jean Pierre Langer - Jean Pierre Bourgeois Claude Yves Marie et Roland Peltre. FSX Compatible. Thumbnails added. I found this great bird in my FS2004 collection & as it works fine in my FSX SP2 I have prepared thumbnails to make it easier for FSX users. 'Allow' Gauge. Credit to authors. Thumbnails for FSX by Danny Garnier. 75MB
Posted Oct 16, 2008 17:47 by Garnier D
FSX XLOAD F-18D RAAF 3 OCU Textures (Category: FSX > Payware)
2.20Mb (1018 downloads)
FSX XLOAD F-18D RAAF 3 OCU. Textures only for the XLOAD F-18D. Repaint by Andy Nott (AGNT)
Posted Oct 16, 2008 15:28 by Andy Nott
FSX Accel F/A-18 RCAF - 425 Sqn, 2006 Demo Textures
2.00Mb (2775 downloads)
FSX Accel F/A-18 RCAF - 425 Sqn, 2006 Demo aircraft. Textures only for the FSX Accel F/A-18. Repaint by Andy Nott (AGNT)
Posted Oct 16, 2008 15:24 by Andy Nott
FSX XLOAD F-18D RCAF / AETE Textures (Category: FSX > Payware)
2.27Mb (1069 downloads)
FSX XLOAD F-18D RCAF / AETE. Textures only. This repaint requires the XLOAD F-18D. Repaint by Andy Nott (AGNT)
Posted Oct 16, 2008 15:22 by Andy Nott
 B-57 Canberra
B-57 Canberra (Category: FS2004 > Military)
17.45Mb (5885 downloads)
FS2004 Alphasim B-57 Canberra. Alpha Simulations is releasing some of their classic titles as freeware. Panel and gauges are included. Five models and five textures. The Martin B-57B was a much-modified version of the original Canberra. The first example flew on June 18, 1954, and featured a drastically-changed crew arrangement and canopy along with a host of other updates. The pilot and navigator sat in tandem, a flat forward windscreen was fitted to make a gunsight installation possible, and speedbrakes were installed in the waist position. Forward-firing guns - machine guns or cannon - were also installed. The B-57B also featured an unusual, rotating-drum type of bomb door that also served as the mounting point for the bombs. This invention saved a great deal of time rearming and also increased the bombing accuracy of the aircraft. The B-57B was in active service with the USAF until 1968, and served on occasion alongside the Canberra B.2.
Posted Oct 16, 2008 06:33 by Alphasim
Bristol Beaufort
Bristol Beaufort (Category: FS2004 > Vintage)
11.93Mb (5278 downloads)
FS2004 AlphaSim Bristol Beaufort. Alpha Simulations is releasing some of the classic titles as freeware. Panel and gauges are included. Two models and four textures. The Bristol Beaufort, a classic twin-engine bomber of the WWII era, had its beginnings with the design of the Type 142 Blenheim and Type 149 Bolingbroke. These were conceived as early as 1934, with the initial specification for the Beaufort coming about in late 1935. Known as the Type 152, the Beaufort was intended as a torpedo bomber and general reconnaissance aircraft. The first contracts were placed in 1936, however, the prototype did not fly until 1938 and squadrons were not equipped with the type until 1940. The Royal Australian Air Force built the type beginning in 1940, opting to use the more powerful Pratt and Whitney R-1830 in place of the Bristol Taurus with which the British version was fitted. 700 of the Australian versions were produced, while over 1,200 of the British variants were manufactured. The type served well until 1943, when the far superior Type 156 Beaufighter took over its duties.
Posted Oct 16, 2008 06:22 by Alphasim
DeHavilland DH.108 Swallow
DeHavilland DH.108 Swallow (Category: FS2004 > Vintage)
2.40Mb (4131 downloads)
FS2002/FS2004 DeHavilland DH.108 Swallow. This was a British experimental aircraft designed by John Carver Meadows Frost in October 1945. The DH 108 featured a tailless, swept wing with a single vertical stabilizer, closely resembling the layout of the wartime German Messerschmitt Me 163 Komet rocket-powered point-defense interceptor. Initially designed to evaluate swept wing handling characteristics at low and high subsonic speeds for the proposed early tailless design of the Comet airliner, three examples of the DH 108 were built to the Air Ministry specifications E.1/45 and E.11/45. With the adoption of a conventional tail for the Comet, the aircraft were used instead to investigate swept wing handling up to supersonic speeds. All three prototypes were lost in fatal crashes. Two kinds of models(clean / with virtual weapon set) are included. by Kazunori Ito.
Posted Oct 16, 2008 06:19 by Kazunori Ito
TBM Avenger Ghost
TBM Avenger Ghost (Category: FSX > Vintage)
1.16Mb (4160 downloads)
This is the default TBM ghost avenger from the mission 'Lost in the triangle' made flyable by Duncan Bassett! 1.16mb
Posted Oct 16, 2008 04:27 by Duncan Bassett