All Files > Page 3119

CFS2/FS2004 Alphasim Republic F-47D-40-RE 'Hajduk'. Serial: 64 Textures
(Category: FS2004 > Payware)
0.96Mb (237 downloads)
CFS2/FS2004 Alphasim Republic F-47D-40-RE 'Hajduk'. Serial: 64 (13064)Textures only. Pilot: Lt.Col. Ante Sardelich. Parad base, near Belgrade, Yugoslavia 1954 This repaint is for the ALPHASIM P47D model which can be found at: .. Note: Slanted numbers on tail section. Repaint by Evan G. Butterbrodt (revev)
Posted Sep 6, 2008 03:08 by Evan G. Butterbrodt

CFS2/FS2004 Alphasim Republic F-47D-40-RE. Serial: 95 (13095). Yugoslavian Air Force Textures.
(Category: FS2004 > Payware)
1.28Mb (347 downloads)
CFS2/FS2004 Republic F-47D-40-RE. Serial: 95 (13095). Yugoslavian Air Force. Taken from illustration of an unknown source. No additional information available. This repaint is for the ALPHASIM P47D model which can be found at: .. .
Note: All black canopy hardware. Repaint by Evan G. Butterbrodt (revev).
Posted Sep 6, 2008 03:06 by Evan G. Butterbrod

F14 Tomcat VF-33 Textures
(Category: FSX > Military)
9.10Mb (32877 downloads)
Textures for Dino Cattaneo's ’s Gmax F-14 Model reworked by Jeff Dubbing.
This repaint is based on two VF-33 Starfighters aircraft. AC#200, 'Nuts' as it was known, plus AC #201.
Required files:
required file
Posted Sep 5, 2008 20:14 by Earl Triplett

MiG-1 Prototypes
(Category: CFS2 > Aircraft)
3.60Mb (855 downloads)
These are additional files for the Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-1 by thickosehaskel. These represent the initial prototypes Serial No 01 and 03 for this Aircraft.
You will need to have the original download of this plane as these files are missing some folders for a full aircraft.
Posted Sep 5, 2008 19:15 by Craig Bielat

FS2004/FSX Boeing 777-200 Delta Airlines
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
17.79Mb (21487 downloads)
FS2004/FSX Boeing 777-200 Delta Airlines , registration N862DA. A repaint of the Project Open Sky B777-200 v2. Model features high resolution textures, dynamic flexing wings, body gear steering, nose gear steering, rudder lock, ground spoilers, low speed aileron locks at high speed, fully animated control surfaces, fully independent suspension, trim animation, opening passenger doors, animated tilting bogies, rolling wheels, animated thrust reversers with reverser block doors, detailed textures, full night lighting, crash effects, ground service vehicles and more. Model designed by Hiroshi Igami/Yosuke Ube. Flight dynamics by Warren C. Daniel/Brandon D Henry. Tested by Project Open Sky Members. Textures by Ben Jones/Yosuke Ube. Delta paint by Brandon D. Henry.
Posted Sep 5, 2008 04:23 by Project Opensky

FS2004/FSX Boeing 737-800 Hapag Lloyd old colors
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
9.24Mb (3431 downloads)
FS2004/FSX Boeing 737-800 Hapag Lloyd old colors. A repaint of the Project Open Sky B737-800.
Posted Sep 5, 2008 04:14 by Uploader

FS2004 Mayalsia Airlines Boeing 747-400
(Category: FS2004 > Civil Jets)
7.03Mb (5823 downloads)
Boeing 747-400 Mayalsia Airlines (MAS) . This aircraft is made by Project OpenSky
Model : Hiroshi Igami
Flight Dynamics : Warren C. Daniel, Brandon D. Henry
Tested : Project-Opensky Members
747 Series Masters : Corey Ford, Yosuke Ube
Packaged : Yosuke Ube
Posted Sep 5, 2008 04:08 by Ryan C

CFS2/FS2004 Alphasim Mk.I Thunderbolt Razorback, HD176/36, 73rd Operational Training RAF Textures
(Category: FS2004 > Payware)
1.24Mb (388 downloads)
CFS2/FS2004 Republic Mk.I Thunderbolt Razorback, HD176/36, 73rd Operational Training Unit RAF, Fayid, Egypt, 1945. This repaint is for the ALPHASIM model which can be found at: .. Repaint by Evan G. Butterbrodt (revev).
Posted Sep 5, 2008 03:59 by Evan G. Butterbrodt

CFS2/FS2004 Alphasim Mk.II Thunderbolt , KJ137/8, 73rd Operational Training Unit RAF, Textures
(Category: FS2004 > Payware)
1.12Mb (470 downloads)
CFS2/FS2004 Republic Mk.II Thunderbolt Bubble Top, KJ137/8, 73rd Operational Training Unit RAF, Fayid, Egypt, 1945. This repaint is for the ALPHASIM model which can be found at: .. Alpha Channel is applied to the fuslage texture file, as to eliminate (make transparent) the stabilizer rib. Repaint by Evan G. Butterbrodt (revev).
Posted Sep 5, 2008 03:57 by Evan G. Butterbrodt

Grumman TBF-1C Avenger II P1X JZ-525 849 NAS Textures
(Category: CFS2 > Aircraft)
1.62Mb (889 downloads)
CFS2 Grumman TBF-1C Avenger II P1X JZ-525 849 NAS, 1944 - RAF Fleet Air Arm. UPDATE. Painted over The B24 Guy's TBF Avenger OH Model.
This update corrects the sequence of the Code painted on the starboard side.
The 849th Naval Air Squadron was--of which P1X was attached--was founded on August 1, 1943, and was disbanded on October 31, 1945 (see 849th history file).
All texture and damage files are contained in this Texture Folder.
Author: Evan G. Butterbrodt
Required files:
required file
Posted Sep 5, 2008 03:55 by Evan G. Butterbrodt