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FS2004/FSX Aviadvigatel PS-90A sounds
FS2004/FSX Aviadvigatel PS-90A sounds (Category: FS Sounds > Flight Simulator Sounds)
9.23Mb (7084 downloads)
These new sounds will replace any IL-96-300 and IL-96-400 engine sounds for FS2004 and FSX. I have used a fictional autopilot and overspeed warning since there isn't any source for it. I have also recorded the idle sound from a Rolls-Royce Conway on a Vickers VC-10 (which sounds identical to the PS-90). This is for use with Kirill Konovalovs' Ilyushin Il-96, (see link). Enjoy! By Ismail Zayan Shakeeb. Needed files:
Posted Jul 21, 2008 02:27 by archive
Boeing 767-400 Delta
Boeing 767-400 Delta (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
12.50Mb (29777 downloads)
Delta Airlines 767-400 from Project Opensky,uses the default 737-800 panel and sound,uploaded by Mahin Khandaker
Posted Jul 20, 2008 23:04 by archive
Singapore Airlines 777-300
Singapore Airlines 777-300 (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
6.32Mb (23407 downloads)
Meljet 777-300,I have made this available for FSX,uses the defaualt 737-800 panel and sound
Posted Jul 20, 2008 22:52 by archive
CANNON AFB VIPERS (Category: FSX > Military)
1.73Mb (2482 downloads)
Cannon AFB Viper Tail flashes. This package contains "tail textures only" to represent the 522nd Fighter Squadron (FS) F-16C/D vipers. This squadron was inactivated on 21 Dec 2007 due to BRAC 2005 and most of the jets distributed to Des Moines, Iowa. The 522nd FS is the only Air Force unit ever to fight as an infantry. After the bombing of Pear Harbor, the 522nd FS was caught in the Phillipines without it's planes. As POWs, they were forced into the Bataan Death March. The excellent "C" model viper by Kirk Olsson and the excellent "D" model viper by Kirk Olsson may be obtained here at File size is 1.73 MB.
Posted Jul 20, 2008 18:31 by archive
Texas Air 737-700
Texas Air 737-700 (Category: FSX > Payware)
2.60Mb (1100 downloads)
Repaint of The 737 Experience. For Texas Air Virtual at
Posted Jul 20, 2008 18:07 by archive
Texas Air EMB-190
Texas Air EMB-190 (Category: FSX > Payware)
1.05Mb (949 downloads)
A repaint of the Premier aircraft EMB-190. For Texas Air Virtual at
Posted Jul 20, 2008 17:59 by archive
F-16 156AW Puerto Rico( Bucaneros)
F-16 156AW Puerto Rico( Bucaneros)
F-16 156AW Puerto Rico( Bucaneros) (Category: FS2004 > Military)
5.69Mb (6785 downloads)
Texture for Viper F-16 this texture is F-16 of unit 156AW Bucaneros active in 1991 /1997
Posted Jul 20, 2008 12:57 by archive
FSX/FS9 "Time's a Wastin" P-61B Splash Screen
FSX/FS9 "Time's a Wastin" P-61B Splash Screen (Category: Videos/Splashscreens > Splashscreens)
0.43Mb (1255 downloads)
This is Kazunori Ito's P-61, with my repaint, captured in FS and pasted in MS Paint. The splash screen is my first to upload an FS2004 repaint. This splash screen was uploaded separately because the author doesn't want anything else besides the repaint, but here is the splash screens designed for FS9 and FSX. Enjoy.
Posted Jul 20, 2008 08:40 by archive
FSX/FS9 Time's a Wastin' Texture for Kazunori Ito's P-61
0.68Mb (1982 downloads)
This is Kazunori Ito's P-61B repainted to a livery called "Time's a Wastin." I was interested in repainting this aircraft because I had a model airplane that has the same livery above. Enjoy. By Victor Vu.
Required files:
required file
Posted Jul 20, 2008 08:39 by archive
FS2004 UKMIL Boeing Vertol 234
FS2004 UKMIL Boeing Vertol 234
FS2004 UKMIL Boeing Vertol 234 (Category: FS2004 > Helicopters)
12.88Mb (19557 downloads)
this pack includes the ukmil Boeing Civilian Chinook called the Vertol234 it comes with 1 model and 3 texture sets only, PLEASE READ THE ENCLOSED PDF FOR INSTRUCTIONS AND CONTRIBUTIONS
Posted Jul 20, 2008 08:23 by archive