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                  ALITALIA Boeing 737-400 textures
FS2000 ALITALIA Boeing 737-400 textures (Category: FS2000 > Civil Jets)
0.07Mb (463 downloads)
FS2000 ALITALIA Boeing 737-400 textures. Repaint of the default 737-400 in ALITALIA colors with photo realistic body and engine textures. By Alessandro Savarese. 76K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:37 by archive
                  AZZURRA (ALITALIA GROUP) default 737 textures
0.23Mb (214 downloads)
FS2000 AZZURRA (ALITALIA GROUP) default 737 textures. AZZURRA repaint of the default 737-400. By MASSIMO GRASSI. 164K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:37 by archive
                  Boeing 777-200 32 sided fuselage.
FS2000 Boeing 777-200 32 sided fuselage. (Category: FS2000 > Civil Jets)
0.16Mb (166 downloads)
FS2000 Boeing 777-200 32 sided fuselage. Fuselage and engines are made with a 32 sided circle which gives them a real round shape. Engines have 3D air intake and rotating fans. Tail night light which can be turned on and off. Wing light reflection on fuselage. Wings design highly detailed and you can see them from inside the airplane too. 3D flaps move as in real life, in fact they rotate and slide backwards.3D moving ailerons and moving spoilers. 3D moving landing gear,also textured. Steering nose wheels.Smoke sytem. By Sandro Bernardini. 238K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:37 by archive
                  RJ200-ER ver4 Nortwest AirLink
0.08Mb (264 downloads)
Canadair/Bombardier RJ200-ER ver4 Nortwest AirLink (Mesaba) Aircraft SN:7390 Reg# N880MA. For FS98/2000 with Full Moving Parts Author: Barry Blaisdell. 82K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:37 by archive
                  11 ALITALIA
MD 11 ALITALIA (Category: FS2000 > Civil Jets)
0.26Mb (897 downloads)
MD 11 ALITALIA original desin g.carlson and b.alderson repaint in alitalia livery MASSIMO GRASSI Features maximum moving parts (including elevators, ailerons, rudders, flaps, rotating engine fans, and landing gears and doors), and 12 sided fuselage and engines. Also includes 3d engines and transparent cockpit windows, as well as an accurate Alitalia livery. From The Gold2000 Collection. MD11 visual models by Gary Carlson and Bill Alderson. Flight model by Kevin Sison and Gary Carlson. Livery by The Freeware Works. repaint Massimo Grassi Italy. 268K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:37 by archive
                  RJ200-LR ver4 J-AIR
Canadair/Bombardier RJ200-LR ver4 J-AIR (Category: FS2000 > Civil Jets)
0.08Mb (309 downloads)
Canadair/Bombardier RJ200-LR ver4 J-AIR of Japan Reg# JA8801. For FS98/2000 with Full Moving Parts Authors: Barry Blaisdell / Hank Schmoldt. 87K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:37 by archive
                  Delta Boeing 777-200
FS98/FS2000 Delta Boeing 777-200 (Category: FS2000 > Civil Jets)
0.13Mb (195 downloads)
FS98/FS2000 Delta Boeing 777-200 VERSION #2.Round fuselage and engines made of a 32 SIDE CIRCLE.It features "3D ENGINES",3Dailerons,3d flaps,3d textured landing gear.Moving parts:landing gear, "STEERABLE NOSE LANDING GEAR", rotating fan,spoilers,flaps,ailerons.Wing design highly detailed and motion as in real life!.Working landing lights.Added more lights.By Sandro Bernardini. 136K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:37 by archive
                  Airbus 320-217
American Airbus 320-217 (Category: FS2000 > Civil Jets)
0.23Mb (304 downloads)
American Airbus 320-217 for FS 98/2000 by OMC'99. I modified the original AFX files to include smoother wheels, hub textures and 12 sided engines with the use of Abacus Aircraft Factory 99. Added animated flaps and landing gear with Abacus Aircraft Animator. 235K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:37 by archive
                  and FS98 Boeing 727-200, TWA (80's livery)
FS2000 and FS98 Boeing 727-200, TWA (80's livery) (Category: FS2000 > Civil Jets)
0.14Mb (284 downloads)
FS2000 and FS98 Boeing 727-200, TWA (80's livery) Full Moving Parts (FMP) and Full Precision Design (FPD). Rudder, elevators, ailerons, flaps, slats, Krueger flaps, spoilers, landing gear, undercarriage open/close sequence, landing lights, steerable nose wheel, tail skid, 12 sides fuselage and engines design, semi-photorealistic textures, new engine design for noise reduction (hushkits), trasnparent windshield, and much more! Original By E. Diaz. Repaint by Mike Baumann. 141K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:37 by archive
                  American 767-300
FS2000 American 767-300 (Category: FS2000 > Civil Jets)
0.47Mb (432 downloads)
FS2000 American 767-300. Superb High Quality. original ENTARO(Chan*ken)KANEKO repainted by OMC'99. 484K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:37 by archive