Mar 04, 2025 |
All Files > Page 3244
                  VOLARE AIRLINESA320-211
FS2000 VOLARE AIRLINESA320-211 (Category: FS2000 > Civil Jets)
0.45Mb (273 downloads)
FS2000 VOLARE AIRLINESA320-211 This aircraft features fully moving/animated landing gear, moving fan blades, 3D engines, moving flaps, elevators, ailerons, air brakes and realistic nightlighting. FS2k ONLY! Model by Andrew Richards, REPAINT MASSIMO GRASSI. 466K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:37 by archive
                  Emirates Boeing 777-300
FS2000 Emirates Boeing 777-300 (Category: FS2000 > Civil Jets)
0.19Mb (530 downloads)
FS2000 Emirates Boeing 777-300 (ProMaxLT) Features new lighting textures including the 3D engine nacelles and full moving parts and engine fans, plus vapor trails Design and paint by: Camil Valiquette. 197K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:37 by archive
                  777-300 , AIR FRANCE. This is the replacement texture
0.09Mb (334 downloads)
BOEING 777-300 , AIR FRANCE. This is the replacement texture for the b777-300 from FS2000 Made with the real colors of the Air FRANCE colors in 24bits To install the texture, replace the .BMP file in your FS\B777_300\Texture directory (make a bake-up before) Original Blank texture file By Simon Jamie Repainted by GERAIN Rémy. 93K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:37 by archive
                  Air Europe Boeing 777-200
FS2000 Air Europe Boeing 777-200 (Category: FS2000 > Civil Jets)
0.20Mb (200 downloads)
FS2000 Air Europe Boeing 777-200 (ProMaxLT) Features new lighting textures including the 3D engine nacelles and full moving parts and engine fans, plus vapor trails Design:Camil Valiquette and paint by: Flavio Tebaldi/Camil Valiquette. 203K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:37 by archive
                  All Nippon Airways-ANA Boeing 777-300
FS2000 All Nippon Airways-ANA Boeing 777-300 (Category: FS2000 > Civil Jets)
0.20Mb (346 downloads)
FS2000 All Nippon Airways-ANA Boeing 777-300 (ProMaxLT) Features new lighting textures including the 3D engine nacelles and full moving parts and engine fans, plus vapor trails Design and paint by: Camil Valiquette. 188K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:37 by archive
                  Bombardier Global Express.
                  Bombardier Global Express.
FS2000 Bombardier Global Express. (Category: FS2000 > Civil Jets)
0.59Mb (842 downloads)
FS2000 Bombardier Global Express. Features full moving parts, including recessed rotating fans. Also includes a custom panel and FSC files for FSDS users. Pro Edition not required. By Chuck Dome. 606K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:37 by archive
                  Boeing 737-400 JAL Texture
FS2000 Boeing 737-400 JAL Texture (Category: FS2000 > Civil Jets)
0.08Mb (260 downloads)
FS2000 Boeing 737-400 JAL Texture This is a replacement texture for the default 737-400 in FS2000. By Laurence Moore. 79K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:37 by archive
                  Korean Air Boeing 777-200
FS2000 Korean Air Boeing 777-200 (Category: FS2000 > Civil Jets)
0.15Mb (245 downloads)
FS2000 Korean Air Boeing 777-200 (ProMaxLT) Features new lighting textures including the 3D engine nacelles and full moving parts and engine fans. Design and paint by: Camil Valiquette. 159K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:37 by archive
                  Canadian Goose Livery Textures
FS2K Canadian Goose Livery Textures (Category: FS2000 > Civil Jets)
0.22Mb (154 downloads)
FS2K Canadian Goose Livery Textures for the default Boeing 737-400. Textures by Toby Fothergill and based on actual photos! The decals were first created with reference to the photos and then arranged on Simon Jamie's (Slightly Modified) 737-400 blank texture. 226K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:37 by archive
                  British Airways B777-200 "Waves of the City"
0.16Mb (241 downloads)
FS98/FS2000 British Airways B777-200 "Waves of the City" Registeration G-VIIA 32 SIDED FUSELAGE V.2 VERSION #2.Round fuselage and engines made of a 32 SIDE CIRCLE.It features "3D ENGINES",3Dailerons,3d flaps,3d textured landing gear.Moving parts:landing gear, "STEERABLE NOSE LANDING GEAR", rotating fan,spoilers,flaps,ailerons.Wing design highly detailed and motion as in real life!.Working landing lights.Added more lights.By Sandro Bernardini.Livey by Ali Mujtaba. 166K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:37 by archive