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                  Airbus A380-800F for FS2000
FedEx Airbus A380-800F for FS2000 (Category: FS2000 > Civil Jets)
1.01Mb (885 downloads)
FedEx Airbus A380-800F for FS2000 I made this repaint of the OMC'99 A380 in Federal Express' colours based on graphics of FedEx's expected paint scheme. As I found the flight dynamics of the OMC'99 model unrealistic, I decided to modify the .air file. The basis for this modification was the .air file from Camil Valiquette's ProMaxL3 A380 model, which feels far more realistic. I think this combination, with the OMC'99 looks and the CamSim feel, is a very nice package. The only thing missing is a suitable flight deck (which I am working on).By: OMC'99 Air file modified by Dirk Veenhuizen Repaint by Dirk Veenhuizen. 1MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:36 by archive
                  SPX + panel.
                  SPX + panel.
ASTRA SPX + panel. (Category: FS2000 > Civil Jets)
1.47Mb (199 downloads)
ASTRA SPX + panel. This aircraft workes only with fs2000/2000 pro. The panel includes: GPS, throttle, intergrated radio stuck and an intergrated compass. This panel is also compatible with: Airport 2000 V2, VCP2000 en GPWS 98/2000 and now also startup 2000. Original aircraft by: Igal kaplan, Panel by Frank Elfert. 1.5MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:36 by archive
                  JAX ARTCC (SATCO) Boeing 737-200's
FS98/2000 JAX ARTCC (SATCO) Boeing 737-200's (Category: FS2000 > Civil Jets)
0.20Mb (183 downloads)
FS98/2000 JAX ARTCC (SATCO) Boeing 737-200's Fin 725 Reg. N236JX -217 Center(SATCO) Livery Features 12 side fuselage, 12 side engines, 16 side wheels, moving ailerons, elevators, spoilers, landing gear. Original model by Jorge Oppenheimer. Modified textures by Antonio Cabaca. Repainted with permission by Byron MacRae. 203K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:36 by archive
                  Cavalier Airlines MD-11
FS2000 Cavalier Airlines MD-11 (Category: FS2000 > Civil Jets)
0.62Mb (221 downloads)
FS2000 Cavalier Airlines MD-11 This aircraft is painted in Cavalier Airlines colors, and features high res textures, moving gear, transparent cockpit windows, smoke system, night lighting, moving ailerons, rudder, and elevator, and moving flaps. This aircraft is only for FS2000. Original AF99 by Bill Alderson. Repaint by Adam Reynolds. 639K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:36 by archive
                  United Airlines B777-200
FS2000 United Airlines B777-200 (Category: FS2000 > Civil Jets)
0.28Mb (273 downloads)
FS2000 United Airlines B777-200 This plane features AF99 12 sided fuselage, 3D engine intakes, full moving parts such as ailerons, flaps, engine fans, slats, steerable nose wheel, spoilers, rudders, elevators and retracting gears & night lightings which also include passenger window light reflections on the wings. Also features Sam Chin's 777-200 FDE. Aircraft designed & painted by Ali Mujtaba. 284K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:36 by archive
                  Airlines Boeing 737-800
Cavalier Airlines Boeing 737-800 (Category: FS2000 > Civil Jets)
0.38Mb (180 downloads)
Cavalier Airlines Boeing 737-800 Cavalier Airlines Boeing 737-800 for FS2000. This extremely detailed mid-sized jet features moving ailerons, flaps, spoilers, gear, gear doors, rudder, and elevator. It also includes very detailed, very high resolution textures, as well as night textures and landing lights you can switch on or off. Aircraft by Sandro Bernardini. Painted by Adam Reynolds. 389K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:36 by archive
                  Airlines Boeing 727-200 Cavalier Airlines Boeing 727-200 for
                  FS2000 only.
0.31Mb (239 downloads)
Cavalier Airlines Boeing 727-200 Cavalier Airlines Boeing 727-200 for FS2000 only. Cavalier Airlines' fast, short-range commercial jet, this aircraft includes moving flaps, ailerons, rudder, and horizontal stabilizer. It also features a very nice visual model, night lighting, and high quality textures. Model by Kevin Trinkle. Base textures by Christophe Chevailler. Final textures by Adam Reynolds. 313K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:36 by archive
                  of the FS2000 default Concorde in the BOAC (pre BA)
0.09Mb (247 downloads)
Repaint of the FS2000 default Concorde in the BOAC (pre BA) company livery. By Tom Matthews. 94K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:36 by archive
                  ANA, All Nippon Airways, Boeing 777-200ER
FS2000 ANA, All Nippon Airways, Boeing 777-200ER (Category: FS2000 > Civil Jets)
0.23Mb (357 downloads)
FS2000 ANA, All Nippon Airways, Boeing 777-200ER (ProMaxL3) ProMaxL3, features all the moving parts and night textures of the ProMaxL2, plus a new cockpit night textures. Model design and paint by: Camil Valiquette. 233K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:36 by archive
                  Opensky BOEING 747-400 Asiana Airlines
Project Opensky BOEING 747-400 Asiana Airlines (Category: FS2000 > Civil Jets)
1.79Mb (466 downloads)
Project Opensky BOEING 747-400 Asiana Airlines 48-sided based Variable Sided Fuelage (POSKY Original Technique) ThrustReverser, Moving flaperon's, spoileron's,aileron's, elevator's, rudder, and fan blade's, Tilting bogie's, gear bay's. (All highly detailed) night lighting, flashing beacon's. Transparent cockpit windshield with 3-D pilot's. Designed By Mitsushi Yutaka , Hiroshi Igami Flight Dynamics by Johan C Dees Tested by Project-Opensky Members Painted by C. Vincent Cho.. 1.8MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:36 by archive