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                  III HELI-TV, Lodrino, Switzerland (Air Rescue & Services)
0.42Mb (494 downloads)
Alouette III HELI-TV, Lodrino, Switzerland (Air Rescue & Services) textures. Requires Wolfgang Kulhanek's Alouette III available above. Texture sets by Pascal Küffer. 428K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive
                  350B Air Zermat.
AS 350B Air Zermat. (Category: FS2002 > Helicopters)
7.09Mb (980 downloads)
AS 350B Air Zermat. This is a repaint from Denis and Daniel Da Silvas "HS-355 Esquilo"also ecureuil mentioned in Air Zermatt-Design. Brasil/Switzerland, February 2003 Original Repaint by Marco Peter SWISS HELICOPTER REPAINT GROUP I make repaints from helicopters after Swiss helicopter companies. In co-operation with Andreas Hegi of Swiss helicopter design group. If you have questions to Swiss Repaints contact me! For Swiss helicopter design, please contact Andreas! Repaint Design Marco Peter: 7.2MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive
                  350B Ecurueil Heli Gotthard.
AS 350B Ecurueil Heli Gotthard. (Category: FS2002 > Helicopters)
7.14Mb (789 downloads)
AS 350B Ecurueil Heli Gotthard. This is a repaint from Denis and Daniel Da Silvas "HS-355 Esquilo"also ecureuil mentioned in Heli Gotthard-Design. Brasil/Switzerland, February 2003 Original Repaint by Marco Peter SWISS HELICOPTER REPAINT GROUP. Sounds produced by Uplink Productions. 7.3MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive
                  III REGA addon textures pack
Alouette III REGA addon textures pack (Category: FS2002 > Helicopters)
5.93Mb (646 downloads)
Alouette III REGA addon textures pack. Repaint textures for ITH, ITH Kispi, Helipartner, KAPO Bern, EG DARD Vaadt, Antiterror GI-TE Neuenburg, DGA Geneve, Police Aeroport Geneve, SEK Enzian Bern, Kapo Graubünden, Intervento Polizia TI, Guardia Aeroporto Lugano, LUCHS Innerschweiz, SE BASILISK BS, Kapo Baselland, Kapo BS Diensthunde, BOHAG. Texture sets by Pascal Küffer. 6.1MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive
                  III REGA, DIAMANT & KODIAK
Alouette III REGA, DIAMANT & KODIAK (Category: FS2002 > Helicopters)
5.39Mb (1180 downloads)
Alouette III REGA, DIAMANT & KODIAK Repaint by Pascal Küffer. Created from the original aircraft by Wolfgang Kulhanek. 5.5MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive
                  315B Lama Bohag (Berner Oberland Helikopter)
SA 315B Lama Bohag (Berner Oberland Helikopter) (Category: FS2002 > Helicopters)
1.79Mb (1104 downloads)
SA 315B Lama Bohag (Berner Oberland Helikopter) The Bohag is Swiss a helicopter company, in Bernese the upper country. A beautiful alpine region. Visit those homepage by Bohag! The helicopter is designed by Wolfgang Kulhanek. Repaint by Marco Peter. 1.8MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive
0.01Mb (464 downloads)
Update: These are updates for all three gmax bell206l Longrangers by Alan Devins. By Cal Booth Instructions: Extract the .air and aircraft.cfg files to the appropriate folders and overwrite the originals. 206lcroc ---> Bell 206l Longranger Croc folder 206lhigh ---> Bell 206l Longranger CH folder 206llow ---> Bell 206l Longranger WA folder Thanks very much to Cal Booth for his work on these files. 14K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive
                    Bell 206l Longranger high skid emergency floats version
2.91Mb (550 downloads)
Gmax Bell 206l Longranger high skid emergency floats version for Fs2002 Features: Reflective textures,Virtual cockpit and standard Fs2002 features. Model and textures by Alan Devins. 3MB See update below
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive
Updated FS2000/2002 (Category: FS2002 > Helicopters)
0.58Mb (5575 downloads)
Updated FS2000/2002 Bell / Fuji AH-1S Cobra Attack Helicopter Japan Ground Self-Defense Force, 1st Attack Helicopter Sq. For Flight Simulator 2000 or later version. One of the largest operators of the "Cobra" has been the Japan Ground Self-Defense Force. AH-1S Cobra is the licence-built, and improved attack helicopter of the Bell AH-1 Cobra. Fuji Heavy Industry as the subcontractor and have made about 50 AH-1S. Some of them was updated with improved weapon and avionics systems such as HUDs, digital displays, etc. Now, the Japan Defense Agency is thinking to change all of the old AH-1S to the Boeing AH-64D Apache Longbow in order to maintain their militay strength. Designer 'blackhawk'. 591K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive
                    New Panel for Aerospatiale SE3160 Alouette III Swiss Airforce
2.42Mb (347 downloads)
FS2002 New Panel for Aerospatiale SE3160 Alouette III Swiss Airforce V2.0 New panelsystem for realistic helicopter flying feautures fotorealistic 2D panel for high-resolution 1280x960 with all views around. It also works fine with lower resolutions. The textures are reworked by Walter Myers. Best to use with: Alou3SAF.zip (above) for the aircraft and alousn01.zip for the sound (here) By Peter Salzgeber, SWISS HELICOPTER DESIGN GROUP. 2.5MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive