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                  Northrop Grumman F-5.
                  Northrop Grumman F-5.
FS2002 Northrop Grumman F-5. (Category: FS2002 > Military)
0.90Mb (6450 downloads)
FS2002 Northrop Grumman F-5. An FSDS aircraft with moving parts, a transparent cockpit and a custom panel with custom gauges. This version includes not only a HUD panel but also a virtual HUD panel! By Chuck Dome. 944K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:33 by archive
                  C-17 Globemaster III 'BR'.
Boeing C-17 Globemaster III 'BR'. (Category: FS2002 > Military)
2.20Mb (5740 downloads)
Boeing C-17 Globemaster III 'BR'. Boeing C-17. Design : Owen Hewitt with assistance of Gary Carlson, Jim Goldman & Hiroshi Igami. Textures by Owen Hewitt & C. Vincent Cho. Animation : Mitsushi Yutaka; Flight Dynamics Steve Small; Sounds : Aaron Swindle. Special thanks to Andrew Cozens - Official Boeing C-17 simulation test pilot..Repaint by Alex Mendes. 2.2MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:33 by archive
                  DASSAULT MIRAGE IIICZ BLACK WIDOW The SAAF (South African Air
1.52Mb (4266 downloads)
FS2002 DASSAULT MIRAGE IIICZ BLACK WIDOW The SAAF (South African Air Force) used the Mirage IIICZ from 1963 to 1990. This aircraft is depicted in the special black and gold scheme applied for various anniversaries in the air force. Included are textures for the 2 Squadron 50th and two variations of the SAAF 75th anniversaries. Please read the installation instructions to use these variations. Aircraft has moving spoilers, elevons, rudder and landing gear which compresses. Aircraft by Jason Ashworth. 1.5MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:33 by archive
                    MiG Advanced Trainer.
                    MiG Advanced Trainer.
FS2002 MiG Advanced Trainer. (Category: FS2002 > Military)
0.67Mb (2067 downloads)
FS2002 MiG Advanced Trainer. An FSDS aircraft with 512x512 textures and full moving parts including moving crew and rolling wheels. Also includes a transparent cockpit, virtual cockpit, nav and strobe lights, landing lights, flaming exhausts, custom panel, custom gauges and a custom flight model. This version contains numerous minor updates. By Chuck Dome. 700K NEW! FS2002 Mig-AT HUD Panel. A Heads-Up Display panel for MIG-AT3.ZIP. By Chuck Dome. 170K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:33 by archive
                    F-4E Phantom II USAF 469TFS/338TFW
FS2002 F-4E Phantom II USAF 469TFS/338TFW (Category: FS2002 > Military)
0.88Mb (6274 downloads)
FS2002 F-4E Phantom II USAF 469TFS/338TFW Markings are for an USAF aircraft of the Vietnam War, early 1970s. This aircraft was nick-named "Betty Lou" and wears appropriate painting on engine ducts plus sharkmouth on nose. A complete rework of my earlier Phantoms. Many improvements to the basic model plus new BMP format textures. Version 3.0a. By Michael Gurezka. 921K Custom panel here
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:33 by archive
                  Aircraft and Panel - USAF F-16C "Boys from Syracuse"
2.37Mb (8880 downloads)
FS2000/2002 Aircraft and Panel - USAF F-16C "Boys from Syracuse" USAF Lockheed F-16C Fighting Falcon by G.Chiacchietta, textures by Paolo Trabucco The plane is a Lockheed-Martin F-16C NY State based Squadron. Tested with FS2002. By Paolo Trabucco. 2.5MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:33 by archive
                  Lockheed T-33A "Shooting Star" T-33A of the Royal Norwegian
                  Air Force
1.86Mb (2627 downloads)
FS2002, Lockheed T-33A "Shooting Star" T-33A of the Royal Norwegian Air Force used by 718 sqn, Sola AB (1953-1968). The 3D model made with FSDS, features full moving parts, airbrake , recessed wheel wells, nose wheel steering and pilots in a virtual cockpit. File contains also a panel. Visual Model by Massimo Taccoli. Textures by Jens-Ole Kjølberg Air and panel file by Bruce Thorson. Original bitmap panel by Phil Perrot. 1.9MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:33 by archive
                  Yak-130 jet trainer.
                  Yak-130 jet trainer.
FS2002 Yak-130 jet trainer. (Category: FS2002 > Military)
0.64Mb (2615 downloads)
FS2002 Yak-130 jet trainer. An FSDS aircraft with 512x512 textures and full moving parts including moving crew, rolling wheels and a working speed brake. Also includes a transparent cockpit, virtual cockpit, nav and strobe lights, landing lights, flaming exhausts, custom panel, custom gauges and a custom flight model. By Chuck Dome. 659K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:33 by archive
                  aircraft - USAF F-16C NEW photorealistic textures
1.20Mb (7707 downloads)
FS2000/2002 aircraft - USAF F-16C NEW photorealistic textures USAF Lockheed F-16C Fighting Falcon by G.Chiacchietta, textures by Paolo Trabucco The plane is a Lockheed-Martin F-16C from the 510th Fighter Squadron "Buzzards" based in Aviano, Italy.New and more realistic textures, tested with FS2002. By Paolo Trabucco. 1.2MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:33 by archive
                    MiG Advanced Trainer.
                    MiG Advanced Trainer.
FS2002 MiG Advanced Trainer. (Category: FS2002 > Military)
0.61Mb (2123 downloads)
FS2002 MiG Advanced Trainer. A supersonic FSDS aircraft with 512x512 textures and full moving parts including moving crew and rolling wheels. Also includes a transparent cockpit, virtual cockpit, nav and strobe lights, landing lights, flaming exhausts, custom panel, custom gauges and a custom flight model. By Chuck Dome. 635K Get FS2000 panel here & fly it in 2K! FS2002 MiG Advanced Trainer fix. This is a replacement MDL file that corrects a bad polygon in MIGAT02.ZIP. By Chuck Dome. 85K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:33 by archive