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Bombardier CRJ-700F Lufthansa Cargo
Bombardier CRJ-700F Lufthansa Cargo
Bombardier CRJ-700F Lufthansa Cargo (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
12.41Mb (1929 downloads)
Fictional CRJ700F Lufthansa Cargo livery. This is the default CRJ700. Complete aircraft including default CRJ700 VC.
Posted Oct 20, 2015 04:31 by Lukas K.
"TomProps" FSX Propeller Texture 10-Packs v1.5 Red, White, and Blue Tips
0.33Mb (871 downloads)
"TomProps" v1.5 Red, White, and Blue Tips. FSX varying transparency propeller texture 10-packs with red, white, and blue tipped prop blades. These are freeware FSX prop textures that work in FS2004 as well. Enclosed are two 10-packs... one in Bitmap format, the other in DDS format, so you can use whichever format you prefer. Each 10-pack contains 10 identical red, white, and blue tipped propeller textures, each one varying in transparency, with #1 being the most transparent and #10 being the least transparent. I prefer the mid-range transparencies of #3 thru #5, but that's just me. As in real life, there are no visible prop blades fluttering around to give you vertigo and seizures. I place no restrictions on these prop textures... anybody may use them for any reason they please. By Tom Tiedman
Posted Oct 20, 2015 00:46 by Tom Tiedman
"TomProps" FSX Propeller Texture 10-packs v1.3 Dual Red Tips
0.48Mb (604 downloads)
"TomProps" FSX varying transparency propeller texture 10-packs v1.3. These are freeware FSX prop textures that work in FS2004 as well. In both Bitmap format and DDS format, so you can use whichever format you prefer. This version contains 10 identical dual red-tipped propeller textures (red-white-red), each one varying in transparency, with #1 being the most transparent and #10 being the least transparent. This version is a stand-alone, with no previous installation of my version 1.0 required. I place no restrictions on these prop textures... anybody may use them for any reason they please.
Posted Oct 19, 2015 23:36 by Tom Tiedman
"TomProps" FSX Propeller Texture 10-packs v1.4 White Tips
0.34Mb (667 downloads)
By request, "TomProps" FSX varying transparency propeller texture 10-packs v1.4. These are freeware FSX prop textures that work in FS2004 as well. In both Bitmap format and DDS format, so you can use whichever format you prefer. This version contains, by request, 10 identical white-tipped propeller textures, each one varying in transparency, with #1 being the most transparent and #10 being the least transparent. This version is a stand-alone, with no previous installation of my version 1.0 required. I place no restrictions on these prop textures... anybody may use them for any reason they please.
Posted Oct 19, 2015 23:32 by Tom Tiedman
"TomProps" FSX Propeller Texture 10-packs v1.2 Red Tips
0.30Mb (514 downloads)
By request, "TomProps" FSX varying transparency propeller texture 10-packs v1.2. These are freeware FSX prop textures that work in FS2004 as well. In both Bitmap format and DDS format, so you can use whichever format you prefer. This version contains, by request, 10 identical red-tipped propeller textures, each one varying in transparency, with #1 being the most transparent and #10 being the least transparent. This version is a stand-alone, with no previous installation of my version 1.0 required. I place no restrictions on these prop textures... anybody may use them for any reason they please.
Posted Oct 19, 2015 23:29 by Tom Tiedman
"TomProps" FSX v1.1 Propeller Texture 10-packs Yellow Tips
0.29Mb (696 downloads)
By request, "TomProps" FSX varying transparency propeller texture 10-packs v1.1. These are freeware FSX prop textures that work in FS2004 as well. In both Bitmap format and DDS format, so you can use whichever format you prefer. This version contains, by request, 10 identical yellow-tipped propeller textures, each one varying in transparency, with #1 being the most transparent and #10 being the least transparent. This version is a stand-alone, with no previous installation of my version 1.0 required. I place no restrictions on these prop textures... anybody may use them for any reason they please.
Posted Oct 19, 2015 23:26 by Tom Tiedman
Restauravia Mirage IIIB Polish Textures
Restauravia Mirage IIIB Polish Textures (Category: FSX > Military)
8.12Mb (443 downloads)
Polish Air Force textures for the Restauravia Mirage IIIB. Repaint by Voiteh.
Restauravia Mirage IIIC (external site)
Posted Oct 19, 2015 21:27 by Voiteh
Airbus A380-800 Air France 80th Anniversary package
Airbus A380-800 Air France 80th Anniversary package
60.60Mb (11777 downloads)
Airbus A380-800 Air France 80th Anniversary package. Includes full working VC, working wipers, with GPWS and FMC. Added exits for Jetways (press Ctrl J) and better Thomas Ruth VC with updates by Chris Evans and Louis Quintero. Use FMC under Views/Instrument panel in FSX menu. Exterior/interior model by Project Airbus/Thomas Ruth. Textures by Triadi Sudarmawan. Prepared and assembled for FSX by Chris Evans.
Posted Oct 19, 2015 13:25 by chris evans
"TomProps" FSX propeller texture 10-packs v1.0
0.38Mb (1043 downloads)
"TomProps" FSX varying transparency propeller textures 10-packs v1.0 freeware FSX prop textures that work in FS2004 as well. I place no restrictions on these prop textures... anybody may use them for any reason they please. The enclosed combination screenshot/readme explains in more detail. Enjoy.
Posted Oct 18, 2015 21:23 by Tom Tiedman
FSX Dornier Do 28 B
FSX Dornier Do 28 B
FSX Dornier Do 28 B (Category: FSX > Props)
55.88Mb (2795 downloads)
FSX Dornier Do 28 B. The Dornier Do28 is a twin-engine STOL utility aircraft, manufactured by Dornier Flugzeugbau GmbH. This FSX Dornier Do 28 B model features both land and floatplane variants. Includes self-extracting installation and detailed PDF manual. By Craig Richardson.
Posted Oct 18, 2015 12:39 by uploader