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McDonnell Douglas MD81, 82, 83, 88 (FSX native)
26.35Mb (2059 downloads)
Originally designed by Erick Cantu under the SGA label, now available as FSX native models. Features 5 models, specular mapping, bump mapping. Virtual cockpit, sounds, panel aliased from the default Boeing 737-800. By Eagle Rotorcraft Simulations
Posted Jun 15, 2017 15:01 by George Arana
Concorde Package for FSX.
Concorde Package for FSX.
Concorde Package for FSX. (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
29.82Mb (183631 downloads)
Concorde package for FSX. This is the Concorde originally for for FSX/FS2004 by the very talented Mr. Libardo Guzman but with FSX gauges included and easy install for FSX. Mr Guzman is the author. The original package was quite complicated to install for non experienced users. So I have put together this FSX ready package that includes VC with included concorde gauges. Also you can walk down inside the passenger cabin and take a seat once you set autopilot! (use Ctrl/Shift/ with Return and Back buttons - combinations) Enjoy this very special 1st class flight!!! Read the important note inside! See engine start fix here
Posted Jun 15, 2017 10:48 by GARNIER D
LSXB , Bern, Switzerland
LSXB , Bern, Switzerland
LSXB , Bern, Switzerland (Category: FSX > Scenery)
370.95Mb (1908 downloads)
Bern Airport (LSZB / LSMB), formerly Regionalflugplatz Bern-Belp in German, is an airport serving Bern, the capital of Switzerland. The scenery is very detailed in design. All important buildings are new designed, partly recreated by basicly using objects from the Sketchup Warehouse. The surrounding area was adapted to the real situation by new landclasses. Also the mesh round the airport is adjusted. There are Photobackgrounds for the FSX standardscenerry, the Swiss ProX and Mega Scenery Earth. IMPORTANT: WITHOUT INSTALLING ONE OF THIS PHOTOBACKGROUND, THIS SCENERY DOES NOT WORK CORRECTLY! For further informations on installing these Photobackgrounds, please see Chapter 4.
Posted Jun 15, 2017 07:57 by uploader
Delta Airbus A350-900
Delta Airbus A350-900 (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
5.26Mb (1343 downloads)
FSX Delta Airbus A350-900 V5L. Night lighting effects have been upgraded. Including CamSim's own static displays and Animated Ground Servicing (AGS). 2d panel but no VC. Model design and paint by Camil Valiquette.
Posted Jun 15, 2017 05:37 by Camil Valiquette
Delta Airbus A350-900
Delta Airbus A350-900 (Category: FS2004 > Civil Jets)
2.79Mb (654 downloads)
FS2004 Delta Airbus A350-900 V5L. Night lighting effects have been upgraded. Including CamSim's own static displays and Animated Ground Servicing (AGS). Model design and paint by Camil Valiquette.
Posted Jun 15, 2017 05:32 by Camil Valiquette
Nemeth Designs MI 17 Polish Air Force  050738 textures
8.51Mb (102 downloads)
Nemeth Designs MI 17 Polish Air Force 050738 textures by Voiteh
Posted Jun 15, 2017 05:30 by Voiteh
FSX Bearcat Weapons Switches
FSX Bearcat Weapons Switches (Category: FS Design > Panel Design)
0.01Mb (338 downloads)
A simple switch panel to display or hide the external weapons loadout for Milton Shupe's great Bearcat update. My apologies Flightsimmers, I uploaded a faulty file earlier on that doesn't work. This one does. Freeware by Pierre Carosin 13/06/2017.
Required files:
required file
Posted Jun 14, 2017 11:38 by Pierre Carosin
FSX Cessna 172 SP Skyhawk White/Yellow Scheme
FSX Cessna 172 SP Skyhawk White/Yellow Scheme
31.85Mb (733 downloads)
This is a complete aircraft pack that includes a Yellow & White w Black Stripe texture for Skyhawks with the default steam gauge & Garmin G1000 panels.
Posted Jun 14, 2017 00:47 by David Shearer
Lockheed Hudson
Lockheed Hudson
Lockheed Hudson (Category: CFS2 > Aircraft)
31.71Mb (551 downloads)
The Lockheed Hudson was an American-built light bomber and coastal reconnaissance aircraft built initially for the Royal Air Force They were also used extensively with the Royal Canadian Air Force's anti-submarine squadrons and by the Royal Australian Air Force.
Posted Jun 13, 2017 20:48 by Peter Mercy
Stinson L-5 Sentinel
Stinson L-5 Sentinel
Stinson L-5 Sentinel (Category: CFS2 > Aircraft)
9.65Mb (391 downloads)
The Stinson L-5 Sentinel was a World War II era liaison aircraft used by all branches of the U.S. military and by the British Royal Air Force. Model and panel by Gary Herbert
Posted Jun 13, 2017 04:47 by Peter Mercy