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Important Update for the Piasecki Retriever
Important Update for the Piasecki Retriever
Important Update for the Piasecki Retriever (Category: FSX > Helicopters)
1.85Mb (2066 downloads)
This is an important update for the Piasecki HUP Retriever. It corrects the contact points as the wheels were more than half hidden in the runway and the helicopter got out of control while landing at a too tilted angle. Evidently, the updater forgot to add the folder "Texture.VC.Military" from the Piasecki H 21 Shawnee, as the VC interior was pitch black for the most part. I also changed the viewpoint of the VC and the 2D panel and added smoke effect. In addition, I added a "hover" gauge to the VC and 2D panel. All updates by Michael Pook.
Required files:
required file
Posted Apr 26, 2017 10:13 by Michael Pook
FSX/P3D Kaman HH-43 Huskey X
FSX/P3D Kaman HH-43 Huskey X
FSX/P3D Kaman HH-43 Huskey X (Category: FSX > Helicopters)
33.90Mb (2047 downloads)
2017 update of Paul Dee's Kaman HH-43 Huskey syncropter. FSX native, MDLX materials and animations. Pilot by Piglet The VC is on place holders for most of the switches, the big stuff is working. The mouse point issue still eludes me, and going through all the switch assignments...if I wait for me to het around to it, it's never going to get issued, and I can update latter. For now, the eggbeater looks and flys very nicely. original model(FS9) Paul Dee, incidental bits by Y.T. I held it down to a single model by putting optional equipment and clamshells on the following conditions: Bearpaws, doppler dome and loud hailers- hide on tailhook command. rear doors remove- weight condition 1=0, show rear doors-weight condition 1=75 Pilots side door- shift+E+1+2 side cabin door only shift+E2 cojo's door(right side) Shift+E3 Rear doors(clamshells) Shift+E4
Posted Apr 26, 2017 04:33 by LLS
Nakajima B6N2 Tenzan X
Nakajima B6N2 Tenzan X
Nakajima B6N2 Tenzan X (Category: FSX > Vintage)
9.71Mb (1579 downloads)
Nakajima B6N-2 Tenzan in FSX native. updated to MDLX animations, materials, glass, discrete interior model, 3D prop disc. Type 91 torpedo on dropped object visibility condition, from saved flight (included) Model by Thicko, FSX panel by Hetzi, FSX flogging, Type 91 torpedo/with airtail, incidental bits by Y.T.
Posted Apr 26, 2017 01:21 by LLS
Sibwings An-2 "Colt" RA-40384 Textures
Sibwings An-2 "Colt" RA-40384 Textures (Category: FSX > Payware)
8.74Mb (220 downloads)
An-2 "Colt" RA-40384. Ufa - Pervushino (UWUO). Textures only for the payware Sibwings An-2.
Posted Apr 26, 2017 01:17 by Ivan750
FSX/P3D FSLaunchPad
FSX/P3D FSLaunchPad
FSX/P3D FSLaunchPad (Category: FSX > Utilities)
4.05Mb (806 downloads)
If your FS9, FSX or P3D is slow to start because you have a lot of sceneries, FsLaunchpad (FSL) is for you. FSL allows to Select your Sceneries, Load your Addons and Launch FSX in same time. Visit you will find videos on Youtube and more information about FsLaunchpad.
Posted Apr 25, 2017 22:44 by Pierre Legault
Cessna172 Light Blue & Orange
Cessna172 Light Blue & Orange
Cessna172 Light Blue & Orange (Category: FSX > Props)
32.66Mb (400 downloads)
Default C172 Light Blue & Orange. This is a complete aircraft folder that includes a Light Blue & Orange texture for Skyhawks with the default steam gauge & Garmin G1000 panels.
Posted Apr 25, 2017 20:45 by David Shearer
Piaseki HUP Retriever X
Piaseki HUP Retriever X
Piaseki HUP Retriever X (Category: FSX > Helicopters)
5.72Mb (2403 downloads)
Quick and dirty update of Jim Jacobson's original HUP to FSX MDLX native format, doors and DV windows on the usual door commands. The VC is from Mick Posch's H-21 Banana, it's all set up for that, viz: textures and eye points. NOTE: you will have to copy over the H-21 VC mdl file to the HUP model folder, the entry's are all made in the cfg file. Sound aliased to the H-21C, so you'll need that one installed. Bearing in mind that this is an ancient CFS2 model, the old hubschraber looks pretty good, and would benefit greatly from detailed textures. Skins by SOH's own Mick, adjusted for FSX viz: format and colour, some font adjustments. Model-Jim Jacobson, Baldy, and I guess I've added my own set of filemarks... Pilot by Tim Conrad, incidental bits, Y.T. LLS, 2017
Posted Apr 25, 2017 17:45 by LLS
Aerosoft Lightning F6 XR724 circa 1988 Textures
11.86Mb (101 downloads)
This repaints shows XR724 as she appeared circa 1988 near to the end of the Lightning's service with the RAF. She's shown here in the colours of 5 Squadron, her last operational squadron. Cameron Slater
Posted Apr 25, 2017 15:49 by Cameron Slater
FSX/P3D Boeing 747-400F Kalitta Cargo Airlines
FSX/P3D Boeing 747-400F Kalitta Cargo Airlines
FSX/P3D Boeing 747-400F Kalitta Cargo Airlines (Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
40.83Mb (1797 downloads)
FSX/P3D Boeing 747-400F Kalitta Cargo Airlines. American cargo airline Kalitta Air is headquartered in Ypsilanti airport, Michigan. Currently Kalitta operate 4 Boeing 747-400F versions out of a fleet of 16 aircraft. Project Opensky native FSX Boeing 747-400F assembled and upgraded for FSX/P3D with the developed B747 VC (virtual 3d cockpit) from Alejandro Rojas Lucenda (Manual included). This is the Project Opensky FSX native Boeing 747-400 model, and includes ground cargo servicing, stairs (FSX - Go to Views - Instrument Panel -Posky Utility. In P3D go to Vehicle - Instrument panel - Posky Utility), opening nose section and more. Included CF engine sounds with realistic jet whine to make your flight sound great. Thank you to Project Opensky for their contributions to the worldwide community of flight simulation. I have added the great textures by P Rodrigues. Also includes the Boeing 747 VC textures upgrade. This give a much clearer 747 interior virtual cockpit look. Assembled, edited and tested in FSX Acceleration and P3D by Chris Evans.
Posted Apr 25, 2017 13:30 by chris evans
Boeing 747-400F Kalitta Air
Boeing 747-400F Kalitta Air (Category: FS2004 > Civil Jets)
17.74Mb (478 downloads)
Boeing 747-400F Kalitta Air 'Santiago Striker'. Model by Project Opensky. Textures by Pedro Rodriguez.
Posted Apr 25, 2017 10:30 by chrisE