All Files > Page 790

FSX Update for the DSB Hawk
(Category: FSX > Military)
19.13Mb (1910 downloads)
This is an FSX update for the FS2004 DSB RAF Hawk. The package features a new FSX compatible panel configuration and fixes the issue of the opaque VC window. It includes five terrific original liveries including the great Display livery recently uploaded by Chris Evans. In addition, the rear seat panel has been considerably enhanced and now looks very detailed and entirely matches the main VC panel. Original model by the DSB Team, additional livery by Stephen Browning and sound by Aaron Swindle, all FSX panel updates by Michael Pook.
Posted Jan 14, 2017 10:40 by Michael Pook

Ski trip to Aspen, Colorado
(Category: FSX > Missions)
1.28Mb (2293 downloads)
Take off in a Beech Baron from Buckley AFB airport in Aurora Colorado,
pick up 4 skiers at 4 different locations
and deliver them to the Aspen-Pitkin Co/Sardy airport.
Plus a bit more!
Posted Jan 14, 2017 08:35 by Don Olsson

Chileka Airport, Malawi, Photoreal (*UPDATE 2.0) (Fixed)
(Category: FSX > Scenery)
64.55Mb (478 downloads)
Updated(14-JANUARY-2017) of Chileka Airport, Malawi(Photoreal)(FULL files). No need to download previous version.
**Whats New**:
- Default/stock airport objects interfering with my scenery have been excluded
- Control Tower retextured with photoreal textures.
- Terminal retextured with photoreal textures.
- VIP terminal redesigned and retextured with photoreal textures.
- runway changed to alsphault
- blinking light poles in VIP section removed and replaced with pole that dont blink, like real life.
- Malawian Flag added
Posted Jan 13, 2017 18:10 by Peter M

Seafire F46 Updated Pack
(Category: FSX > Vintage)
15.53Mb (1058 downloads)
This is an update for FSX of the Seafire F46
by A. F. Scrub. I have added a trim gauge and
a nav/GPS switch to the panel and centered
the gun sight on the VC for the guns effects
using the views section in the aircraft.cfg
file. I changed the size and position of the
GPS and made the radios bigger and easier to
see. I corrected the contact points and the
engine position, etc.; and updated the flight
dynamics. I took out the off-set invisible
drop tank that gave it a built in right turn.
This update includes the under wing texture
fix. Done in FSX, may not work in FS9.
Posted Jan 13, 2017 12:54 by Bob Chicilo

(Category: FSX > Missions)
20.17Mb (1058 downloads)
Early in the morning. Fly from Vitoria to Bilbao on North Spain Coast and after, changing plane go on to Santander. English version coming soon on demand.
Posted Jan 13, 2017 12:13 by Mario G. Zapatero

Catch a robber in Pennsylvania
(Category: FSX > Missions)
1.51Mb (820 downloads)
Fly a Skyhawk in Pennsylvania and locate a robber.
Will have to fly to at least a few airports.
Posted Jan 13, 2017 11:57 by Don Olsson

FS9/FSX Republic of China Air Force One DC-4 Package
(Category: FSX > Props)
42.08Mb (1285 downloads)
FS9/FSX Douglas DC-4 Republic of China Air Force One package. Based on the original model and VC by Jens Kristensen. Textures by Liao Yitong
Posted Jan 13, 2017 03:49 by Liao Yitong

LoLa17 Any Airport Approach Landing Training Program
(Category: FSX > Utilities)
2.36Mb (4049 downloads)
LoLa17 Any FSX Airport Landing Approach Training Program Utility. Lets pilots position their aircraft for approach for landings near almost any FSX Airport. From 4-8-12 NM miles out along with weather. Saves your performance if user chooses. Original freeware by Creator : Dongjin Shin / Planeman
Posted Jan 12, 2017 18:42 by Jetranger

FSX/P3D Airbus A330-200 Northwest Airlines package
(Category: FSX > Civil Jets)
37.02Mb (1747 downloads)
Airbus A330-200 Northwest Airlines package for FSX/P3D.
Northwest Airlines was incorporated into Delta in 2009/2010 and previously operated 11 Airbus A330-200 which are now remaining in use by Delta
Includes VC. Model and VC by Thomas Ruth. I included the great textures by Fouad Dagher. Requires either FSX Acceleration or SP1 and SP2 to be installed.
Added FMC by Garret Smith, custom A330 sounds and A330 manual. Custom packaged by Chris Evans
Posted Jan 12, 2017 12:14 by chris evans

Correction for Aerobat C150 update
(Category: FSX > Props)
1.59Mb (793 downloads)
This is a correction for my update for FSX of
a Cessna 150 Aerobat painted and originally
modified by Mark "Fire Ball" Rooks from an
original model by Rancho JEN. The correction
is I added a switch for the panel lights,
sorry I did not catch that there was no panel
lights switch among the other switches. This
is the whole aircraft so you don't need two
downloads if you have not already downloaded
the original update. I have changed the 2D
panel to one from an FS2002 C150, and added a
VC from a different C152 by Mr. Rooks. I
have updated the flight dynamics; changed all
the contact points, and corrected the lights
positions. This one is for any of you who
like to fly into out of the way places with
short runways.
Posted Jan 12, 2017 06:16 by Bob Chicilo